Sep 24, 2012 21:07
Hello, I'm new to this community. I thought group of people here was cool so I thought why not? Well I'll be honest I am kind of surprised Dragon Ball Z characters are not talked about often here being that DBZ fandom is known to be quite full of bashing. Here I will put up a defense for my personal favorite character Krillin aka Kuririn. I have grown so tired Krillin bashing that I have decided to vent my frustrations through here.
I love Krillin as a character particularly his personality. I adore the Krillin/18 couple for they are my favorite couple. As a fan of both characters I think they go great together. However there have been a substantial number of fic writers fanartists that think otherwise. Android 18, being the only female canon DBZ character that is able to stand up to a super saiyan, let alone any of the Z-Fighters, is a beloved character and understandably so, especially since she's one of very few characters besides any of the main villains that have ever put the Prince of all Saiyans in his place. Krillin on the other hand has been loved liked, and hated by many for his comic relief. But by those who are against the union of these two have always put Krillin at fault (in fact there is never fic or art that shows any fault towards 18 for any reason she and Krillin aren't togethor because she is the hot badass one). They say things like how he doesn't "deserve" her, that he's to weak, or that 18 needs to be with a saiyan, or that Krillin is ugly and doesn't "deserve" to be with someone as pretty as her etc.
I mean seriously DBZ fandom, I bet if Krillin was simply just better looking or a better yet a better win streak you wouldn't be bashing him so much. Now I'll admit that am a solid k/18 shipper but I don't hate on, or flame others who don't particular support k/18 or dislike it, or even fanfics and fanart that pair 18 with any other character besides Krillin. I'll even enjoy a fic that has 18 fall in love with some character besides Krillin but only if there is no bashing on Krillin or if there is something that honors Krillin in it. The reason why I'm not saying the same thing on Krillin's side is because pairings with him and any other character of any sort are practically non existant besides pairing him with his ex, Maron, which is usually only to bash him more.
In a number of recent fics Krillin is displayed as a villain who wants to take forcefully take 18 as his own and ends up losing constantly to his former friends, the Z-Fighters, who all end up hating him or some whiny worthless b**** who complains and thats it, these are found in Gohan/18, M. Trunks/18, and Vegeta/18 fics. Its been steadily been more popular in high school fics to show 18 with Raditz after breaking up with Krillin because he was jerk a who thought some girl was better, which is extremely OOC, and then when Krillin tries to get her back back she blows him off saying how much better Raditz is, who is turned into an OOC mary sue. I mean seriously that doesn't show honor to Raditz's character who is supposed to bastardly not mr. perfect. Then in these high school fics Krillin doomed to misery either by himself or with a Maron who doesn't love him. And then theres another few fics that have 18 and Marron (his daughter) seperated from Krillin and take 18's side turning Krillin into the bad guy that ruined everything! Now thats just plain cruel to not only have your lover against you but your daughter too?
I mean seriously DBZ fandom, Krillin is far from a jerk and if 18 did end up with another guy Krillin wouldn't have tried forcing her to turn her head to he would instead pushed for her to be with this other guy. I mean don't any of you remember what he did after Gohan beat Cell? He made a wish to turn Android 17 and Android 18 into humans and later when that didn't work he had the bombs removed from their bodies so that they can live in peace. Krillin even admitted (oblivious that 18 was listening) that he liked her and wanted her and I quote "to be truly happy" and thought that 17 (not knowing at the time that he was actually 18's twin brother) would be a good man for her to be with.
Oh, and thats where another thing that bugs me is; that her reaction to those aforemetioned actions in the english version of the show is used by those who are anti-Krillin as a sign that she doesn't like him let alone have any sort of attraction towards him and that it was unreasonable and impossible that the next time we see them they are married. Those of you in DBZ fandom who believe that this legitimate proof there are several you have left out of the equation. First of all the time between the Cell Games and when we see 18 and Krillin afterwards in the Buu saga is 7 years, that is more than enough time for two people to get along and fall in love. Second of all; there is anime character type tsundere, a group that 18 fits in with well, tsunderes are male or female characters that tend to mean, inexpressive, particularly cold, strong, independent, particularly proud and have a tendency to have bad tempers. When a character a tsundere likes does something (intentional or not) that wavers their cool demeanor with emotion like worry, hurt, happiness, sadness, flattery, and love, the tsundere character usually reacts in a fit of anger even if they aren't really angry at the character they like. And take a look there, 18 yells at him but soon after says shes not angry Third of all 18 straight kissed Krillin on the cheek earlier on the highway after beating the snot out of Vegeta and Trunks. No matter the reason for kissing him no girl kisses a guy without having at least the slightest bit attraction for him. And there was nothing Krillin had done that could possibly have her lose that attraction so... Fourth of all if 18 doesn't like Krillin why was she so eager to correct him that 17 wasn't her boyfriend but her twin brother? Surely if she didn't want him to like her she would allow Krillin to think that she was already taken by 17 even though he really is her brother and I don't think she would be bothered by others thinking they are together as lovers because of her characteristic pride and indifference. Last but not least is that in the original japanese show as well as the manga that the show originated from, after Krillin makes the wish and 18 yells at him she says that she would see him later, hmmmmm, doesn't sound like she dislikes him.
When I think about it, these fics that put 18 against Krillin and with some other character usually isn't very flattering towards 18 herself. I mean the characters they put her with are always the dominant in some way unlike most k/18s where she is dominant. The characters are usually also physically stronger being that they are saiyans making them stronger than her and therefore she no longer is a strong, independent woman to nothing more than a submissive damsel. I mean its fine if 18 has emotional problems or has a breakdown at some point but don't make her into something she is not just because the saiyan she is paired with is the "perfect guy" which nis ridiculous when it comes to the saiyan characters. Now that is a pretty sexist, insulting thing to do to 18. And don't forget about sexual fics where 18 only sticks with saiyans because their "abilities in bed" I mean seriously talk about direspectful. I'm quite sure 18 is far from shallow and ignore Krillin and what he has done for her just because of his looks.
Whats wrong with someone falling in love with someone who is far less attractive? Whatever happened to rooting for the underdog? Does DBZ fandom have to be so shallow? Sorry this was so long but I had to get this off my chest. Please do comment, tell me what you think? Do you agree? Do you disagree? Feel frustrated about this too? Don't be scared. :)
character bashing,
bashers suck,
hated character,
" female characters,
sexist bullshit,
crying "coward",
crying "not badass = useless",
crying "comic relief = stupid!",
\" female characters,
crying "not manly enough!",
dragonball z,
male characters,
dragonball gt,
"good traits? what good traits?",
bashed characters