This Party Post is for complaining, griping, and worrying about the mass extinction of monsters. Yes, if challenged, I have three "silver linings" to this phenomenon. Yes, I am fully ready to hear it if "No, Harp, see, Isaac Marion wrote a comedy/actually does it right/wrote something good so give it a chance/be lol-trollin" and even abandon my
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But the vampire mythos as based in English literature (as opposed to its Slavic antecedents, who were more like ghouls) is ALL ABOUT death-as-stand-in-for-sexuality corrupting and destroying innocent maidens. Back beyond Dracula to Dr. Polidori and The Vampyre. So really I guess we have to blame Lord Byron and his sex life ( ... )
If it is, it's a baby step forward and a pogo stick leap backwards, 'cause in the process, they're removing everything about them that makes them vampires (the weaknesses, and even the fangs in some cases). That's just super unfair. Humans need a way to fight back and protect themselves, or else the whole thing falls apart. By Smeyer's logic, there's no reason evil vampires haven't taken over the world. If nothing can really stop them, and if there's no downside, then you'd think there would be a lot more of them. There's no reason to conceal their identity.
I really shouldn't think about Smeyer because at a certain point, I stop wanting to have reasonable talks with her and start just vowing that if I meet her, I'm going to punch her in the uterus.
Have you read stoney321's analysis of how the sparklepires and the entire plot of Twilight reflect a thoroughly Mormon worldview? SMeyer might not have done it consciously or deliberately, but it permeates the work nonetheless. Stoney was raised Mormon. She knows whereof she speaks.
I mean, shoot, I have a huge deal of reverence and respect for all people older than I am in and out of fandom. When that Dark Shadows movie came out, I was all excited, but I first checked with the folks on my fList who were over 40 to ask their opinions, 'cause I know I'm getting a "screwed up" version of what they loved. You know, so I can love it privately, but have due respect for it. ... Am I rambling? I feel like I might be.
And yes, I did read Stoney's Sparkledurhammen! <3 It was one of my favorite reviews! Pure White and Delightsome indeed. But boy do Mormons get cheesed when you point those parts out to them.
exercise just enough restraint to keep me alive to do it again. That's Ivan! "Blood pets" he calls them.
thoroughly interested in sex, and even if it's not their primary pleasure any more, That's old hedonist Ivan. Works out, too, 'cause he can be easily distracted by pleasing his senses. 'Caurse, that's also how he ended up stuck with his Idiot Fledgeling...
beg me to let them change me, so we can be together forever. That... would be Ivan, except he has had two lovers-turned already, and it ended so poorly both times, and he's been alive for so long (11th or 12th century) that he's got an understanding of just how long forever is. :I Actually, if you have any excerpts from your book about the Turning Discussion, I... ahh, maybe I shouldn't. I just need some kinda idea. 'Cause if he did ask her, right now she'd probably point out just how dangerous it could be.
((Confiding in you, plz feel free to skippit!)) I mean, she's terribly, terribly persuasive and cagey ( ... )
I missed the reference, so it's new to me.
He's also not willing to discuss killing Laura if she gets old and decrepit.
That's also something I'm worried about. One of these days, she's not gonna be so young anymore, and unlike the Blood Pets they started out with in the first game (Alice and Chester) she's likely not going to get killed.
But, if you'd like to see it, pm me your email address and I'll share the Google doc with you. I love feedback!
And I want to say yes, but I'm afraid of 1) unwitting Osmosis (or is it diffusion?) and Plasmoptysis, 2) inadequate feedback (I am a matador of it), 3) annoying you when I fall off the face of the earth in May (that's when mortuary school resumes). Now if you had some discussion feedback questions you needed answered, like "I wrote this scene, what does this evoke?" and "in this argument, what are they saying and whose side are you taking, and what do you feel are the motives behind her argument? What? No, she wasn't trying to get his pity, she was trying to ( ... )
And he built a cynical shell around a hopelessly idealistic core, and you didn't have to dig deep to see the hurt, and he had a wicked sense of snarky humor, and so... despite his flaws and episodes of being an asshole, I'm a bit of a stan.
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