Ache With Me {McFly}

Jul 31, 2010 20:24


            Danny sat in his car, waiting in the empty lot, a suitcase of bills beside him. Three mornings earlier, Danny’s boyfriend, Dougie, had gone missing on his way to school and that same night, Dougie’s parents had received a ransom demand. They had gotten the money together as quickly as possible, but it was Danny who was making the drop, and as the time of the exchange grew nearer, he grew more and more apprehensive, gripping the steering wheel of the stopped car so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.

The clock turned to 1 AM and Danny saw the headlights of a second car turning into the lot. He grabbed the suitcase and stepped out of the car and into the rain, only able to hope and pray that all would be well. He stood still, rain soaking him as someone got out of the other car and moved to the drunk. Danny’s heart stopped as Dougie was pulled from the trunk and brought forwards. Once lit by the headlights, Danny could see that Dougie was blindfolded and gagged. His school uniform tie had been used to bind his wrists behind his back and his white button down shirt was hanging open over his bare chest. Dougie shivered as the rain began to soak him, and Danny could wait no longer to get him back.

“I have your money,” Danny declared, his voice brave as he held up the suitcase. “All small, unmarked bills, just like you asked. Now give him back to me.”

“Well done.” The man smirked. “Throw the suitcase here, now,” he instructed.

“Alright.” Danny did as he was told, not willing to risk Dougie’s safety anymore. The man bent down and lifted the suitcase with one hand, holding Dougie tightly with the other. He threw the money into the passenger’s seat, pushing Dougie into the car after it and slamming the door shut. Before Danny could stop him, the man had jumped into the driver’s seat and started the car. “NO!” Danny shouted, chasing after the car.

At the mouth of the lot, the passenger door opened and, without stopping the car, the man pushed Dougie out, leaving him on the ground as he drove away. Danny rushed to Dougie’s side, pulling the gag from his mouth and blindfold from his eyes before quickly untying him.

“D-Danny?” Dougie looked up, shivering in the cold rain as he came around.

“Yeah, baby.” Danny nodded, pulling Dougie into his arms. “It’s me - you’re safe now. I’m going to take care of you, keep you safe.”

“I’m scared,” Dougie whispered, curling his body up against Danny’s.

“I know.” Danny leaned down, brushing the wet hair from Dougie’s face. “But it’s over now, baby. I’ve got you, you’re safe. I won’t let anything like this happen to you ever again, alright?” Danny took a deep breath, pressing his lips to Dougie’s forehead, hoping to calm him down a bit.

“Okay.” Dougie shook, though Danny’s words seemed to be doing something to soothe him.

“Come on, baby,” Danny whispered, lifting Dougie up in a fireman’s carry. “Let’s get you home - are you hurt at all?”

“N-no.” Dougie shook his head, clinging to Danny as they moved towards the car. “Just scared - please, just take me home,” he whimpered.

“I will, baby.” Danny placed Dougie in the back seat so that he could lie down and leaned over him, kissing him gently. “I love you, Dougie.”

“I know.” Dougie sniffled. “Why else would you put your life at risk making a ransom drop for me?” Dougie bit his lip. “For what it’s worth, I love you too.”

“It’s worth everything.” Danny smiled, placing his hand against Dougie’s cheek. “You’re worth everything.”

hurt/comfort bingo, pones, bingo, slash, oneshot, fanfiction

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