
Jul 11, 2009 00:07

Oh god. I miss Maou. ;__; And the Maou hairstyle. And the Maou Ohmiya moment in episode 1. And this journal is about to die while I'm dying away with school..


Yeshh. ;__; I truly miss that possessed look/stare of pure evil.

*Squishes Oh-chan and rubs head* XDD

And I'm sure everyone noticed the amount of Juntoshi nowadays..

Ohh the amount of fluff... <3
Even in Music Lovers.

He loves his Riida. Aww. But what does Riida do in response?

HAAHAHAHAHAHA *CRACKS AND DIES* I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when Ohno did that. XDD Jun half rejected. LOL He totally elbowed Jun when turned to look at Nino who started talking. <3 And I can't get enough of the whole thing XDD
I know my first ever OTP was Juntoshi... but then Nino came along and had to mess up my brain...

Yeah... And this only reminds me of a kitty purring happily in his master's arms. XDD

And I cannot leave out Sho the IKEMEN. XD Ohno, you're so cute 'fanboying' over Sho. I love Yamapair too. <3
His hairstyle is awsomely cute. *_*

When I saw these, I swear I thought Aiba and Sho (Aiba esp) was worming his way to be my ichiban. OH THE PRETTY <3.
Not everyone can wear 3 specs at once and look retarded-cute. And Sho oh <3 XD

On a serious side note.. and only because he appeared in VSA recently. I agree he's hot, but I get the feeling he's 10x more scary than Jun's DoS mode. =__=| Looking into his eyes is like touching ice too cold when its suppsed to be cool and nice and in the end burns ther hand. =_=| Sorry I'm weird.

*Goosebumps* O.O|

I totally didn't mean to do a long post but whatever.. *KICKS SCHOOL*

Final note:

Own translation: To Nino, good luck for your stageplay ♥
Aw, he managed to squeeze in his message and love for Nino. XD (And he looks so damn cute there)

*Floats away*
*Kicks and stomps notes on the floor*
*Magazine scans credits

oh-chan, otp, flail, arashi

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