So I don't update... >.>

Jul 31, 2009 23:21

NO CAPSPAM BUT.. Just a tiny update


Since STORMY released up till episode 8 it was so damn good I got impatient and watched the raw. Goodness how I melted into a puddle of goo. D:

SEE SEE ( I doubt this is any form of spoiler )

His face glows in the dark 8D ♥

AWW How sweetly he'd treat his beloved.

*Goo-ing* (Melting XD) That seriously makes a wonderful picture...

O Btw. I know Aiba is the tallest but, there's still that much height difference between Nino and Sho? XDDD LIKE SO CUTE HAHA.

And I couldn't stop watching this moment in AnS XDD

Ok... So what if I took this only cos of Sho's neck? *Smiles* 8DD

Now my face is stretchy cos I grinned too much at this. XDD

... WEEKEEENNNDDSSSSSSSSSSSSS~~~~~~~ *Squeals* I'm re watching Kokuritsu and I don't give a damn about work right now. :D

nino, flail, arashi no shukudai-kun, arashi

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