Jan 22, 2005 08:05
Well, its 8:05 in the morning and Jake isn't on so I'm BORED out of my mind X_x but I've got my hopes up for this summer because either Jake is coming up here to see me, or I'm going to go to Pennsylvania with him ^_^ I just hope my parents will let me, being he is my boyfriend and all ^.^! I love him so much, and I know he knows it too ^_^ Well, to solve my boredum, I'ma do a test thingy I found in Rachel's LJ =P
Fill it out
Icecream: Mint Chocolate
Food: Pizza
Dessert: Cheese cake (go Rachel *thumbs up* lol)
Vegetable: Corn
Fruit: Apples
Meat: Steak (*drools* >> lol)
Cereal: Captain Crunch
Candy: Reeses Pieces
Gum: Any
Beverage: Iced Tea
Movie: Liar Liar or Emperors New Groove
T.V Show: South Park
Channel: 44 (Comedy) or 30 (Spike T.V.= Wrestling!)
Talk Show: oO None
Actress: Kate Beckingsale (*loves Van Helsing*)
Actor: Johnny Depp
Season: Summer
Animal: Monkey
Job/Chore: << None??
Brand of clothing: Anything dark
Clothing Store: Mostly Walmart (Walmart Rocks! Lol right Rachel XD)
Group: Metallica?
Song: Lita's Themesong- Love, Fury, Energy, Passion by Boy Hits Car
Theme Song to a movie: Erm..>> get back to me on that one
Place to visit: Maine or Japan
Playground equipment: Monkey bars XD
Salad Dressing: French
Color: Black, Blue, Silver, Hot Pink, Purple
Thing To Wear: Baggy Pants, Chains, Band T-shirts, Anything dark?
Jewelry To Wear: All my necklaces and bracelets/wristbands/armbands
Place To Be: My Room, On the Phone, On the Net
Sport/Martial Arts: Horse back riding
Number: 14
Flower: Blood/Black Rose
Brand of shoes: Skate Shoes
Perfume/Cologne: Em..Body spray?
Career: Acting or Teaching
Where are you going to live: Anywhere with Jake
Are you ever going to marry: Uh huh ^_^
Do you want to have kids: Yup
Are you going to College: Yep
Where do you see yourself in 5 years: Either in collage, or with Jake
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Living with Jake and our kid ^_^
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?: -nod nod- ;_;
Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night?: Once I think?
Drank alcohol?: Lol oh yah I have! Jake knows ;)
Smoked?: Nah
Done drugs?: God no
Broken the law?: Maybe? oO
Ran away from home?: Almost
Broken a bone?: Unfortunatly yes X_x
Cheated on a test?: Yup >_>;;
Played Truth Or Dare?: Hell ya!
Flashed someone?: Yup
Mooned Someone?: Lmao No, my ass stays hidden thanks
Kissed someone you didn't know?: Yep (my ex before I went out with him)
Been on a blind date?: Nah
Been on a talk show/Game show?: Nope
Been in a fight?: Yep
Been out of the U.S.?: Ahem..100% Canadian right here! *puts hand in the air*
Rode in a fire truck?: When I was little oO
Been on a plane?: Uh huh. more then once ^_^
Been on a train?: Yep
Come close to dying?: Nah
Snuck Online?: Yeah
Cheated on your Boy/Girl friend?: Hell no!
Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride?: Lol I was like the #1 Piggy Back Ride giver in elementary school XD
Eaten a worm/mud pie?: Lmao god no!
Kissed Someone?: Uh huh
Been in a sauna?: Yup
Swam in the ocean?: Yep >> lol
Peed in the ocean?: Probably XD
Abortion?: I think its murder
George Bush?: *coughs*fag*coughs*
Rap?: Can't spell CRAP without RAP >> lol sorry Jakey
Country?: Disgusting
Alternative?: Eh
Classical?: Good to listen to when your down about something
Oldies?: Eh
Sex?: Special (especially the first time)
Soap Operas?: B-o-r-i-n-g
Your Parents?: My mother is the best mom in the world, and I dont have a dad
Animals?: Awesome ^^
Meat?: Delicious ^^
Chores?: Ug
Airplanes?: Fun
Amusement parks?: Where to meet people ^^
Your good luck charm?: My picture of my mom and dad together
The worst song you've ever heard?: Drop It Like Its Hot- Snoop Dog ft. Pharell ><
Best song you've ever heard?: Not Enough by Our Lady Peace
Your bedroom like?: Erm..lots of zodiac signs on my bed, and random stuff around the room
Your biggest fear?: Losing Jake ;_;
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: Eggs!
Your favorite thing for lunch?: Fries
Your favorite thing for dinner?: Eh, Anything given to me ^^
Your house like?: Modern?
Your favorite Restaurant?: Joe Alfredos ^^
Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi
Oranges or apples?: Oranges
One pillow or two?: Two, more comfy ^^ (even though I've got 4 on my bed >> lol)
Deaf or blind?: Blind
Pools or hot tubs?: Hottub, then pool ^^
Blondes or brunettes?: Brunettes
Tall or short?: Tall! Tall guys are the best out there
TV or radio?: TV
Bike or Rollerblades?: Bike, bad experience with Rollerblades
Solid or Stripes?: Solid
T-shirt or Tank top?: T-shirts
Sweet or Dill Pickels?: Sweet?
Chips or Popcorn?: Chips for watching tv, Popcorn for movies ^_^
Cookies or Cake?: Cookies on the cake XD
Peace/ying yang/smiley face?: Smiley face =)
Beanie Babies/Star Wars?: Beanie Babies, so cute =^.^=
Movies or T.V: Movies
Music or Computer: Music on the computer? lol
Telephone or T.V: Telephone
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
Dairy Queen or Sonic: Dairy Queen!
Beach or Pool: Beach ^_^ so beautiful
Movie Theater or Rent: Movie Theatre
Garage Sales or Thrift Store: Thrift stores
Wal Mart or Target: Wal Mart XD
E-mail or Snail Mail: Email <<
Day or Night: Night
Big or Small Envelopes: Small
Swing or Slide: Slides
Romeo or Juliet: Romeo
Panteen Pro-V or Herbal Essences: Herbal Essennces
A Vegatarian?: God no
A Good Student?: Sure
A Good Driver?: Lol well, from my experiences yes
Good At Sports?: Sure why not
A Good Singer?: Yup! Jake's heard me sing to him on the phone ^_^
A good Actor/Actress?: Uh huh
A deep sleeper?: Yep
A Good Dancer?: Sure
Shy?: God yeah ><
Outgoing?: Yep
A good storyteller?: Sure why not XD
Chicken Pox?: Yes
Stitches?: Nope
Bloody nose?: Yeh
Surgery?: Nope
Someone say they hate you?: Yea
Someone besides your family say they Love you?: Lol I get told "I Love You" everday by Jake ^_^
Someone punch you?: Lol yeah
Enjoy parks?: Yep
Like Picnic's?: Uh huh
Like Rollercoaster Rides?: No Duh!
Like the color pink?: Yep
Wet the bed?: A loooooooooong time ago
Collect anything?: Figurines of Unicorns and frogs
Like to sing?: Yep
Like to shop?: God yeah
Like to Party?: Hell ya!
Get in trouble alot?: Nah
Wear make-up?: Yup, anything black XD
Chew your food before swallowing?: Uh if you want me to choke, then yes I do
Have a crush?: "had" a crush
Eat a live baby hamster for a million dollars?: EWW!
Go to a Hanson concert if you had free ticket?: Ew Hanson should burn in hell
Ever get a tattoo?: Yup, I plan to get one
Ever get any body parts pierced?: I've got my ears pierced, soon to be my belly button and eyebrow
Kill someone you didn't know for 15 Billion dollars?: Uh, No
If you were stuck on a planet which person would you want with you?: Jakey ^_^
If you're house was on fire what two things would you take?: My pictures and my kitty Samson (I've had him for over 3 years)
If you were stuck on a planet with Rosie O'Donnel and RoseAnne and you were starving which one would you eat?: Rosie O'Donnel, god there's enough there to last a few years
If someone offered you a small part in a movie would you accept it? God yeah!