Dec 19, 2003 01:26
how can this be? how can i have changed things this much. my needs and opinions have changed completely.many people have came in and out of my life and why is it okay with me??i guess cuz ikow they were'nt meant to be really there it was all just ashow, the truest of all the most loyal and comforting of all i can say that i really appreciate. it doesnt matter to me now, and i hope this attitude stays with me for a while more, preferably 2 months more.....possibly, eeerr most likely a couply of weeks if not days. i usually start to feel all confident and self-knowing at the end of a log vacation, will it be different will my needs change or will stay constant st like this not too demanding of much for a while. if i do the i thik it should be healthy and helpful. so yeah im still on and tomorrowos school still art projct to draw which should take me around 5 hours according to my art teacher but i'll try to cut the time in half and then onces agi in laf leaving me with only maybe an hour to if time is soo precious why am i writing in this bullshit thing....i dont really know, ne of those darn ting which i do that make no sense at all but istill do them for the hell of it, why maybe cuz im too lazy to get up and do the right thing, yeah ithik thats what it is im too lazy. anyways i miss kelly terribly, the visit was short but sweet, and too productive but we have all the time in the world. after kelly left i went upstate to larisas and met her friends there. they're pretty coool people not tooo similar to me, but hell i hate people to be just like me, i want differences. thing with people here is that they are pretty much al the same, they may not dress the ame but act and i do not only mean the ghetto kids i mean every single damn person iknow rom the bronx except for a few which i will not name. many things make me mad now and do i actually act like they do, yes do. i try to be polite about it but sometimes i am not.well much much much has been happening lately, is it just me or do vacation weeks seem like different universes planted within this little crappy bronx. oh yeah well if anyone wants to disagree free welcome to, i just dont like this place, why probably becasue im stubborn. i have a feeling that i will get in a lot trouble with my life if i will contunue to get bored with things this way. heh maybe im just tired i mean it is really late at night, and i stil have much stuff to do. i can babble al i want about things dont reall ymind not sleeping becasue i didnt want to go to sleep t 12 o'clock again. i'd rather not sleep than sleep foor 6 hours, bacause the next day will be all sleep heh, in schoool and ummm yeah school is almost over.............
p.s. if anyone has noticed any spelling errors please pardon me becasue it is late at night and i am barely awake, and i dont feel like checking for errors now, but no i am not illiterate.