Hey everyone! Happy New Year! I managed to start the year off right - with a cold. Boo. /o\ But I'm totally going to post my snowflake thingy before collapsing into bed with a bottle of NyQuil, because I ♥ the snowflake challenge like whoa. If you haven't heard of it, you should check it out:
snowflake_challenge Day One
In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
*Hemming and hawing about how self-reccing is hard and how I-Am-Not-Worthy redacted. Because fuck that. 2014 will be the year where I'm all: this is me, this is my shit, make of it what you will. Recs under the cut.*
Title: I'm Not Sorry I Met You; I'm Not Sorry It's Over.
Link: On
Fandom: Due South
Character/pairing: Stella Kowalski introspection, with background het and slash pairings
Rating: rated teen for language
Length: 1371 words.
Summary: Stella reflects on life, love, and the law.
Rec'd because: I love this fic because I wrote Stella, who always seemed impossible for me. I wasn't a huge fan of hers in canon (not that we're meant to be), and I always wanted to like her more than I actually did. Fortunately, fanon!Stella is a wonderful person. I am so happy I managed to channel a little of that and write this strong, smart, sexy woman.
Title: Requital.
Links: On
LJ, and
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Character/Pairing: Leoben/Kara
Rating: Teen
Length: 1016 words.
Summary: Written for
spuffyduds as part of the dS/c6d Thanksgiving/Homecoming Mini-Exchange for her prompt, Something set during that creepy-ass period where he was holding her hostage and she kept killing him.
Rec'd Because: Because Kara-Badass-Thrace. And Leoben-Super-Creeper-Conoy. And angst and anger and desperation and messiness and loneliness and sparks and steak knives and mystery and prophecy and hunger and fear. Because it was all at once so hard, and so damn easy, to get into Kara's head for this, to understand her expectations, and her horror when she realizes how reality differs from those expectations.
Title: Scattered Thoughts, Split Mind
Links: On
LJ, and
Fandom: Due South
Character/Pairing: Benton Fraser
Rating: teen
Length: 300 words.
Warning: for discussion of mental illness.
Summary: Fraser in a universe without magical realism is a sad, scary thing.
Rec'd Because: This is probably one of the best things I've written. It's concise and technical and detached and all the more brutal of a gut punch for that detachment. And I get a pat on the back for the unusual format, which (for me at least) really makes the story work.
This entry was originally posted at
my dreamwidth. Comments are welcome either place.