
Jul 06, 2006 15:05

I'm very worried about my health.

* Although I'm in the middle of my cycle, I've been bleeding for the last three days or so.
* I've had a colorless rash on my face since Tuesday.
* My doctor tells me I've developed minor scoliosis from my job, but that he doesn't do worker's comp, and refuses to order me a prescription for pain medication.

If anyone out there can help me with these issues in any way, please please help!
I'm just at a loss here...

Aside from that crumble, here are other things that I've been meaning to post about but just haven't had the chance...

My Life Lately
Good news and bad news...Work Related.

So, as you've just read above, my health is deteriorating from stress and over exertion. My muscles haven't had time to recuperate, so although I'm getting a hell of a work out, and plenty stronger (including nearly ten pounds heavier), I've been weaker, had less energy, and have been sloppy with my motions, causing me to sustain injury.

I'm hoping that the reason I've developed a rash on my fucking face and have been bleeding outside of my within birth controlled perfectly timed over the last six years periods is because of the stress on my body...and that when the stress is gone the symptoms will go away too...That's a big hope... I saw some things online that freaked me out. Not gonna look anymore...

So the good news from all of this is that the film industry is booming all of a sudden.
What a couple of months ago looked like a drought in the local film industry has turned into a struggle for time off.
There's work on top of work.

For me, this job ends mid next week, and then the next things starts right up the following Monday.
Hooray for money, but umm yeah...can my body take it?

See, I've been doing rigging electric, which to me is the lowest of the jobs in my class. Sure, they all make the same money, but when you're rigging electric you're just laying and picking up the heaviest, stupidest cable...over and over again.
There's no great technique to it. Any bloody monkey could do it.

I've said time and time again, I want to be a grip. Gripping is real physics, real art, and really fun. The things you lift are more ergonomic, you're not doing 80% of the work down by your goddamn feet all bent over ruining your fucking spine, and furthermore, I'm a damn good grip.

So yeah, even though I've been offered a position as a rigging electrician for the Friday Night Lights TV Series which will give me steady bank for the next six months, I'll still be pushing to get into the grip department...and might HAVE to in order to remain a capable worker and functioning human being.

Research I've Done

So speaking of health, I've been doing a lot of research on nutrients...particularly ones that seem to effect alcoholism, since that was a topic for me recently.

So I've had a few articles up on my computer that I've been meaning to post about so I could log them and not have to save the websites.

I have this one article about EGCG and 5HTP, which focuses mainly on using them for weight loss, but described the chemicals in a detail that helped me understand them better. EGCG is the chemical found in Green Tea, which has been proven to lower cholesterol, kill off cancer, and combined with caffine, raise metabolism and burn calories. With 5HTP, I knew that it was used by ravers for post rolling, getting their serotonin levels back in que, but I didn't know how it affected serotonin exactly. A conversation that I had with a man in Whole Foods a few months back opened another idea about 5HTP for me, that it was an amino acid compound missing in individuals with alcoholism.

Speaking of alcoholism, I found this article about pantothenic acid, otherwise known as vitamin B5, which stated "Insufficient supply can occur in connection with intestine illnesses or alcoholism".

I find it interesting seeing all of this evidence that alcoholism is just a chemical imbalance...
The funny thing is, when I think of the alcoholics I know...they're all awfully poor eaters. Maybe they just don't get the minerals that they need because they don't eat, and that's what gives them the cravings for alcohol...

Alcohol abuse or just general depression has been associated with low levels of magnesium.

I've become an avid pill popper, taking vitamins ranging from Bs, A, Calcium, Green Foods, vegan Oils, Green Tea supplements, Bioflavinoids, Potassium, Glucosamine....not to mention protein powders derived from soy, whey, rice, egg, even fucking hemp.
I'm trying to keep it balanced...keep my body working...

Diet and exercise, diet and exercise... Stress stress, yuck...
I miss projects and friends... I've been too busy to really evaluate the quality of my life and work to make changes...but I've started to I'm working on fixing things...

shout, job, research, health, ill

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