Fanfic - State of Denial 1/3

Sep 15, 2006 00:12


I argued with myself whether to put this up front or down under… but heck, I’ll just put these up here for those interested so they can memorize it before getting on with the story. ^_^ thank you.

gochisousama - "Thanks for a great meal"

ofuda - charm

omamori - amulet

Nori bento - seaweed and soysause on rice

tamago-yaki - fried eggroll

ikameshi - squid rice

-sempai - a suffix for upperclassmen

gokurou - "Thanks for the hard work"

hora - "Here you go!"

hajaya - evil crushing arrow

Doumo arigatou gozaimashita - polite thank you

ohagi - rice ball coated with aduki(sweetened red beans), kinako(soybean flour) or goma(sesame)

furoshiki - cloth wrapper

tell me if I miss anything ey? Now on with the story…


“…it was so weird I thought it was a dream. But then it should be okay right, Himawari-chan?” Watanuki Kimihiro smiled, looking for approval. Kunogi Himawari nodded with a charming smile. “I’m sure Yuuko-san wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you,” she assured the bespectacled boy.

“If anything, Doumeki-kun will be there to make sure it’s all okay,” she continued.

Watanuki blinked. It took him exactly 2.13 seconds to flip. “WHAT? HIM? I HAVE NO IDEA WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT HIMAWARI-CHAANN~~!!” Watanuki wailed.

Doumeki Shizuka ignored both of his lunch companions. Food was great; company was acceptable, the conversations were as good as cicada sounds in the humid nights of summer when you just want to be cold and in peace.

“I have no idea why he should be here, Himawari-chan~~ you and I, we could have a great lunch together just the both of us,” Watanuki whined. His eyes glided over to the silent companion and snorted. “It’s not like he talks anyway, might as well just go and leave us alone,” he commented.

There was an awkward silence.

“Well, I’m sure because he likes your company, Watanuki-kun,” the poor girl tried to lift the thick atmosphere.

“No, he doesn’t. He just does it to spite me. He gloats in knowing I’m suffering because of his presence,” Watanuki told the girl.

“Hehe… You’re so full of energy, Watanuki-kun.”

“That is because you are here with me eating lunch, Himawari-chan!” then he glanced to his left. “Something we could do without this jerk here.” He jerked his thumb over to point at the other boy with a pout then he turned to the boy. “Hey Doumeki, don’t you have any club practice, or some student council meeting to attend to? So you wouldn’t need to be here? Actually it would be splendid if you have it EVERYDAY!” hahahaha~~~!

Doumeki reached for the bento lid and covered his bento box. He handed it back to Watanuki uttering a soft “Gochisousama” and raised himself to leave. Watanuki sighed and reached for his notebook. It was customary that Doumeki would request something weird for tomorrow’s lunch and Watanuki would be doomed if he forgot what it was. So, better to write it down. He does take pride in his cooking, be it for someone lovely like Himawari or a jerk like Doumeki. “What do you want for tomorrow?” he asked.

Doumeki kept his back towards the both of them.

“It’s okay. I’ve got practice tomorrow,” he replied and started to walk away.

“Great!! So you don’t have to be here! Do you want snacks then?” Watanuki rolled his eyes.

Doumeki waved a ‘no’ gesture and disappeared down the stairs. Watanuki blinked as he closed back his notebook.

“Do you think he was upset?” Himawari blinked, her gaze still fixed on the entrance to the rooftop where Doumeki had disappeared to.

Watanuki waved it off. “Nahh, that arrogant bastard is too full of himself to care about petty little things like that. Don’t worry about it, Himawari-chan~! Let’s enjoy the rest of the lunch together,” he beamed. Himawari nodded and continued her eating.

Watanuki reached for Doumeki’s bento box to put it in the wrapping cloth when he felt that there was still some weight in it. He opened the lid and found out that there was still more than half of what he made for the boy to eat left in the container. He looked over to Himawari-chan.

“Ne, Himawari-chan?” The girl with the long ponytails looked up at him and raised her brows in a questioning gesture.

“Is the bento bad today?” he asked.

Himawari pointed to her share of the food that he had made for all of them today. “No, it’s really good actually. Why did you ask?”

Watanuki closed back the lid and shook his head. “No, it’s nothing.”

Watanuki bit his lips. Doumeki NEVER left anything uneaten.


Doumeki grabbed his book-bag and walked out of his classroom. He walked pass Watanuki coming out of his own classroom and ignored the boy. Watanuki frowned. Was the boy troubled by something? He hadn’t seen him for a week after their last lunch on the rooftop and here he was just passing by him as if he didn’t exist.

Brushing it off Watanuki took out the note he wrote for things to buy for Yuuko-san’s dinner. He would have to buy it first before going to work today.

Doumeki sighed and bit his lower lip. He hadn’t spent any time with the other boy for a while now and he was supposed to feel a little better - keyword, supposed to. He had carefully avoided the boy, doing them both a favor.

But running into him suddenly just now almost made his heart stop. Thanks to his trained stoic face he was able to pull through without letting out his emotions show. He had always wondered why Watanuki hated him so much. It was not like he caused trouble for him. He had always made it top priority to keep him safe. Even if he couldn’t convey his feelings for the boy properly wouldn’t the boy get the hint that he cared a lot for him?

Was he that despicable to have around?

But the only reaction he got from the other boy were words of hatred and disgust. It hurt him deeply. And finally last week, he decided that as much as he wanted to be close to Watanuki as much as possible, he couldn’t take anymore of his hatred.

He thought by avoiding Watanuki he could forget the boy, but they were in the same school after all. It was impossible to not run into him. Like just now.

He raised his right hand and bit hard on his knuckles. It hurt so much that the one person he would want to be friends with hated him with all his guts. He wished he could forget the boy and get on with his life.

“Konnichiwa, Doumeki-kun.”

The boy stopped walking and looked up to the voice. There, leaning against her gate was Ichihara Yuuko, a gentle smile on her face. He was sure Watanuki would tell him that it was a lecherous smile, but to him it was a gentle one nonetheless. People can’t help they way they look, right?

“Konnichiwa, Yuuko-san.” He bowed slightly.

“That wish will cost you,” she cast him a knowing smile.

Doumeki blinked. “Was I thinking out loud?” he inquired.

Yuuko shook her head. “No. I just… know.” She pushed herself off the wall and walked closer to Doumeki. “Why do you wish so, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“It’s hurting,” he closed his eyes.

“It is painful,” she nodded. She knew what was wrong she just wanted to hear it from the boy’s mouth.

“Are you sure about this?” Her eyes danced in mild amusement.

Doumeki’s eyes trailed an invisible pattern on the ground, teeth clenching tighter on his knuckles.

“It hurts too much. But if I really want it to be this way, would he be okay? I don’t want him to suffer. He seems very uncomfortable around me. But I’m worried if I were not to be around he would be in danger.”

Yuuko let out a light-hearted chuckle. “Good little Doumeki-kun.” She patted his head. “You wouldn’t know until you tried right?”

She reached out and took Doumeki’s bleeding knuckle. The boy looked at it and narrowed his eyes, he didn’t realize that he had bit it that hard. It was bleeding profusely now.

The time witch took a small piece of white cloth and put it against the wound. His red blood seeped onto the cloth dying it red with his blood. She then took out an ofuda(2) and wrapped it around the cloth folding it into a small triangle. She took out a small omamori(3) pack next and slid the ofuda in it, tying the string into a clover shape knot.

She showed him the amulet she made with his blood then kept it in some folds of her kimono. “That would be your payment for this wish. Since you will not be on jobs with Watanuki-kun anymore, your blood will keep away the spirits enough for him not to get into too much trouble. I will make you forget you feelings for him. He will now just be some random guy in your school. But whatever happens after that I will not take responsibility for, Hitsuzen is something very tricky when meddled with.”

Doumeki nodded. “I understand.”

Yuuko opened her left palm and a soft purple glow appeared. She reached out and ran her hand through Doumeki’s black hair and closed his eyes with her right hand.


When Yuuko took away her hands she smiled as Doumeki frowned. He looked into her eyes and blinked. After what seems like a long moment he was snapped out of his trance and shook his head slightly as if to clear it.

“I… uhm…”

“Hello, Doumeki-kun.”

Doumeki looked at the time witch and thought hard about why he was in front of this person. Deciding he couldn’t find a logical reason, he let it drop.

“I think I better get going. Thank you for…” he blinked. “… I’m not sure what but… take care,” he bowed and walked away, all the while thinking who was that woman.

“I’ll see you around too,” she waved his way and turned around.

“Welcome back, Watanuki-kun!” Yuuko cheered.

Watanuki glowered. “What did that bastard want?” he pointed at Doumeki’s retreating back. Yuuko’s face fell a little. “Nothing, just some business,” she uttered coldly and started walking back into her store.

Watanuki rolled his eyes before he ran into Yuuko’s back. “What the hell did you suddenly stop for?” he bellowed, pushing back his glasses to its proper position.

Yuuko turned around and handed him an amulet. “Omamori? What ever for?” he asked. Yuuko slipped it into his pocket and sat down on her lounging chair. “Cold Sake and fish sounds like a great combination, doesn’t it Mokona?” she changed the topic as usual.

“Sake~ sake!” the black Mokona danced around and sang together with Maru and Moro.

Watanuki sighed and got started on dinner.


“It has been two weeks since we had lunch together with Doumeki-kun,” Himawari commented as she ate her lunch.

Watanuki nodded. He didn’t want to admit it but he had missed the normality. “Does he still have archery practice every lunch time?” Watanuki pondered aloud. Himawari blinked. “I don’t think so. I’ve seen him a few times eating bread in class alone though,” she told the boy. She wanted to ask if Doumeki and Watanuki had a fight but decided against it.

“Owh…” Watanuki took a bite into his Nori bento(4). Since Doumeki hadn’t asked him to make fancy lunches, he had been frequenting Nori bento and some tamago-yaki(5). He just didn’t feel like making anymore fancy lunches.

“Do you see him in the student council room?” he asked the girl.

Himawari nodded. “He seemed normal though.”

“Owh…” Watanuki poked at his rice.

“But you know, Watanuki-kun… I heard some of the boys talking. They said that Doumeki had a concussion and he seemed to have forgotten some things. I’m not sure but I haven’t gotten the chance to talk to him about it yet,” she told the boy.

“A concussion? How? When? How come I don’t know about it?” Watanuki panicked.

Himawari sighed. “I don’t know if I should say this, Watanuki-kun… but I think Doumeki-kun, he… he…” the girl paused and shook her head. “Never mind… I don’t think it’s any of my business,” she looked up to Watanuki and smiled. “I guess he just needs sometime away from us.”

This is where he was supposed to say ‘Good for him! It seems that he has come to his senses and leave ME alone! Victory for the Great Watanuki!! No more annoying Doumeki hovering around me! HAHAHAHA!!!’

But instead…

“Can you… uhm… can you say hello to him next time when you see him?” he gave her a weak smile.

Himawari nodded with a smile. “I will. Do you want me to invite him for lunches too?”

Watanuki nodded, his eyes following a stray ant on the floor.

Himawari sighed and put down her chopsticks. “I didn’t want to say this, but I think he was upset about something we might have said,” she mused.

Watanuki felt his heart clench. He knew it was him. Himawari never said anything bad about anything. But Doumeki never bothered about what he said all this while, why start now? Watanuki placed himself in Doumeki’s shoes and frowned. If he was to hang out with someone for years and that other person does nothing but spill his hatred and blamed him for everything in the god damned world he would take the hint and leave too.

His grip on his chopstick tightened.

The bell rang and took Watanuki out of his little reverie.

Himawari closed her bento box and placed it inside her bento bag. “I’ll talk to him, Watanuki-kun. Don’t worry about it,” she gave him a warm smile. Watanuki nodded and bowed a silent thank you.

He should be happy that Doumeki was not around anymore right? He should be happy that he doesn’t come in between himself and Himawari-chan anymore right? He should be happy that the stupid face and attitude wasn’t around to spite him anymore right?

…But why does it hurt?


“This concludes the meeting. Please hand your report to the vice-president for review.”

Doumeki placed his class report on the table and turned to leave when someone tapped his shoulder.

“Doumeki-kun,” Himawari called his attention.

“Kunogi-san,” he bowed in acknowledgement.

“Watanuki-kun says hello. And we were wondering if you would want to join us for lunch tomorrow. It has been a while since we ate together,” she smiled.

“Watanuki?” he echoed in puzzlement.

Himawari nodded.

“Who is he?”

-- TBC it's too huge to fit in one post....


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