A Cautionary Tale (on par with Huxley if you ask me)

Apr 04, 2006 03:46

I return back from London (which was astronomical by the by) to find that my 'home' has turned into a goddam drug-den:

"oooohhhhh yeeeeaaaahhh, maaatttt.... this stuff's pretty gooooood....."

"Oh wait.... no it isn't....... urgh..... shiiiiiiit....."

Half an hour later, so long housemate

So remember kids, be like Johnny-M. Because life's too short, and the drugs don't work. In fact, they just make you worse. But I knooooow I'll seeeeeee ya faaaaace agaaaiiiiin....... WOOOOAAAAHHHH Loooooaaaard.   Anyway, hope you're all enjoying this crazy life. I still maintain the sentiments that closed my last entry.       Adios.

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