Sorry sorry sorry!

Jul 05, 2009 14:18

Okay. so .... I'm a slut! But before I explain that, my dog ate my computer charger so that's why I've been MIA for a while ... but fear not! I has a new one now :)

Anyway, yes. I'm a whore. I went to a mates party last week and ended up kissing 3 girls and 1 guy, multiple times each and including two three-way pashes. *facepalm* But everyone was cool in the morning, and everyone else was as bad as me, so .... you know. The guy was one of my best mates. but he asked me for a hug in the morning, possibly to make sure we were cool. I'm cool and I think he is too. But one of them was my ex. Which isn't really that significant since her and I have made-out at every party we've been to together lol. Oh, alcohol.

Speaking of her, I spent the day before the party hanging out with her, at a coffee shop, then a museum, then her house - and her house is cool! Really awesome, with gorgeous room mates. And she's a great chick. It's a pity we didn't work out, but we tried twice, you know? Then again, we've been talking a lot more lately and she invited me over to her place ... meh. We'll see what happens :)

So sorry again about the lack of communication. LOVES
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