The Etymology Psychic

Feb 25, 2012 19:05

I bet we get a new anatomy teacher next year, especially if they merge our class with the group that started in September. I hope they do, because trying to self-teach anatomy is getting exhausting. For everyone! Our first circulation test was so bad (one person passed) that a re-test was given Friday.

"Yeah, I don't even pay attention in class anymore. I tune it out and read it by myself while she talks."
- Unnamed classmate from "the A-Team"

The Psychology test on Thursday was a lot of fun, though. It was scantron, which means nothing we write on the exam paper will be counted.

Answer the following with A for Grief Therapy, B for Grief Counseling, C for Grief Support Group
#34. A young hospice worker who had been working with a patient every Tuesday is trying to come to terms with the death of her patient before she is assigned a new one. What would you recommend?
Scantron Answer- A
Written on the paper: "Tuesdays With Maury". It might not help, but it's a good book, and she might appreciate the irony.

The Etymology Psychic is coming, and the predictions are upsetting.

death school

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