
Jun 27, 2009 17:58

I have no idea why I'm feeling sort of down right now so I'll just try cheering myself up with more Arashi. :D And maybe post this thing..

The face wasn't supposed to be that 'long' cos I used photoshop to joined and somehow stretched the whole thing.. this is the original size

You can click on it to enlarge.. I feel like I could have done a better job on it. :\
And OH. I'm no photoshop pro and I drew on a huge ass A3 paper so I scanned half and joined them. =__=| Forgive me for that. I know it looks weird like that..
SO CAN ANYONE TELL WHO I DREW?! *Ignores the kanji written at the side* LOL. I KNOW IT DOESN'T LOOK MUCH LIKE HIM (but I did try :'D)

And I just saw the preview for the HnA SP and I'm thinking that I'm missing their smiles and love more than ever. ;_; Arashi I mean. Lol. Maybe they can jsut skip the part they made them cry... >.>
So other than that, I totally failed one of my term tests by a few marks *starts cursing*  and found out that Arashi's 10 year album is gonna burn a permanent hole right through my pocket. XD

Completely random caps as usual. (I do note my own lack of tension LOL)

HAAHAA I just can't get over how much I love this corner of the new HnA XDD. Yama pair fails but Sho PHails even more! XD Trust Ohno to bring his fishing rod to HnA for filming. Lols. But he's cute so he's forgiven

XD Look closely to the left side and you'll know why I posted this old cap. XDD (Well since I had the cap already might as well post it..)

Ohhh. The look on Nino's face when he's told he's a cold person at heart. XDD As as expected of the sarcastic brat. LOL

...I'm still feeling down but hell cares. =__=| *Goes off to watch 2008 Kokuritsu con DVD for the nth time*

nino, otp, flail, fanart, arashi no shukudai-kun

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