Fic Recs: SS/HG Exchange III

Jul 10, 2007 23:51

This is the third sshg_exchange with 128 gifts posted of fic and art. I’d say that of the 102 stories posted, only a couple are not moderated archive standard, and I’d say the percentage of enjoyable stories is much higher than what you’d find by and large trawling a moderated archive-fresher and more original.

In case anyone doesn’t know how it works, the concept is that people come up with prompts for stories they want or art they’d like, and in exchange they write to (or create art to) other’s specifications.

I think that actually does explain the freshness and originality of so many of the stories. I participated for the first time this round, and it wasn’t easy working to someone’s prompt on deadline, but I think especially since we had to work with ideas we didn’t come up with ourselves, that forced authors to think outside the box.

I thought I’d rec the twenty-five SSHG stories I loved the most and/or found really striking in some way, along with the five standout LM/SS/HG and my five favorite art works posted. The exchange just finished, and the “reveal” of authors won’t happen for a while. I’ll edit this post after the reveal to reflect the creators’ identities.

All stories in the exchange are complete.

SSHG Fic Recs

So, in the order they were posted:

1. melisande88, “Judging Books by Their Covers” 11,900 words, Fluff/Humour/Romance, (NC-17)
Summary: Hermione’s job brings her into daily contact with Snape, and she discovers a secret he earnestly desires to hide from the world.
This featured some of the best line-by-line writing of the Exchange, sparkling ideas, and a Snape stripped of fanonization who is nevertheless enormously appealing. Funny and warm. (Hey, anyone who manages to get a dig in at Dan Brown has in me a fan for life.) This was the one story of the Exchange, that when I read it, the quality of the writing made me feel like an utter hack in comparison.

2. subvers, Improbable Felicity 56,197 words, Angst/Drama/Romance (NC-17)
Summary: Snape is in prison for the murder of Dumbledore when the Ministry decides to try a probation program: release the prisoners to responsible family members. What will they do with Snape, who has no family?
Although I had issues with how Hermione was depicted, (a bit too “domesticated” for my liking, particularly in the last few chapters) I find that even after a glut of SSHG fic, I still remember lines from this imaginative, well-written story while other titles in the Exchange draw a blank as to even their overall plots. I remember such secondary characters as the Minerva and the Moody in this story as a delight to read. Close in its premise to Marriage Law Challenge, but in a clever reversal, this is the kind of story lovers of the genre romance novel will particularly enjoy.

3. clare099, “Carpe Dieum” 4,800 words, Angst/Fluff/Romance (PG)
Summary: Severus Snape never quite forgot his first assistant, but now, after more than a decade, she contacts him out of the blue and asks him to tea.
I loved the lyricism of this piece, the bittersweet tone. I can still remember how the author, in the first-person Snape POV, managed to convey Hermione’s fascination and attraction to Snape even though he himself was oblivious. Lovely and poignant.

4. scatteredlogic, “The Dunderhead Tax” 5,500 words, Humour/Romance (PG)
Summary: All Severus Snape wanted was to fulfill his dream of owning a successful business and to be free of dunderheads. He should have known it was too much to hope.
I really loved the sly humor in this one-with many a witty line to savor-a Snape, a Hermione, and a Draco that were just a treat to read.

5. silburygirl, “I Don’t Like Tuesdays” 11,365 words, Romance (PG-13)
Summary: On a drab Tuesday morning, a much older Hermione finds herself accosted by a man who has been dead for years and a Draco who hasn’t aged past seventeen...
This was my gift, so I’m sure people would expect me to be partial to it, but truly, this was one of my favorite stories in the Exchange, and I’m prouder of having sparked it than of my own contribution. Imaginative, clever, with Snape and Hermione (and Draco and Harry) characterizations to die for.

6. deeble, “A One-Two Punch” 1,800 words, Drama/Humour/Romance, (PG-13)
Summary: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is none at all.
People so easily say they “LOL’ed” when what they mean is they smiled. I think actually laughing with a fic is as rare as crying. This made me snort-and yes, actually laugh out loud.

7. cavalaxis, “Sanctuary” 4,579 words, PWP/Romance (NC-17)
Summary: Severus Snape receives a magical inheritance from the Prince side of his family and it really is wonderful.
A commentator called this “intelligent porn,” and I’d concur. This is one of those few, few, few PWPs I know I’ll remember even months after first reading. Stylish and imaginative, (and yes, hot) my favorite in this genre on this Exchange.

8. dream_labyrinth, “Letter to Hermione” 13,965 words, Romance (NC-17)
Summary: After leaving her failed marriage behind, Hermione decides to fill in a gap in her memory, and finds out more than she wanted to know. HBP-compliant.
This isn’t an epistolatory tale, really. I found it moving and honest and realistic about Snape’s moral ambiguities. There was a closing line in particular that made this story for me, that I still vividly remember.

9. zeeohee, “The Red Desert” 7,026 words, Fluff/Romance (PG-13)
Summary: An unexpected trip to the Gobi both kindles Hermione’s feelings for Snape and clears her mind.
This had a wonderful sense of place with lovely imagery, and I enjoyed the dynamic between the characters: the spot-on Harry, the non-prat Ron and his bonding with Draco-and above all the chemistry created between Snape and Hermione. At the end I wanted to spend more time with these characters.

10. rhosymedre47 (Abby), The Price of Freedom 42,906 words, Drama, Humour, Romance (NC-17)
Summary: Hermione decides that it is time for some reforms to the wizarding world system of justice and enlists Snape’s support.
If someone were to put a gun to my head and force me to choose my favorite story of the Exchange, it would be this novel. This is Snape and Hermione as I love to read them: neither weaker than the other, both a force to be reckoned with. Snape snarky and crafty, Hermione determined and brilliant. The plot was fast-moving and always engaging and the story had scenes that were absolutely hilarious. A joy to read.

11. mollilicious, “Better Living Through Potions” 6,804 words, Angst/Drama (NC-17)
Summary: When a new teacher arrives at Hogwarts, a chain of events is set in motion that will rock the foundation of Snape’s world.
This story starts out rather interior (i.e. little dialogue, heavy on narration) in the first scenes, which often can feel static, but I was hooked from the beginning by this Snape characterization, the memorable phrases and ideas, the tiny hints of a mystery. The story only became more gripping as it went along. Clever plot and twist, and ultimately moving.

12. odogoddess, “Reckoning” 15,799 words, Drama (NC-17)
Summary: The war is finally over and Severus Snape is waiting for justice to be done. Ten years later, he still waits...
The story was suspenseful, intense, chilling, with an interesting twist on one of the characters I didn’t see coming. Be warned-this fic is pretty dark and defines angsty. But it’s one of the tales of the Exchange that has definitely stayed with me.

13. drmm, “Forgive Us Our Debts” 7,246 words, Angst/Drama/Friendship (PG)
Summary: Regret does not bring forgiveness. Hate is not easily forgotten. Nine years after Dumbledore’s death, Hermione Granger learns that sometimes forgiveness can be earned.
This fic provoked a unique reaction for me in this Exchange: tears. This was one of the most powerful and moving fics in any exchange imo. Harrowing though, pitiless and spare in its prose. The author pulls no punches whatsover either in terms of brutality of Snape’s actions or his cruel treatment at others’ hands. Not really a shippy tale, but one about forgiveness-and paying debts. The last line hit me like a punch to the stomach. Just. So. Well. Done.

14. sophierom, “Half the Battle” 4,782 words, Drama (R)
Summary: Knowing is half the battle. Isn’t it?
Stunning, chilling tale. It doesn’t read like any other in the ship I’ve ever read-and that by itself is an achievement. I love how the Hermione and Snape mirror each other-not simply in their similarities but their reversals. The author walks a very fine line with this Snape. This isn’t the noble man of much fanon who killed with Dumbledore’s knowledge and consent. But this isn’t Voldemort’s man either. Nor does he seem simply, completely out for himself. And Hermione is a wonderful foil, full of her own darkness and complexities. So well done. This one isn’t going to leave me for a long time.

15. britt_1975, “Pushing the Envelope” 13,986 words, Fluff/Friendship/Humour/Romance (PG-13)
Summary: Severus Snape is about to be given his liberty from the Ministry’s pilot rehabilitation program and his Probational Monitor, Hermione Granger. Five years is a long time to spend under the thumb of an annoyingly know-it-all Gryffindor, but is it long enough for him to see her as more than that? Will accusations of impropriety doom their chance for happiness?
This story epitomizes good, enjoyable fluff. Not soppy or too sweet, with a good chemistry between Snape and Hermione and good use and characterizations of other characters like Neville and Harry.

16. ginny_weasley31, If the Shoe Fits 34,192 words, Romance (PG-13)
Summary: Sometimes fairy tales are real.
I loved this story. I’m not much a fan of a lot of adaptations in HPfic. I often feel as if the Rowling’s square peg characters are being forced into others’ round holes. But the author doesn’t just slavishly pop Snape and Hermione into the Cinderella tale, she reimagines it in inventive ways with creative uses of magic. The story has more than one twist to keep you guessing and the author keeps Snape and Hermione recognizably in character. A romantic, fast-paced and very enjoyable read.

17. fandomme, “Satisfaction” 6,239 words, Drama (PG-13)
Summary: One summer night in Estonia, Snape discovers he shares his affection for the Rolling Stones with another.
This was exquisite in so many ways. I can’t recall Dementors ever being used this way in a HP fanfic I’ve read. I loved the rapport built between Snape and Hermione, developed realistically and so in character. Poignant and just excellently written from beginning to end. Easily one of the standout fics.

18. vanityfair00, “Two Weeks Notice” 8,213 words, Fluff/Friendship/Romance (NC-17)
Summary: Hermione has lost her job after a scandalous article in the newspaper. But work as a clerk in a bookstore might turn out to be more than she bargained for.
This is marked as fluff, and ultimately is warming, but unlike many marked or called such, it isn’t ever sappy and Snape never loses his snark or bite, which is a lot of what makes this fic so fun to read. So easy to see the Hermione of canon in this tale too, who in this story gradually takes over Snape’s bookshop and his life.

19. sylvanawood, Arachne 29,093 words, Action/Adventure/Romance (NC-17)
Summary: Hermione travels back in time to find a missing Horcrux. She meets a young Severus who prepares for his first Potions lesson.
This was a favorite for the creative ways this author wove canon, and the speculations and hints we have got about Deathly Hallows into her story. This had other delights too. Hermione as an Animagus was skillfully done, you can tell the author took the trouble to actually research spiders to put us into that perspective. I loved the different layers of perspective in this story from both Hermione’s different personas and the weaving back and forth from present to past. Delightful time-turner tale.

20. iamstarmom, “A Pinch of This, A Dash of That” 12,423 words, Humour (NC-17)
Summary: This story takes an immediate hard right turn off the beaten canon to drop off the end of the earth into Silly Alternative Universe Land. Just - er - go with it. A pinch of parody. A dash of cliché. Toss in a few OC’s and stir well. Serve hot.
This takes the prize for crackiest crackfic among the SSHG sans Lucius. Absolutely insane, a cross between Iron Chef and Babette’s feast, I was completely won over by Snape’s redemption by Victory Feast and by the time we reached the citrusy dessert, I was salivating. Bon appetit!

21. cecelle “Bound by Silence” 13,231 words, Friendship/Romance (PG-13)
Summary: After couple of years after the war ended, Hermione is sent to Spinner’s End...
This story is now part of my own personal canon, because that’s how plausible a background the author built for Snape, and the story includes a wrinkle about the Vow I’ve never read. This had so many memorable lines; I think the ones comparing Snape to a hedgehog will particularly stay with me.

22. benebu, “Old Heart, Black Heart” 16,586 words, Friendship/Humour (PG)
Summary: Albus has somehow forgotten to specify the fine print when he sent Severus to Grimmauld Place on ‘Order Business’. As a result, Severus now finds himself in unsavoury company and enrolled in the perilous mission of rendering the house clean and fit for habitation. Things take a turn for the worse when he becomes the object of an unexpected crush...
This was a delightful fic. I liked the Snape, with plenty of bite hiding a smidgen of humanity. The friendship between him and Hermione was built up nicely. The use of the portraits, particularly Mrs. Black, was creative and funny, and the magic behind the portraits was imaginative.

23. melisande88, “The Bowtruckle War” 6,348 words, Fluff/Humour/Romance (PG-13)
Summary: Years after the war with Voldemort has ended, Hermione buys a quiet house and garden to gain a little peace, only to find that her next door neighbour is none other than Severus Snape.
This is another Exchange favorite I know will stay with me. I don’t think I’m soon going to forget the author’s Rose Noire Liquor. This isn’t a fanonized Snape by any means, and the tale is just lovely in its whimsy and charm.

24. wonderfulwrites (Wonderfulchild), “Archeologist” 8,678 words, Drama (PG-13)
Summary: During the war, Hermione makes a deal with the devil and finds herself haunted by hidden meanings.
This story had me utterly glued to the screen from first word to last. I loved the ambiguity of this Snape, the layers to the story-and this Hermione is one I can so easily see from canon, hardened by war and obsessed. A stunningly good story, one of my favorites of the Exchange.

25. bethbethbeth, “What Yet Remains” 7,646 words, Angst/Drama/Friendship/Humour/Romance (PG-13)
Summary: As memories of the War start to fade, a relationship begins to develop between Hermione and Severus. However, it may not be wise to put all memories of the War aside.
I was a little surprised when I looked at the word count on this story and found it longish for a one shot-because it struck me as very short-a measure of what an enjoyable and gripping story it was. The magical malady Snape experiences and the reason for it are very inventive and the story ran the gamut from humor to more poignant moments. Lovely story.

A Lucius Fic Addendum

There were quite a few Lucius/Snape/Hermione fics this round. Over half of the 7 novel-length entries were in that ship. I’m listing separately the LM/SS/HG that I found oustandingly written for those who might enjoy them and not on my main list because 1) I don’t really consider these SSHG, but like any threesome, a very different animal that may or may not appeal to the usual shipper. 2) I despise Lucius, find him unredeemable and not credible he’d go for a Muggle-born, and I don't like threesomes, so I can’t say I can really fairly judge these alongside stories in my OTP. 3) There really were some outstanding fics in this category-objectively some of the most impressive fics of the exchange in terms of plot and style that do deserve mention, and by putting them here at the end I can cheat above...

So, in the order posted.

1. snarkypants, “Fork in the road” 8,200 words, Fluff/PWP (NC-17)
Summary: A three-some romance with Lucius, Severus, and Hermione. Hermione has been tasked with finding Snape to deliver Dumbledore’s legacy. However if she goes, her marriage to whoever is over. She goes and finds Snape and Malfoy.
This managed to be both funny and hot (even to me with my dislike of Lucius and threesomes so that says a lot).

2. lilithj, Scarborough Arithmancy 49,494 words, Drama/Romance (NC-17)
Summary: Arithmancy has often been defined as the science that deals with the laws of magic. (Elements of Arithmancy, Reichenbach, H. c1947.) Equations, however, factor only what the Arithmancer knows to be true at the time. Sometimes unforeseen circumstances throw a kink in the works. Magic doesn’t behave as one expects and solutions can be found in a chance meeting 10 years later.
This is simply not just one of the best written stories of the exchange, but arguably hands down the most imaginative and intelligent with a premise I’ve never seen before in HPfic. I loved the author’s speculations on, and uses of, magic. The threesome here is used creatively as something formed and integral to Hermione’s magic. Hot, laced with humor, an instant classic.

3. pigwidgeon37, Bermuda 49,426 words, Romance (NC-17)
Summary: War heroes aren’t always treated as they should be. Due to a ministerial intrigue Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy and Hermione Granger are practically prisoners at a mental institution. But if one Gryffindor and two Slytherins join forces, they’re able to overcome almost any obstacle.
Funny, with moments both effervescent and dark and a complex, intriguing plot. Truly interesting dynamic among the triad. I can still remember this bit of description of Snape and how he contrasted with Lucius body and soul.

4. mundungus42, Unconsidered Triffles 40,695 words, Humour/Romance, BDSM (NC-17)
Summary: When taking their N.E.W.T.s becomes contingent on completing a Ministry-approved curriculum, the students rebel, catching the teachers in the crossfire.
This is just so hilarious and whacky it verges on crackfic-both in the sense of fic-on-crack and that it’s just as addictive. The humor, the word-play, the lemons. Hoo ah! Not about to forget the poultrygeist any time soon either... Severe pun warning...*g*

5. shiv5468, Seven Types of Ambiguity 53,331 words, Humour/Romance (R)
Summary: Hermione is Severus’ lawyer, attempting to acquit him of Dumbledore’s murder.
Witty, with deft and interesting portrayals of the characters and well-done humor. To my own shock, this really is a favorite of mine among the stories on the Exchange-not just the threesomes. Even though there’s a wealth of Lucius in it, the focus, even in scenes with just Lucius and Hermione, often is on Snape. I loved the Minerva, and the Dumbledore is the kind you love to hate. There were so many insightful lines and scenes that made me see Snape afresh.


There were really some gorgeous art works offered up on the Exchange. I’m going to limit myself to pointing out my five top favorites (and that wasn’t easy-I could have easily made it top ten.) In the order they were posted:

1. _odella_, “Good Morning, Girl” (PG)
Description: For subvers, from her story His Draught of Delicate Poison.
What can I say? Just gorgeous. I didn’t even have to click to remember this one or bring the image to my eye.

2. avery, “On the Battlefield” (PG-13)
Description: Severus and Hermione make love on the battlefield (Voldemort has just been defeated).
Another amazing image that like the above I didn’t have to click on to refresh my memory. Intense, sexy, and just with a small detail (the twined legs) the author is able to convey this is very much a consensual, even if primal, coupling.

3. ferporcel, “In the Rain” (PG-13)
Description: A moment from the artist’s favorite HG/SS story: A Walking Shadow by Ariadne, when they kiss in the rain at the back garden of Grimmauld Place.
The rain-drenched figures and their kiss are beautifully rendered.

4. unwoundfantasy, “ART For: Myrddin” (PG)
Description: Back to Back in Battle
I loved the vivid colors and striking drawing of the characters. This looked so professional, like it could be torn right from the pages of a comic.

5. mundungus42, “A Crooked Trail” (PG-13)
Description: Hermione and her cat fight vigilante justice with vigilante heroics.
This one isn’t just a simple illustration-but a comic, or if you will, a “graphic short story.” I absolutely loved it. There’s nothing else like it on any of the SSHG exchanges and the images and words lingered with me. The last two panels made my SSHG OTP heart go all a flutter. The work repays both repeated viewing and very close attention-you find details you may have missed first time.

For all this wealth of SSHG we have to thank mugglegirl0908 who started the exchange, shiv5468 and ginny_weasley31 for doing such great jobs organizing and maintaining it and scatteredlogic for admining so many of the stories. All are to be commended for their hard work, as are all the participants who produced some wonderful stories out of challenging prompts.

Edited 7/12/07 to reflect creator identities

fic recs, exchangerecs, ss/hg

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