(no subject)

May 11, 2006 11:08

Random Gundam SEED-related ramblings on the hate.

1) I didn't check to see but I wouldn't care less if you were the greatest writer in the universe. Having the name "Meyrin-Hater" and posting an AthCaga fic? Doesn't give you a real point up for me because that makes it look like you're one of those batshit rabid fans from the name alone.

2) The hell is up with all these "Meer is stealing Athrun away can Cagalli win him back" fics?

- Meer does not nor ever did "steal". She simply did what she thought she would do as Lacus Clyne, Athrun's fiance.

- Athrun never outright said "we're not engaged anymore!" or told her he was involved with someone at the time.

- If the canon twisted in a way where Athrun somehow did wind up with her? Guess what, it wouldn't have been stealing him away. It would have been Athrun choosing to go with her.

- Why would Cagalli weep and cry and even try to win him back in that situation? She feels pain, yeah, but I seem to recall that in the series, Orb is most important to her, and that's why she wasn't with him at the end of the series.

3) Shinn Asuka.

- NOT a simply bitchy asshole who "can't see the light" who has no respect for anyone and deserves to be smacked around + all that other bullcrap people say about him.

- IS in fact, a young, teenage boy who had his entire life taken away from him. Try doing that, let's see if you're still all sunshine and happy smiles, kids.

4) Lunamaria is not a fangirl. Unless by fangirl you mean what you are, then you're just making fun of yourself. Anyone would be excited to have a famous first-war veteran on your ship. Lunamaria is an outgoing and forward person in general, so of course she's going to be nice to him. No she doesn't have another whorish motive. Yes she is interested in him because they all know who he is. Shameless throwing herself at him? What the hell are you smoking? Crushing on him? Maybe. Talking to him just because he's hott? No.

And guess what, I bet anyone bitching about that has "ATHRUN ZALA SQUEE" on their top ten list of "hot bishies", so if she's a stupid fangirl you're even moreso. Shame.

And just because these are so easy to pick out and I'm at it anyway: Here's a small list of what characters are or are not, as badly portrayed in fanfic.

Kira: Not a weeping crybaby nor an emotionless zombie.

Lacus: Not a secretly emoing weakling nor a super happy bubbly popstar.

Cagalli: Not stupid enough to throw her country away for love, nor as "omg how dare you THROWING A BOOK AT YOU BECAUSE I'M 'BADASS'" as people portray her. She's tough, but Jesus.

Athrun: Also not going to throw away important "for the future" type things to run away and elope.

Meer: Not a whore. Also not bad intentioned toward Lacus.

Dearka: Not a manwhore playboy. Also not a sweet romantic.

Meyrin: Not clingy. If Athrun said "no", she would not go "WAH WHY NOT". Not weak-willed, and doesn't wear her hair down to impress anybody (WTF). Does not dislike Cagalli.

Yzak: Not a blindsighted brash moron. Also not a hopeless romantic.

Lunamaria: Not an obsessed fangirl, not a whore throwing herself at anyone. Wouldn't get into a relationship with anyone if she didn't actually care for them (see Shinn).

Miriallia: Not going to give up her life for anything. Also would not be stupid enough to take abuse (see below), or be dumb enough to go back and let it happen again.

Tolle: Not abusive!

Fllay: Not a whore, but much like Shinn, a young girl who had her life taken away from her and was thrown into a senario she didn't want to be in and had no control over. Made mistakes, and was mature enough to realize that. Not going to completely whore herself out and have days of wild sex.

gundam seed

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