Hardtime: 100’s FlashFic #01: Forgiveness, "The Game II"

Feb 23, 2010 23:28

The Game II
Rating: R
Pairing: Tobias Beecher/Elliot Stabler, Kareem Saïd
Fandom: Oz/SVU
Word-count: 2000
Warning: AU, Slash, Angst, Rough Language, A Bit o’ Mush, Unbetaed.
Disclaimers: None of the Oz or SVU characters belong to me.
Sequel to ' The Game.' Written for 25fluffyfics , Prompt #17, Jealousy and for hardtime100 FlashFic Challenge #01: Forgiveness. Cross-posted to my journals and elsewhere.

Elliot whistled heartily as he lifted the grocery bag by its handles from the passenger seat, balancing the insulated crock pot in his right arm at the same time. The heat from its contents was pleasant to his chest in the blustery cold night. The weather had changed rapidly in the last couple days since he’d last seen Toby, work keeping him away from the blond attorney. A huge smile split his face every time he thought about Tobias Beecher. “Toby,” Elliot whispered fondly, practically skipping up the steps to Toby’s Brownstone in Manhattan’s Upper West Side.

His whistling continued as he rang the doorbell with his left thumb, stopping abruptly when the door opened to reveal a complete stranger standing in the doorway. The detective wondered for a split second if he’d come to the wrong door, however, he recognized Tobias’ simple, but elegant décor just beyond the threshold. This was definitely Toby’s home.

“May I help you,” the distinguished-looking man asked him as he gave Elliot the once-over as if he was deciding whether he was dangerous or a beggar or something. Elliot didn’t like the scrutiny.

Placing a smile (that went nowhere near his eyes) on his handsome face, Elliot replied, “I’m here to see Tobias Beecher.”

“He didn’t mention that he was expecting guests,” the attractive black man stated.

“He doesn’t know I was coming, but how is this any of your business?” Elliot was getting upset.

“Ah, you must be his cop friend, Officer Stable.”

“It’s Stabler--Detective Stabler and who the hell are you?” Elliot responded shortly. I can’t believe this bozo’s got me standing in the fucking cold, giving me the third degree!

“A close friend,” he said enigmatically.

A voice inside the apartment rang out, “Who’s at the door, Kareem?” It was Toby.

“The police.” Deigning to finally allow Elliot inside the apartment, the well-spoken man stood to the side.

Once in, Elliot took a good look at this Kareem. He was around Elliot’s age, tall and handsome. He wore jeans, a white polo, a brown wool jacket and a white Kufi skull Cap.

“The police?” Toby asked, his voice getting closer as he came downstairs… In a robe. “Elliot! What are doing here,” he asked excitedly.

Elliot took in Tobias’ state of dress. He was barefoot and his hair was damp, the curly locks appearing darker as they surrounded his gorgeous face.

“Interrupting, apparently. My mistake,” Elliot said, preparing to leave.

“Don’t go.” Toby said, concerned by Elliot’s tone.

“Yes, Detective--Stay.” Kareem told him. Elliot could see the man was enjoying the awkward situation. The look Elliot gave him could have killed, but, it only amused Toby’s friend. “I have to leave, anyway.”

“But, you just got here,” Toby pointed out.

“I know. I only wanted to check on you and bring you some dinner. Your eating habits are appalling in the best of times,” Kareem told Toby fondly.

“You’ll come back when you can stay longer, I hope?”

“You can count on it.” He said, hugging Toby closely. Turning to Elliot, he bowed slightly, saying, “Good evening, Detective,” grabbed his coat and left.

Toby waited, confused as he looked at Elliot who stood stoically just inside the living room, a grocery bag near his feet and a royal blue encased crock pot in his right arm. The look in his eyes reminded the robed man of earlier times, except somehow harsher.

“Here, let me take that from you.” Toby reached out for the piece of cookware, but Elliot wrapped it in both of his arms, frowning deeply. “Okay, I’ll take the bag,” Tobias countered.

“Don’t bother ’cause I’m not staying.” Elliot said with a hint of petulance in his tone.

“Why?” Toby asked gently, somewhat hurt by Elliot’s behavior. When, he got no answer, he prompted, “El?”

“Coming here was spur of the moment. I shoulda called…” He paused awkwardly. “This was a bad idea. Look, Toby--I’ve got an early day tomorrow.”

“It’s only 6:30, Elliot.”

“Fuck 6:30!” He yelled all of a sudden, startling Toby.

“You want to tell me what crawled up your butt?” Toby didn’t know whether to laugh or punch Elliot. The situation was both absurd and maddening. “Well?”

“I’ll put these away.” Elliot ignored Tobias’ questions and walked away, turning towards the well-appointed kitchen. He set the grocery bag on the center island and placed the crock pot on the counter near the stovetop.

Toby stood quietly watching him as he moved about (his overcoat still on), putting away the groceries except for a produce bag with some large lemons. Then he took a covered casserole dish off the counter (Kareem’s dinner) and put it in the French door refrigerator. Next, Elliot slipped the insulated travel case off of the large cooker, plugging it into an outlet. Still not looking in Toby’s direction, Elliot started searching the upper cabinets, removing plates, drinking glasses and a flower-etched pitcher.

When Elliot started cutting the lemons in two, Tobias went to his gadget drawer and took out a hand-held stainless steel citrus press, juicing the yellow fruit into the newly-washed pitcher. Neither one said a word while they worked, the only sounds the stirring of sugar-laced water against crystal and the clinking of ice into matching glasses. Afterward, Toby filled the glasses with lemonade while Elliot placed silverware on the table in the breakfast nook.

After Toby set down their beverages, he ran a hand through his drying hair, saying, “I’m going to put on some clothes.” He was tempted to ask Elliot if he’d wait, but he was afraid of his answer.

Elliot grabbed Toby’s arm and pulled him into an embrace so fierce, he could hardly breathe. But, Toby said not one word of complaint as Elliot held on. “Just tell me you don’t love him,” the SVU detective said.

“I can’t, El.” Toby felt Elliot stiffen just before he pulled away.

“He your boyfriend?”

“You’re my boyfriend,” Toby told him, caressing Elliot’s face.

“You just said…”

“That I love Kareem. I do--As a friend.”

“So, there’s nothing between you two?”

“A long time ago before he converted to Islam,” Toby said quietly.

“You fuck him?” Elliot demanded, eyes narrowed.

“If you’re asking me if we had anal sex, then the answer is no.” Toby said bluntly, not liking Elliot’s questioning.

“But, the two of you had an intimate relationship.”

“We were roommates at Harvard and became good friends. We had similar upbringings and beliefs about the world, so it was only natural that we’d grow close.”

“Go on,” Elliot prompted with arms folded.

“Before I do, are we going to discuss your past sexual relationships afterward?” Toby inquired defensively.

“I’ve only had one and I married her.”

Toby nodded his head, but he didn’t say anything, turning away from Elliot. “After I tell you about Kareem, should I be prepared to disclose every sexual encounter I’ve ever had to you? Are you going to pass judgment before dumping me? Because, if you are, we can cut to the chase right now and part ways.”

Elliot could hear the hurt in Toby’s voice and see the stiff set to his shoulders and he felt like a heel for upsetting him. “I don’t want to part ways, Tobe.”

Toby turned to face Elliot again, “Then what do you want? I was married, too, but, she wasn’t my first or my last or my only.”

“Just tell me that you and he aren’t still involved.”

“I already told you that. We had a moment years ago. Then he converted to Islam, changed his name to Kareem Saïd and is now married with children.”

“But, he still cares for you. He was acting like…”

“A protective friend,” Toby interrupted. “He always has been.
He’s worried that I’ll get hurt again.”

“Who hurt you, Toby?” Elliot asked, concerned.

“He did. He couldn’t handle a same-sex relationship. He was in crisis and left Harvard--And me. After that, I started drinking and I married Genevieve, my children’s mother, the first chance I got. A complete disaster except for my three beautiful kids.”

“But, you found each other again.”

“Yeah, about three years ago in Oxford where he was teaching. We talked all night long and he explained everything and I forgave him. He still loves me Elliot, but we’re just friends now.”

“You’re not in love with him?” Elliot kept pushing.

“No, Elliot! Why don’t you believe me?”

“Because I… I don’t want to lose you, Tobias Beecher!” He practically shouted.

“Then stop giving me the third degree like one of your perps.”

“That wasn’t my intention.” Elliot said sheepishly.

“What was your intention?” Tobias asked, not letting him off the hook.

“Now, whose giving who the third degree?” He evaded.

“Just answer the question, Stabler,” Toby ordered, but Elliot could tell he wasn’t upset anymore.

“My intent was to come over here and surprise you with my famous pot roast, thereby sweeping you off your feet with my cooking skills. But, I ended up acting like a jealous lunatic instead.” The last was said with Elliot staring at his feet, peaking up at Toby briefly.

“You were jealous?” Toby asked with a delighted smirk.

“Don’t be so damn happy about it.”

Toby laughed at first, but then he said seriously, “I’m not--Not really. I truly like you Elliot, but I can’t change my past.”

“And, I don’t expect you to. I just want to be your one and only.”

“My boyfriend?” Toby teased.

“You’re just gonna milk this, aren’t you?” Elliot laughed, finally taking off his coat. He was so relieved.

“Okay, okay,” Toby laughed. “You are my one and only, Detective Stabler.”

“Good,” Elliot stated and pulled Toby back into his arms and kissed him deeply, not stopping until they were both in need of air. Then he kissed Toby’s forehead and eyelids before burying his face in the man’s clean-smelling hair.

“I think that I should go put some clothes on, now.”

“I like way you’re dressed.”

“Tough. I’m hungry and want to eat. If I keep on standing near you practically naked, I won’t be able to concentrate on food.”

“Oh, yeah?” Elliot asked smugly. “You find me irresistible, Toby?”

“Maybe just a little, so don’t let it go to your head,” Toby said, repeating what Elliot said to him two days before in his bedroom after Toby asked if Elliot wanted him if only a little.

“Who me?” Elliot chuckled. “Alright, Counselor. You go get dressed and I’ll warm up the rolls in microwave and plate up my delicious pot roast.”

“Sounds good.” Toby said, leaving the kitchen. When he returned, he was greeted by candlelight, a single rose in a bud vase and scrumptious-looking roast beef with vegetables and rolls. He was too touched for words.

“Wow, Elliot. This is very nice--Thank you.”

“No thanks is needed, Toby. I do ask you for your forgiveness for acting like a jerk before.”

“I forgive you, El” Toby said.

“I’m glad. Here, let me pull out your chair.”

“That’s not necessary, but I appreciate it. This look amazing, Elliot.” Toby picked up his fork after Elliot quickly said Grace, making Toby smile. “Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said you make a mean pot roast. Yum!”

Elliot was practically beaming at the praise as he watched Toby, then began eating his own dinner. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had such wonderful time in some else’s company. Well, that wasn’t quite true. Two days before he’d had a great night having dinner with Toby and talking to him nervous as hell.

He hadn’t realized it, but Toby had been just as nervous as Elliot. Nevertheless, he’d had so much fun spending time with Elliot. Just like now. “So, tell me--When do I get to taste your chicken soup?”

“Whenever you like.”

“I look forward to it. Now, what’s for desert?”


My Meloni/Tergesen Table

flashfic ch 001 forgiveness, w: numenora

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