Tuesday November 14, 2017

Nov 14, 2017 22:30

It's The Hubby's birthday today but it's not momentous so we did nothing today.

I did not surf the net this morning which is why my FB feed was so long.

I actually got out on time for work becasue I showered earlier than I am wont to do.

I got my package from the UPS store on Division and Princess. I will try on my new jeans tomorrow then wash them.

I found a card in the mail box and thought to myself a bit early for Xmas cards and then saw it was from his mom for his birthday. It was a funny card too.

I had supper then watched Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju S2. And boy they were some really good episodes, #11 being the most intersting. I then watched some of Gintama S2 after checking FB for a bit.

Now I will check how to get from A to B for our trip on Thursday and Friday.

anime, #11, the hubby, travel

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