Senior Week is Over

Jun 16, 2005 22:00

I’m back from senior week now. The trip was eh… It was amazing, don’t get me wrong, just no where near where it should have been. Fraser, you house is sweet and I’m much obliged to you for letting me stay there. We had a really hard time finding parties and did nothing for the first couple days. We finally found a party on Tuesday and that was pretty cool but we had to leave really early thanks to a certain someone not being able to hold his alcohol. It was a blessing though cause the cops pulled up as we were leaving. The people near where our party was kept getting into fights which attracted too much attention. Wednesday was pretty much like the first two days but instead of sitting at home we went back and hanged out with a couple friends. I also played my first game of beer pong. I was surprisingly good… I think I made 3-4 out of 6 of the cups (although that may have been cause I was the only semi-sober one playing J ). It was kinda disappointing though. I met this really nice girl and I was gonna try and get to know her better but a friend of mine was connecting with her so I stepped off and tried to give them some space although it was futile anyway cause we had to leave shortly after I left them alone. Looking back on it, it really wasn’t that big of a deal and I should be happy for my buddy. I’m still working on my jealousy but I think I’m finally getting control over it.

Also, apparently I was an ass during the trip. I don’t think I was being an ass at all but that’s not what bothers me about the whole situation… what bothers me is all of my friends talking to everyone about it but me. I also don’t agree with their criteria for calling me that. I’m sorry I don’t enjoy playing video games all day and would rather party. They also want to sever ties with a certain person and exclude “Pam” from the group. I sympathize with this person because that’s really mean and if they decided to do that to me, then my social life would be severely damaged since currently this group is a large part of my life. They seem to have their reasons for this decision but they won’t share them with me (I think for my own sake of not getting involved) so I can’t understand or justify that action. **

** On a lighter note, I didn’t have to work tonight and I picked up some new anime. I normally work Wednesdays but I switched with a coworker who is supposed to work on Thursdays for this week. He decided to go in for my day and his so they didn’t need me tonight. That’s cool, no sweat off my back. I made a bestbuy run earlier and got Shura No Toki 4 and GetBackers 6. Apparently GB is 10 discs, not 5 like I originally thought. I’m kinda pissed but it’s a really cool show so I’ll allow it. Haven’t seen the new GB yet but SNT was awesome as always.

I’m currently trying to convince my dad to get me a car of my own. I really need one since both my parents will be working full time during the summer and I’ll be stuck at home all day unless I have a car. It’s really frustrating now cause I actually have the money to buy it, my dad just won’t sign off on the car I want (Dodge Intrepid as of now). And to top things off, he’s going to visit his parents for the next few days so he won’t be doing any research which just pushes the soonest date I can get my own car further and further back.

I’m debating whether or not to put this entry into my livejournal. Some of these thoughts are really personal so I’m going to make a second post that only my lj friends can read. That seems to be a pretty solid solution to that dilemma.
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