Nino. ;__;

Jun 18, 2009 14:46

I meant to make a Nino birthday post right on his birthday.
But its already 18th here. *Slaps self*

Because I die-die wanted to post a drawing of him. But what the hell. My drawing sucks so much. I can't even shade properly.
I'm sorry Nino ;____; Even my scanner hates me. Making it look worse than it already is.
Omg. I'm so freaking depressed about it. =__=||

Wait, lemme day this first: MydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucksMydrawingsucks

(Lol I had to resize it and make it extra small to cover up the flaws+photoshop editing) *Gets shot* Credits to me if it even looks like Nino.
And Lol, and in RL it looked wayy better.

Damn. I'll come back with a MUCH better drawing of him. *Goes off to emo*

And because no post of mine is complete without caps :D

Nino looks LOVELY in yellow~ ♥


HAHAHA NINO. WHERE ARE YOUR EYES LOOKING AT? XDDD Stupid box *kicks it* Ohno, thanks for stretching like that. XDDD
Nino, you just don't look like 26 at all. :'D (Lol I'm too depressed about my own drawing to make a longer post. )

And Happy Birthday
kazunari_kiseki ! :DD  I love your posts. XD They always make me smile and laugh. I'm glad I added you as my friend. :D

nino, otp, flail, fanart, arashi no shukudai-kun

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