3/20, 3/21, 3/22

Mar 22, 2015 14:07

I'm too freaking embarassed to post what I ate on Friday.  Took a day off the workouts because I was exhausted!

Saturday: I ate well, but now I can't remember what all it was.  Here's what I *think* it was:
Breakfast: rice and beans with a little chutney and yogurt
Lunch: cheese, handful of nuts, tortilla
snack: frozen yogurt with lots of gooey toppings (not a huge amount), a few slurps of a slushie (egads, "fruit punch" tastes freakishly weird to me now)
dinner: roasted chicken, tabouleh, and green beans
snack: handful of nuts
workout: 15 solid minutes of running (about 1.5 miles), about an hour of intermittant roller skating (thighs and calves were burning, so it counts!)

breakfast: whole grain pancakes with coconut milk-based topping, fresh strawberries, bacon
lunch: handful of nuts, piece of cheese
snack: fig bar, rice and beans, serving of cheese, light iced vanilla coffee (100 cal from starbucks)
dinner: beef roast, fresh salad with cheese, green beans and carrots, root beer (full sugar, but really really yummy!)

We desperately need to go shopping for food!
I need to make the week's menu.  I've gotten lazy about doing that.  Someone sent this link around facebook, should check it out..
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