
May 07, 2004 03:41

Here we go...


q1: what was the weirdest thing you have ever used when you *pleased* yourself?
I've never really "used" anything weird, in the same sense that women can stick just about any kind of phallic object in themselves while getting off.

q2: what is your middle name?

q3: whats the last thing you think about before you go to bed?
"Go to sleep you idiot.  Stop thinking.  Thinking keeps you awake.  Go to sleep you idiot..."

q4: do you prefer men or women?
Women.  All the way.

q5: if you had to choose, coke or pepsi?
Coke.  Practically every time I've had Pepsi I've gotten physically ill.

armageddon bride

1) Bite the back of your wrist. Does it hurt?
Ow.  Yes.

2) What kind of chair are you sitting in?
Pretty standard office computer chair on wheels.

3) Can you lick the back of your knee?
Lemme see...ow, I think I pulled something.  No.

4) How long can you hold your breath for?
You're trying to kill me, aren't you?  Ok, lemme get a stopwatch... 30 seconds.  *falls over gasping*

5) Would you wear eyeliner for me?
Only if you lick it off me afterwards.


Q1 can u lick your elbow? ( i hear this is a hard thing to do)
Ow, body twisting in unnatural ways is not my thing.  This is a no.

Q2 PB&J or bananas and peanut butter?
Gah, I hate both jelly and bananas.  I'll just take the peanut butter.

Q3 Bath or shower?
Shower.  Don't have a bathtub in my bathroom.

Q4 dogs or cats?
Oooh, tough call.  I'd have to go with cats.  They don't have quite the same tendancy as dogs do to jump and slobber all over me frantically.

Q5 MTV or VH1


1) Where are you from?

2) What was the longest relationship you ever had?
Hrm, tough one.  Most of the girls I've been involved with started as friends, and then the line blurred, and moved into more intimate areas.  There was 'C' who I was with for...a week, then she dumped her RL boyfriend for me, and we were sorta together for a the next month.  Then we drifted apart, then back a month later, and then she started talking about killing herself if her ex didn't love her.  It became obvious from that I wasn't that important to her anymore.  About a year later, me and 'T' hit it off for about a month and then that just sorta dissolved away.  I suppose one could consider my "frielationship" with 'A' would have been the longest mix of the two, spanning almost 2 years, then I ruined it all by getting jealous.

3) Did you ever want to talk to or ask a girl out but didnt because you knew your friends or family would not approve?
Well, there was the lesbian...

4) What was your favorite cartoon when you were little?
First thing that popped into my head was He-Man.  It's funny, I downloaded an old He-Man episode and watched it recently, and it was the most boring, crappy looking show ever.  The new He-Man though, that's nice.

5) Whats your favorite animal?
My nieces.  Can I say that?  Heh.  I dunno, anything that doesn't wish to bite me.

Her Majesty

1.What would you do/say if you were caught masturbating by your parents?
"What the hell are you doing awake?!"

2.How can you stay on the computer and cyber into the wee hours of the morning? Hasn't anyone ever woken up in the middle of the night in your family? lol
Well, they do, but mostly they just stay upstairs.  See, I have the basement all to myself, and the computer room is right next to the stairs, which thankfully creak when stepped on.  I can think of only one time that I made a mad scramble to get my pants back on just moments before they walked in the room.

3.Do you have a crush on anybody right now?
I'm not sure.

4.Are you in or did you go to college?
I did a few years of community college.  I really started getting sick of school, and homework and tests, and I had some poor experiences with bitchy teachers who were baselessly unreasonable, so I gave up on it for a while.  I'm sure I'll feel the itch to better myself someday, but for now, I really am quite content with my life.

5.Did you know that your being attracted to white panties means you like innocence/purity in girls.
Yes.  I am quite aware of that. :)


1-How old were you when you first masturbated?
12 Years 4 Months 20 Days

2-What is your craziest fantasy?
Back when I was 13 or 14 I had some odd ones.  Generally they involved me and a girl from school getting kidnapped by aliens and forced to have sex for scientific experiments and observations.

3-What turns you on the most?
Verbally: Being talked dirty to, being told intimate details.  Visually: Panties are a big thing for me, especially when they're just barely hidden from sight, like under a short skirt or a long t-shirt.  Just that little peek at them is wonderful to see.  Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing all of them or what's inside of them either.

4-If you had a chance to be a female for a week would you?
Yes, as long as it wasn't the week of the period.

5-What do you like most about yourself?
The opposite question is always so much easier... :P  Looking at myself, I'd have to say my eyes.  Non-physically, I'm a caring nice guy and there doesn't seem to be enough people like me around these days.  If there are, they must have a lot more confidence than I and are probably getting all the girls, heh.

screw innocence

1-favorite icecream flavor (and it can't be chocolate or vanilla)
Damn you!  Those are the only two I eat!  I was a big fan of Ben & Jerry's Concession Obsession, but apparently they don't make that anymore.  Also, mint chocolate chip is good.

2-is the glass half empty or half full
Half full.

3-if you could be any animal what and why
The long lifespan of those big turtles appeals to me.  A few years ago when I watched a couple of birds build a nest under my deck, it made me think about being a bird and how simple their life was.

4-have you ever read the short story "the lottery" (if you haven't i suggest it)
Nope, never heard of it.

5-are the books better than the movies or the movies better than the books
I'd have to go with the books being better.  Movies are so constrained by time limits, and the books can just go on and on and go into so much more detail on something interesting that the movie might just gloss over.


1. How long have you been cybering and arn't you tired of it yet?
Oh man, it's been log time, hasn't it.  Um, first time I did it was I think December 1999.  Not tired of it really, but I have had periods where I just couldn't do it.  I don't know if I just had "writer's block" or what, but I'd get started with somebody and my brain would just check out.

2.Do you ever ask girls out?
It would help if I knew some girls around here.  IRL I'm a very shy person.  I think I'm more likely to ask a person out if they've been a friend for a while, rather than just hitting on random girls in bars.

3.Why are you still a virgin?
That is discussed in this entry.

4. Whats in your CD player right now.
What's a CD player?  I have 22.8 gigs of mp3s.  6,146 in all.

5. Do you know how a man is tested to see if he is steril? Does he have to jack off or what?
Yep, he beats off into a cup at a fertility clinic, then a med tech gets to stare at his semen in a microscope and count the number of sperm that they can see.  If the count is lower than the average amount of sperm in that single viewing, then the man has a low sperm count.  I'd assume that testing for sterility pretty much happens the same way, but the criteria for determining the difference between a low sperm count and sterility probably differs.


1) What's your favorite fruit?
I'm a big fan of citrus fruits, especially if they're sweet.

2) Would you ever allow something along the lines of candle wax or ice in the bed?
I could see myself allowing ice, but not wax.  I'm not into pain at all.

3)What is one of your hot spots? (Excluding anything in the genital area)
Bleh, that's a hard one.  I really have no idea.

4)Do you sleep naked, or have you slept naked?
Usually just a t-shirt and underwear.  I'll go naked when it's really hot, but I rarely do that.

5)What's one song you wouldn't mind playing in the background while having sex?
Well, are we talking hot passionate lustful sex, or slow romantic love making?  Probably I wouldn't care what music was playing, I'd have other things keeping my attention at the moment. ;)

heart racing

hey i got questions for you: are u into bondage? or D/s?
No to both.  Being tied up or commanding somebody else just doesn't thrill me like it does for some people.


Have you every done anything anally? giving or recieving. be truthful!
My ass is an exit, not an entrance.  That is how it will forever stay.

6:31 AM 5/3/04
2:28 PM 5/3/04
6:05 AM 5/4/04
6:30 AM 5/5/04

fantasy, relationships, virgin, masturbation, cyber, andria, school, erin, replies, survey, past, family, carmen, me

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