HT100 Flash Fic Challenge #21: I've Got a Secret, “Looking At You”

Feb 26, 2010 23:45

Here it is, y’all. I wrote a sequel to my B/K ficlet 'He Walks In' like you asked. I hope you like it. :)

Looking At You
Fandom: Oz
Pairing: Tobias Beecher/Chris Keller, The Beecher Children & Grandparents, Ocs.
Word-count: 1250
Warnings/Disclaimer: AU, Implied Slash, Kid-fic, Some Mush, Unbetaed. I do not own either character (except the Ocs) and I am making no money. Title loosely taken from the Casablanca ‘Rick Blaine’ quote: “Here's looking at you, kid.”

A Sequel to ‘ He Walks In.’ Written for 25fluffyfics , Prompt #08, Dinner and for hardtime100 FlashFic Challenge #21: I've Got a Secret. Posted to my journals and elsewhere.

Toby sipped ice tea as he watched his children, his new friend Christopher Keller and Chris’ dog, Galahad, frolic in the swimming pool. He laughed at that term frolic, but no other word fit. They were having way too much fun.

“You just gonna sit in that lounge chair all afternoon?” Chris asked Toby as he swam with Harry on his back, small arms wrapped around his neck.


“Meany,” Chris laughed. “C’mon on in the pool with us.”

“Why don’t you take a break and come join me?”

Chris looked Toby over in his white swim suit, his chest and legs bare. Damn sexy, Chris mused silently. “I think I will,” he decided, unwrapping himself from Toby’s youngest child Harry.

Toby couldn’t take his eyes off of Chris Keller as he climbed out of the pool. The man was poetry in motion as he walked and dried himself off. He was magnificent in his red Speedo. Breathe, Toby, breathe.

“What’re you gawking at?” Chris queried, pretty sure he knew what Toby was thinking. Chris knew he was attractive and he accepted it without vanity, but he couldn‘t help being grateful and damn flattered that Toby found him attractive, too.

“You. So, stop preening and get over here,” Tobias ordered playfully, pouring Chris a drink.

As both men talked quietly in the lounge chairs, Roberta, the housekeeper, shouted out to the children, “Lunch is almost ready, youngsters. Time to wash up and get dressed before your grandparents get here.” Needless to say this was greeted by grunts and moans.

“Awww! We’re having fun, Miss ’Berta,” Holly whined.

“Can’t we stay just a little while longer? “Please?” Gary begged.

“Yeah, Miss ’Berta,” Harry said, adding his pleas to his siblings.

Roberta looked fondly at the adorable blond moppets and said, “Nooo, so, save it.” Then, she cleared her throat at Toby and Chris. “That goes for the both of you, too.”

“Aw, gosh darn!” Chris said, mimicking the children‘s tone.

“Yeah, Miss ’Berta. Do we have to?” Toby whined playfully.

“Ha, ha,” Roberta said, shaking her head at them.

“We’ll be along soon.” Toby promised as Roberta, kids and one large black dog faded away into white noise.

“This is nice.” Chris set his glass down and moved his chair closer to Toby’s.

“Have I mentioned how grateful I am that Galahad slipped his collar and found his way to us?” Toby inquired, moving his chair closer, too.

“A couple times, but he never gets tired of hearing it and neither do I.” Chris ran a cool forefinger along Toby’s cheek, sending a thrill through the blond father of three.

“Well, I am,” Toby grabbed onto that finger and kissed it before drawing it into his mouth. It was Chris’ turn to shiver at the contact, kissing Toby’s temple.

“Come here,” Chris’ free hand cupped Tobias’ face and brought it close, capturing the man’s eager lips with Chris’ own.

Toby moaned into it, wrapping his arms around Chris’ muscled shoulders, French-kissing him deeply.

They were so engaged, they didn’t know that they had an audience in the form of newly dressed children and a nearly dry St. John’s Water Dog/Newfoundland mix. They started giggling and ran inside of the house to greet their grandparents.

“Grandmother! Granddad!” The children all shouted as Tobias Beecher’s parents arrived.

“Hello, my darling grandbabies!” Toby’s mother said. “You all are so beautiful,” she told them, hugging each one. Then she ruffled Galahad’s shiny black coat. “And how are you, Sir Galahad?”

Toby’s father took his turn with the children before finally inquiring, “So, where is your father?”

The impish kids laughed at the question, making their grandparents frown curiously, then stare each other.

“Well, where is he?” Harrison asked again.

Still unaware, Chris and Toby were in a world of their own enjoying the taste of each other. As they finally broke apart, they heard Toby’s father’s question, then loud, raucous laughter followed by a chorus of young voices singing: “Chris and Dad-dy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”

Chris laughed, “We are so busted!”

“I’m glad you find this funny,” Toby covered his face briefly with both hands. “I didn’t want my mother to find out so soon.”

“Why?” Chris asked him, still very amused.

“Because, she’ll be picking out china patterns and planning engagement parties. This. Is. Serious! Toby hissed.

Chris smiled wistfully. “You’re lucky to have an understanding mother, Toby. Not everyone has that.” Chris brushed some of Toby’s hair away from his face, tucking it behind his left ear.

“Well, she hasn’t always been. I think having grandchildren has mellowed her and my dad. It may also be that she really likes you.”

“Oh, yeah?” The dark-haired man asked, very pleased.

“Yeah. She knows my kids adore you and you make me smile. And…”

“And..?” Chris prompted.

“She thinks you’re very attractive.” Toby smirked.

“She said that?”


“Then, how do you know?”

“Because she blushes whenever you speak to her. You have totally charmed her.” Toby grinned at the handsome man next to him.

It was Chris’ turn to blush. He was too pleased to speak. Then he managed, “That’s nice to hear. All of my ex-mothers-in-law hated my guts.”

“I find that hard to believe,” Toby said, truly surprised. “Wait--Mothers-in-law? How many are we speaking of.”

“Three,” Chris admitted sheepishly. “I guess they didn’t like that I divorced their daughters.” Pausing briefly, he continued. “Or… They didn’t appreciate that I… Have a record.”

“Oh,” Toby frowned, nodding his head.

Chris waited for the kiss-off that usually came right after he admitted to a less-than-honest past. He hated to think that his relationship with Toby and Toby’s children could be over so soon. He really liked this family and he could see himself building a life with Tobias Beecher someday. Well, not all good things last, he admitted to himself.

“You’ve been married three times?” Toby asked, incredulously.

“Four, actually. I married my second wife twice,” Chris chuckled, immensely relieved.

“You’re a glutton for punishment.” Toby laughed, punching Chris lightly on the shoulder.

Although Chris was relieved by Toby’s attitude and was touched that he seemed to not want to pry into Chris’ past, he wanted to give the man an explanation. “Look, Toby--I want to tell you about my brush with the law.”

“Did you kill someone?” Toby asked him, praying that he hadn’t. He really didn’t want to lose Chris.

“No,” he admitted, looking Toby square in the eyes.

“Then we can talk about it some other time when we are alone. We don’t have to go into it today, okay, baby?” Toby told Chris, cupping the man’s face with both hands.

“Okay, baby.” Chris grinned broadly, kissing Tobias on the tip of his nose (that Chris found so damn cute) and then Chris kissed the lips he found quite irresistible.

“They’re still kissing,” Holly shouted, making the other children break out into a fit of giggles.

“If you two are done, I’d like to eat some real food.” Toby’s father said from the patio doors. “Your mother has me on this low-fat diet that includes an insane amount of roughage. So, if you love your father, you’ll hurry. I need Chris to distract my wife during dessert. Roberta made chocolate cake.” He said, rubbing his hands gleefully.

“Then, we’d better get in there.” Toby said mock-gravely.

Taking Toby’s hand, Chris said, “Right behind you, babe.”


My Meloni/Tergesen Table

w: numenora, flashfic ch 021 secret, flashfiction

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