Jan 24, 2004 00:53
so umm does anyone like that milkshake song?
i do, it's pretty catchy , and the background beat is cool.
well anyways, so i've graduated from lehman. i'm getting my diploma in a few weeks, it will be a nice regents diploma, even though i am as of right now considered to be a dropout, no worries. i have't been going to school for a while, i got bored with it. even still i had enough credits to graduate (lucky me or else i would be fucked), thank god i wasn't lazy before.
as of now, i'm in virginia, hoping to stay here for a few months 2......and until whenever. i would probably stay here longer but i miss my baby. he's in virginia beach right now. yeah akil is soo far away from me, sucks. we've been together everyday for the past 7 months probably. and now i have't seen for almost a week. i miss him soo much. even though we were kind of going through a few problems recently we now realize that we actually miss each other and everything else was probably just frustrations.
i guess in a few months when a few of my friends will get out of high school we will be able to pull of paying for our own apartment. maybe with kelly, maybe ladonna, and me and akil. either one of them two (kelly or ladonna). preferebly kelly cuz her and akil get along, and her and me also. ladonna can really piss me off sometimes, i guess when we spend too much time with one another. i tried living with her for 2 weeks about a half year ago, couldn't stand her after that. well things have change since that. i've trained myself to be more tolerant of people since then, i learned to control myself and try to not get too irrational right off from the slightest thing. i guess i'll see what happens then. for now i'm just going to try to make some money here in arlington. it's pretty cool, i don't think i will be getting to much of kelly though, i'll be working late hours again. those usually bring the most money at bars and restaurants. oh yeah i got two positions as a hostess. pretty cool for now. i wanted to be a server, but since i'm not 18 yet i'll have to do a hostess position.
i guess if anything else of any importance will happen in the near future i'll update my long forgotten friend.
laters everyone