Coming Out Fighting {Cobra Starship, The Academy Is...}

Jul 31, 2010 20:34


            It wasn’t supposed to be a difficult job, just go in as a waiter, slip away from the party during the speech and copy the incriminating evidence to the external hard drive in his pocket. William had done much more complicated undercover missions before, but for some reason, nothing seemed to go right this time. Sure, he played his part convincingly, and when the speech began, he slipped away unnoticed, locating the computer and the information instantly, but just as he plugged his hard drive in and began copying the files, someone walked in behind him, grabbing his shoulder and whipping him around.

“I knew you were too pretty to be a waiter!” The man laughed, instantly punching William in the jaw with such force that he fell to the ground.

“William?!” the voice of William’s handler and boyfriend, Gabe, came over the earpiece. “What’s going on?”

“I’ve been made,” William hissed as the man kicked him hard in the gut.

“William, where are you?” Gabe asked quickly, hoping to pinpoint William’s location. “Get to the extraction point if you can!”

“I will.” William managed to speak just barely before the man kicked him in the head, causing the molar mic, as well as a good amount of blood, to fly from his mouth.

“Who are you working for?” the man asked, grabbing William by the collar of his shirt and slamming him up against the wall, holding him so that he couldn’t move.

“Bite me,” William chocked out, earning him a knee in the gut.

“I’m only asking one more time,” the man stated. “Who are you working for?”

“Your mom.” William spat in his assailants face. “She told me that a guy as ugly as you deserved to go down.”

“Don’t insult my mother!” The man’s eyes widened and he slapped William.

“I wasn’t insulting your mother,” William hissed. “I was insulting you.”

“You’re awfully daring for someone in your position,” the man taunted. “If I were you, I’d be begging for your life right now…” the man smirked, hitting William again.

“Well then I’m glad you’re not me,” William retorted, taking a deep breath before simultaneously head butting the man and kneeing him in the groin. The man sank to the floor in pain, relaxing his grip on William. William grabbed the mic from the floor and the hard drive from the USB port before darting from the room. “Gabe?” he asked, holding the mic to his lips as he ran.

“William, you okay?” Gabe questioned, clearly relieved to hear William’s voice.

“Yeah - I got the files, I’m heading for the roof, shouldn’t take me long.”

“The extraction team’s all ready and waiting for you,” Gabe stated. “Good work.”

“Thanks.” William ran up several flights of stairs, his adrenaline overriding the pain from his injuries. When he reached the roof, a helicopter was waiting for him. He climbed in sitting back as they made the short trip to headquarters.

“Jesus, Beckett!” Gabe walked up to William. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again! That’s the last time you go in unarmed. Ever.”

“Deal.” William nodded, tossing Gabe the hard drive. “I still got it, though.”

“That’s my boy!” Gabe pocketed the hard drive before pulling William into a hug.

“Ow.” William winced at the contact, instantly pulling away from Gabe.

“William…are you hurt?” Gabe asked, clearly worried about William.

“Just a little banged up,” he stated. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

“Are you sure?” Gabe asked, his tone still conveying a good amount of worry.

“Gabe, I’ve been shot,” William stated. “I’m going to be fine. Don’t worry.”

“God, you’re so fucking brave.” Gabe smiled gently at William. “It’s kinda sexy.”

“Oh?” William tilted his head to the side. “Well that guy did say that I was too pretty to be a waiter.”

“He was absolutely right.” Gabe leaned in, kissing William softly. “You’re a good agent, Beckett. I’m lucky to have you.”

“Not as lucky as I am to have you.” William smiled up at Gabe. “I couldn’t be luckier.”

hurt/comfort bingo, gabilliam, bingo, slash, oneshot, fanfiction

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