Derpanatomy (Le Ghasp!)

Mar 01, 2012 19:50

I've been staying after school every day this week, just reviewing anatomy and studying with the white board. Tried to get others to stay, too, but they mostly all live closer than I do and don't have as annoying a commute. I don't blame them; the school's effing freezing >C

But it was worth it today. We went over circulation to and from the abdomen, the hepatic portal, and the venous return, and everyone was like "BWUH?!" but Harp was like ":3 Learned it yesterday :3 :3 :3". Not out loud, but inwardly. I'm allowed to be secretly happy about that, because my grade in Business Law is vile >:C Guess it's time for reviewing that spit all next week.

And besides, I left an anon message on the whiteboard to help. See, all the arteries in the abdominal circulation are paired left and right, and we'll get points taken off if we aren't specific (As in "Left Superior Mesenteric Artery" >P ). Stay with me, now... the superior and inferior Mesenteric arteries (blood for the small et large intestines) are the only ones without a left and right. So on the board:

Mesenteric Arteries = ME-centric Arteries. (No sharing) (No left or right)

Which looks like a joke Rapunzel'd make. "Mesenteric arteries? Moar liek Me-Centeric LUULLLL amirite?"

OH! OH! SPEAKING OF WHICH! In microbiology, we're learning about controling microbes and stuff, so we're getting definitions like this:

Sepsis: Condition resulting from the presence of pathogenic bacteria
Asepsis: The absence of microbes from a given object
AntiSepsis: Process by which bacterial growth is inhibited on living tissue

And then we get the levels of controlling said microbes, which include "Disinfection" (chemicals directly onto the inanimate object), and Sterilization (destroying all life on an object).

So of course, I'm wondering, "They should put a bacteria into the bacteria. But they should put a bacteria within that bacteria to kill it."

That process, of course, would be called


(I don't feel like hearing it right now, so next week, the Psycic Cometh)

death school

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