I am recovered! I think I'm still getting tired a little more easily than usual, but my stomach feels fine and I'm going about my business. I even made it through class yesterday with no problems (and talked with my prof about the test I'm missing, and scheduled a different time to take it). I read chapter 2 in my accounting book, did my homework (98.16%!), took my accounting quiz (not quite so good, but we get to drop our lowest 2 quiz scores - considering how good I did on my homework, I question the validity of that quiz and its questions), and took my chapters 1 & 2 quizzes for microeconomics - 100% on both of those, by the way. I even got two tries on each, but got 100% on the first try both times. I am striving for excellence!
I bought a planner last night, on eBay. The last few days I've been wishing I had one, even though I've never used one before. They used to give them out at the first of the school year in high school, but I was always like "yeah, like I'll ever use this," and even when I've gotten them before I've never used them more than a week or two. But either I have gotten a lot worse at keeping track of future events, or I have a lot more going on, because I'm having a hard time keeping up with my classes. Part of the problem, I think, is that my class syllabi are all in different places - one is e-mailed to me, one is on Blackboard on the UVU site, and one is a hard copy. It's been almost three weeks since school started and I've never quite felt like I'm on top of things. So, I invested in a planner - one of those nice planners, the type you buy refills for instead of just buying a new one when the old one is full, and one that cost enough that I will feel obligated to continue using it. XD
I think it suits the accounting profession, don't you? That store has an amazingly cute Chococat contact lens case that I WANT. It's kind of expensive, but it's adorable and also well-made, has the separate cases for the lenses and then a larger case with a mirror in the lid. Considering it's the kind of thing you just buy once, I may invest in it once the monies are a little more available. I like a lot of the Hello Kitty characters but Chococat is my faaaaaavorite. I could seriously buy everything in that Chococat category. All 266 items. (Except I already have the checkbook cover, magnetic notepad, and Post-it notes.) I especially need that Chococat calculator to use in class.
Anyway, time to pull myself away from the Chococat and start doing orders. And hey, it's approaching lunchtime! And I actually want to eat!