Title: World Go Boom Characters: Karl Agathon, Kara “Starbuck” Thrace Time Period: Autumn 1999 Summary: Karl meets Kara and nothing will ever be the same, but they don't know that yet. Author note: maybe they don't get their callsigns this early at the Academy, but let's handwave that.
Givens:1. Kara and Karl had a child less than a year out of the Academy. It was an accident. His name is Perseus "Percy" Agathon. He loves his parents, but has a little bit of a chip on his shoulder about not being raised by them, and he is a handful
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Title: The Tomboy's Man Characters: Kara Thrace, Sam Anders Time Period: Kara and Sam's wedding reception (2014) Summary: Kara and Sam get ready. He hasn't seen the dress yet.
HEIM HIGH SCHOOL (Heim, Kyros; AQUARIA) (alma mater of Phil Agathon; Hera, Leto, Calliope, Phoebe, and Karl Agathon; Percy Agathon and Hera Tzeng, and many others) THE HEIM HIGH PUFFINS