snowflake catch up: day 2 - promote 3 comms

Jan 07, 2014 20:08

Well, somehow I managed to fall grossly behind on Snowflakes already. The worst part is I have posts for most days already written in my head, but no energy to make them happen in, you know, reality. Or the internet. Whatever. I am feeling better (FINALLY!). I'm currently in Day 8 of The Cold From Hell. It's now just a hacky-cough bronchitis thing. My abs ache like whoa from the coughing and the puking, and I'm still tired all the time, but it's getting better each day.

Day 2: In your own space, promote three communities, challenges, blogs, pages, Twitters, Tumblrs or platforms and explain why you love them.

First off, I want to promote
snowflake_challenge. I don't have the words to articulate how much I love Aka's brain and how honored I was when she and Luce and Ande invited me along for the ride, or how blown away I am every year by the response. I tried to explain why I love it so much here, but even that's not quite right. It's more, to me.

The second thing I want to promote is also something I'm a mod of. Oops. But I freaking adore ds_c6d_bigbang SO MUCH I can't not talk about it. It's the first actively fannish thing I did, the first place I raised my hand and said, "um, maybe I want to be a writer?", and it is the most welcoming place I've ever been. Aka and Luce were mods when I started, and I've never felt so supported and nurtured. Miz and I are modding now, and we try so hard to keep that feeling going. The community is incredible. Everyone is so supportive of each other, and so excited about each other's works. It makes my heart happy.

The third thing I want to rec is
amplificathon. Because PODFIC! I don't have nearly as much time as I'd like to listen to podfic these days, and I have about a 6 month backlog of saved/downloaded things I haven't gotten a chance to listen to yet. /o\ But I still drool over every new thing that comes across my reading page.

This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth. Comments are welcome either place.

snowflakes, happy

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