The past weekend.

Feb 21, 2012 20:45

Friday night
The Hubby and I went to Sir John Publican House for late valentine's dinner. He had the Fish and Chips and I had the Turkey and Ale Pot Pie. (Guess which one of us is the real Roman Catholic?) And the thing I really wanted was the Deep fired Mars Bar. It was a gooey delightful mess as I remembered it would be.

I went to a Karate Tournament for Buddha Monkey. Nearly missed because some to narrow where at Queen's University it was. I got lucky because a lost out of towner needed directions to West Campus and I need a ride and a quest was enjoined to West Campus at Queen's U in the City of Kingston. Buddha Monkey did not win or place but he was there and we encouraged him to do better next time. Maybe I should get Karate Kid with Jackie Chan a Pat Morita to encourage him.

And we went to LARP on Saturday. I lots of fun not being there. We are on hiatus due to a birthday celebration and St Patrick's Day fall on LARP nights. And I am seriously thinking about going to TO for St Pat's and visit Brother-in-law and family.

Lunch with In-laws. It was just nice to get away from town and see the extended family. Youngest stuck like glue on her older cousin. They had matching eyeshadow on. The kids went to the farm and saw a fisher.
Became Guild Leader in World of Warcraft because our former leader's account expired. Huzzah for my Coup D'Etat based on being freaking on in WoW at the right time. And what do I do first - post seasonal announcement and tidied up the guild vault? Yeah I am such a slave driver.
Did nothing but watch television on Sunday night.

Monday-Family Day
Spent the morning doing some cleaning and tidying up. Went to visit Grandmother-in-law. She was happy to see me because I have not been able to visit since starting chemo as she lives in an elder care facility. She was in good spirits and was happy to see me.

Did very little in the evening but I am realizing that I need to do something other than TV and WoW at night.

Over all I had a good long weekend.

larp kbn6, queen's, weekend, the hubby, kingston downtown, food, wow, buddha monkey

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