Sundy Boring Sunday

Jun 19, 2005 23:00

So today I did… NOTHING! YAY… I woke up to a request from my mom to paint the damn house. I basically have to say yes otherwise she’ll punish me. She is such a bitch it is unbelievable. I help her paint, but it gets old really fast so I take a break: and watch some newly purchased anime. She gets pissed, but I don't really care since I was doing her the favor. Then I make her lunch cause she told me she was starving and then finish my anime. I then start painting again. She likes to hint at shit she wants me to do, but unless she asks me, I don't do it. For example, she said that paint can could use more paint... and I didn't fill it till she asked me to. I'm moving down the wall but apparently I missed some spots. I say ok, I’ll touch it up later... I wanted to finish where I was cause it was in an awkward position and a pain to get up to touch up the rest of the wall and then get back down. This sets her off... she throws her paintbrush at me and says, "That’s why I hate you" and tells me to get out of her room. SO I do what she says. Basically if she doesn't get her exact way, she explodes. It gets good here though… probably 30 minutes later, she comes out and asks if I want to help her finish painting the rest of the room... and I naturally say no. If she had asked me to paint again I would have but no, I really don’t want to. She then proceeds to go into this whole speech about how I never do anything for her and I’m mean and complain all the time. I try to point out that I was just doing something for her less than an hour ago before she ordered me out of her room. Making food and painting is clearly not doing anything for her… She goes on to say she had to beg me to do all those things, so somehow that doesn’t count towards helping her. Finally, she ends all this crap by telling me never to ask anything of her, like using her car. AWESOME MOM, I love you too.

Last night was good though. Cool party Owen! Happy BDAY. I kinda had to hold back though cause I had to drive home. Who would have thought such small amounts of liquid would have such a large effect on me. I don’t think I was drunk but I was pretty damn close. Walking to the car was interesting, but I was fine as long as I didn’t make any sudden turns with my head. There really weren’t any problems while I was driving. I think the fresh air helped me out.

OH! I’m also trying to work out a trip to Ohio to see Danielle. It’s complicated though cause Ohio is really far and her parents probably wouldn’t let me (a guy) stay in their house. I was gonna stay at an online poker friends’ house but unfortunately he’s really far from her as well so it defeats the purpose. Then a different poker friend has a cousin closer to Danielle’s house… but unfortunately my friend isn’t on good terms with her cousin so that plan won’t work either. The only two things I can think of are just getting a hotel room near her house or dressing up as a girl and hopefully fooling her parents. All it would take is letting my hair down, painting my nails, and wearing some different clothes… although voice is a problem. Maybe I’ll be sick or something, lol.

Hopefully my dad will be back from NY soon and buy me a damn car. Its father’s day so I’m gonna give him some space, but come tomorrow, I’m gonna hound it ass until he finally gives in and gets me one.
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