Video 003

Jun 24, 2010 13:15

[It takes a while for the image to focus and there's Kara, looking as though she hasn't slept, clutching something tight in one hand. She mutters to herself before kicking her table in frustration, getting up to pace over to the window where she watches a white moth fluttering.]

Frak. Frak frakking frak!

[She heaves out a sigh and goes back to the Dreamberry, picking it up and she tries to glare but she can't summon the effort, scrubbing a hand over her face.]

Does this happen often? Thinking you've gone home, finding out things you don't want to know? And then you wake up here again?

[The Dreamberry is then pointed away from her to the moth and then to the bare walls of the apartment building, her footsteps echoing as she walks away from it and around the room.]

And one last question, anyone know where I can pick up some paint?

[A crash sounds in the background and Kara jumps and swears, grabbing the Dreamberry and treating the viewer to a view of her feet as she runs into her bathroom where her mirror is now on the floor, shattered and in pieces.]

Oh frak me.

[She sets the Dreamberry on the edge of the sink and bends down to start cleaning up, gathering the pieces up into a pile, muttering a quiet prayer to the Lords of Kobol for guidance or for signs that mean something more positive, the Dreamberry forgotten.]

frak you and your destiny, what the frak am i, !video

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