Orson Scott Card on Severus Snape

Jul 06, 2007 12:25

A friend sent me the link to this article so I thought I’d pass it along. It’s LONG-but meaty, and by an award-winning and bestselling novelist, author of Ender’s Game. His analysis is not “good news”-it pretty much tracks fandom analysis-that Snape is indeed loyal to Dumbledore, but will sacrifice his life in the end-because, as he puts it, there’s a logic to the development of a character, and:

My own prediction is that Snape will reveal himself to be as loyal to Dumbledore as Harry Potter himself; in fact, I go farther, and offer the thought that Rowling will have Snape give his life in the process of helping Harry Potter prevail in the final battle. There are several reasons I believe this - though I suspect one of the major ones is simply that that is how I, as a novelist myself, would use the character of Snape.

You can read the entire article here

So add Orson Scott Card to Salman Rushdie and Peter David on the Trust!Snape! Author list.

And, for those who care-Book of Shadows, Chapter 9 has been sent to beta. For me that’s lightning fast. My first 4 chapters of BOS had been written within a week or two of each other, but then I’d encountered problems that made me-well, hate the story because of difficulties I had with it that had nothing to do with the story itself. I lost the joy in it and for various reasons other chapters took months. This time it’ll be about a month between updates. What made all the difference wasn’t so much anything I did in writing it, but rather steps I took to enjoy the process of posting it and enjoy fandom again-which really is all about enjoying the good, and avoiding the bad. Well, here’s hoping the next update will be even quicker...

If I’m not completely bummed by Snape’s death in a couple of weeks...

hbp, snape

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