Brace Yourself (It's 2:26 and I just woke up and I can't sleep)

Feb 13, 2012 03:28

Business Law, Small Business Management, Anatomy, Microbiology, History of Funeral Service, Sociology of Funeral service, Embalming, and Funeral Home directing. Those are the tests I have next week. This week, rather.

I am doing just terribly in those first two. You would not believe how bad. Well... technically I'm only doing badly in one of them, but I'm not sure which because we have them both on Mondays and I can't tell one test from another. So I'll just say I'm doing poorly in both.

Doctor MicroBio says it's because I put all my studying effort into Anatomy and Microbiology. She has a point, but at the same time, I can't help it. I'm not good at science. Or I don't think that I am, which is just as bad (psychologically speaking) when it comes to tests so if I don't study extra hard for those things,

This is kind of a "hell of an unsatisfactory situation" having tests in all of these. It also doesn't help much that for law and business, there's this "feck-all" attitude because we don't talk about death. But it's required.

I always hate reading about people's grades and how they're doing in school, which is why the cut is here. Additional thoughts and lulz about said classes follow.

Sociology of Funeral Service
Confession: I have trolled in this class.

It was the second time meeting and I was still shy. Our teacher, a dear woman who is very enthusiastic, was doing the "go-around-the-room-and-make-each-person-answer" thing, and she asked me twice to speak up. "If you're going to be a funeral director, you've gotta be outgoing and speak up!" She had a point, yes. Just not one that applied to me. I was feeling like I had a spotlight on me already, and then, a few minutes later

Teacher: In fact, what's your religion? *Points to the first person in the first row*
First person: Catholicism
Teacher *points to next person*
Next person: Anglican

Dear God, that's a bit of a personal question, isn't it? I don't really want to-

Teacher: *Points to Harp*
Harp: *Says something quietly*
Teacher: What was that?
Harp: *A little louder, but not understood*
Teacher: Wait, what was that?
Harp: *dead pokerface*... Cthulhuism
Teacher: I... what's that?
Harp: It's a subsection of Lovecraftianism.
Teacher: Is that like Paganism?
Harp: Not at all.
Teacher: Can you spell that for us? *Writes on the board "Cthulhuism" and "Lovecraftianism"* Alright! I'm going to have to look that up! *Moves on to next person*
Harp: *Feels better*

I regret nothing. Shuttie.

Business Law
VintAge (<--- classmate who is tall and likes the 1920's pinup dress style) says she overheard our teacher say that we were "a really dumb class" while she was on the train. She's very honest and wouldn't lie about that. I'm sure he was saying it out of frustration. The day before, we'd gotten back a test (abysmal, let me tell you) and he was scolding us.

Teach: I don't know what's the matter. These grades are just ridiculous.
Harp: *Bad Pokerface* We get good grades in anatomy...?
Teach: *Goes on a rant about how in Pathology we're going to have to memorize 60 different pathogens by smell or something and how anatomy is insanely complicated* And when you get to organic chemistry? Forget it!
Harp: Why do you sound so happy about this?
Teach: I'm just telling you! This stuff is easy compared to that! It should be a no-brainer!

At first I was privately annoyed that once again we were being frightened, but now I'm like lol, u mad, bro?
Yeah, yeah, I'm going to take it to pass the board exams. I could be trying harder. It's just that while I'm reading it, I keep thinking about how I could be studying anatomy and microbiology.

Small Business Management
I think this is the class I'm technically doing for-real abysmally in. Which is sad because our teacher is a nice guy. Not that any of our teachers aren't nice. I like all types of teachers. I like the strict, severe, scary ones that know their stuff and make me cry. I like the nice, easygoing ones that know their stuff and encourage me. I like the funny ones that know their... ok, I guess I just like teachers who know their stuff and care, no matter how they show that they care. This guy knows his stuff. I just need to care more.

A average. Me! Really? How can that be? I royally screwed up on the vascular section of the last test, and this test promises to be a precursor to something really, really bad- circulation. En detail. We're spending two days alone learning all of the names that the veins and arteries have in the arm. It's sort of like learning about roads. There's just one road, technically, but it's got different names in different sections.

Anatomy class is spent teaching ourselves while the teacher talks. We've given up trying to learn much from her. The rest of The A Team is not pleased about it, and they were viciously badmouthing her. I couldn't take hearing it and sauntered off to read one of the children's books about circulation. I feel really bad for her. Some people just weren't meant to teach and it can't be easy trying to teach just one month after graduating. I mean, my mother's a chemist and she hired some student from NYU to teach me chemistry because she knew she couldn't.

Teachers really are amazing. You can know a lot and you can lecture, but lecturing is just oral essaying/testing. Teachers bring it back around to make it fit into different heads. I guess that's why teachers have to be trained. It's too easy to try to force one's own learning style on others.

Another A Average, zowiee. I keep waiting for this stuff to get difficult, and it hasn't yet. Which, of course, makes me more antsy. Doctor Micro brought us an old copy of a microbiology section of the board exam and I was floored at how I was able to answer the questions without looking at my notes.

History of Funeral Service
Now this one, I have covered. One test so far, 97, my only grade. I just read the notes and re-write certain things on my dry erase board to remember them. ... You'd think I would be able to apply this to business law and Small Business management, but it's and honestly I should be doing just that. -.- Dammit... still, it's sort of common sense-ish when you consider the way humans are. ... Just like Law and Busine- goddamnit...

Now is the chance to redeem myself! With this next test, I will know all the herping names! This test is cumulative, from the history up to the Occupational Safety Hazards Administration (OSHA). Get all the points!

Funeral Home Directing
Er... I know. I'll update some time this week by re-typing all my Funeral Home Directing notes. It's difficult to say exactly what I learn in there, but I do learn... something. I just can't think of what.

And on Friday, unexpectedly, the super-duper-mega adorable cute girl with the striped scarf walked right up next to me on the start of the walk home. "Hey, Harp! I thought about you last week!" she said, "My friend was telling me about a geeky burlesque show and last week's theme was Cthulhu!" We talked the eight/ten blocks home. I barely noticed the walk.

I better get the heck to sleep. Feels better now that I got all of that out. Really should X-post this to my DeadJournal.

this harp life, death school

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