c6dvd squee

Feb 04, 2013 16:19

If that title made no sense to you, then, briefly: the due South/Canadian fandoms have an in-character Valentines Day card exchange each year. It's my favorite fannish thing, and it's incredibly awesome. You should play with us next year. =) Anyway, I got not one but TWO cards today!

The first is from Duck to Dan (Callum Keith Rennie and Jim Allodi in the movie Wilby Wonderful). It's a series of 3 double-sided collages of words Duck cut out of a magazine. This is what they look like:

Transcription of Duck's message:
That new art teacher over to the high school threw out a bunch of stuff last month. All still in fine shape, and I figured maybe good for something, so I put it out back in the shed with that Adirondiwhatsis chair kit Emily and Sandra gave us two Christmases ago. Over the weekend I got to thinking about how I never really have the words to tell you the big things. Seems like I hear words go past me all the time that suit you or me or us in some way or other, except I can't ever quite catch but the tail end of them. I found these words here in that stuff the art teacher didn't want. Her loss. They aren't exactly right, any of them, but all of them will do and a lot of them are pretty good and a few are almost there. So they're close enough for now. I'll keep looking. And I'll show you what I find. Maybe tell you, if the words come out the way I want.
- Duck

And here's Dan's valentine to Duck:

Transcription of Dan's note:
I know you wondered where I've been the past six early Sunday mornings. Trust me when I tell you I've missed your hand with the Earl Grey and the oatmeal; Sandra does her best, but the hot stuff she puts out just isn't as much to my taste. ... okay, God, I'd really like to delete that, but I promised you I'd stop self-editing (I think your actual words were "what you say first is fine") and of all places to make good on that promise, this seems like the right one. A good promise, too. One of so many since ... well. Since then.

Anyway. Sunday mornings. That book we gave Emily last birthday, with all those cutesy craft projects in it? I thought you were crazy at the time - Emily, the original teenage island ninja girl with hard-nosed attitude as her secret weapon, better protected in the heart area than I'll ever be, falling for little yarn flowers and doilies and wolves and whatnot? Okay, so the wolves kind of made sense. But nothing else really did, at least to me. I should have known you were right, though. You always see the stuff no one else even has the eyes for. You saw me when I couldn't even see myself, for God's sake.

Sunday mornings. Right. And the book. So a couple of months ago, I went into Sandra's for--well, for anything but her coffee--and a flash of colour caught my eye, and there was Emily, camped out at one of the tables, with our book weighed open with a sugar canister (God, remind me-we need one of those) and a pile of yarn in a bag on the floor next to her and some kind of shiny metal thing flashing away through all that yarn. I got close enough to see the metal thing was a hook of some kind, and then Sandra brought over a piece of coconut Nanaimo bar (I know, I know, I know) and that's not the kind of thing anyone can eat all at once standing up, so I sat to be polite, and then I looked at what Emily was making.

She was making hearts. Hearts. The one thing in the world no one can have too much of, it seems to me. (Including Sandra's coconut Nanaimo bars. If you try them? Ask her for the Mite size.) The one thing in the world I needed most ... back then. The one thing in the world you have in a way that no one else I've ever met ever could manage, or even really dream of.

So I got her to teach me. And yes, it took all six early Sunday mornings, choking down Sandra's coffee (no choice that early-and believe me, I asked) and learning a lot of words I didn't need to know (ply, gauge, weight--not that kind) and making more than one Godawful benighted tangle of a thing that I wouldn't show even you.

And eventually I made ... well. These. For ... well, obviously for you, Jesus, Dan. In theory, the khaki one's for everyday--it should fit in the front pocket of most of your overalls (yes, I measured); the colorful one's to wear at that mainland gay pride parade we won't ever get to but might one day, maybe, watch on TV; and the red one is because ... well: because it's the closest to the heart I have, and the heart I have is already, always yours.

But do with them what you want. I know you'll treat them right.

And here are Dan's hearts:

OMGOMGOMGOMOGM *flappy Kermit flail arms* This made me ridiculously happy. Like, truly epic levels of smiling happening here. Because Duck, with his lack of words, but deep deep feelings. And Dan, with his distractability and endearing sappy side. And their own language, the things they don't need to say, not just because they're sad, but because they already know and they have all this shorthand. And the way their life together is a living, breathing thing here - mornings and projects in the shed and their family of choice. And, and, CRAFTING=LOVE!! These two made craft projects o'love for one another, y'all! That warms my heart like you wouldn't believe. =D

This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth. Comments are welcome either place.

fangirls rule, wilby wonderful, c6dvd

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