The Beatles Drabbles: 9 Hours To Do This And I'm Still Deadlining. FUUUUUU-

Aug 16, 2010 21:37

Drabble Set 8

Pairings: John/Paul

Disclaimer: I do not own the The Beatles.


81. Red (John/Paul)

Red reminded Paul his first.

The Beatles was still starting out at the time, new and not known. One night, they had one too many and did it in the closet.

It wasn’t romantic or sweet like he had hoped his first time would be. It was rough, uncomfortable and awkward in the closet as John thrusted, his grip on his hair painful. He was pretty sure that John tore at some hair.

After that, his body was tender and red (especially his ass) for days and he wasn’t able to walk straight.

It was one of his fondest memories.

82. Orange (John/Paul)

“I can imagine these little fellows as orange,” John told his Paulie as they sat on the couch while Brian chased after Ringo and George in some playful tag or a distressful chase. “Do you imagine them as orange?”

“Imagine what fellows orange?” Paul asked, looking over his shoulder.

“These,” he replied, pointing to the word in the book he’s reading, “are odd, funny people that are hard to understand and are addicted to caffeine.”

“You do realize you basically described George and Ringo, right?” Paul asked.

John kissed him on the cheek. “And this is why I love you.”

83. Yellow (Friendship Paul/Ringo, John/Paul, John/Yoko)

Paul glared at John and Yoko as they sat at some corner of the studio, looking deeply into each others’ eyes and whispered sweet nothings. He was once where Yoko was now and it pissed him off how easily he was thrown away from that spot.

“Stupid yellow…”

“Don’t Paul.” He looked up from his cigarette to see the blue eyes of his friend Ringo. “You’re better that that.”

He took a drag, letting the smoke curl in his lungs before puffing it out. “I’m better,” he agrees, “but do I have that makes me feel it?”

Ringo looked away.

83. Green (John/Paul)

“What is this Lennon?” Paul asked him as he entered the room, holding a little wrapped present in his hands.

He put down the pencil he was using, smiling at the sceptical McCartney. “Open it and find out.”

Paul warily opened the gift as if it would somehow explode on his face with whip cream and feathers. He pulled the wrapping apart, gasping in shock. “Oh wow…a…a journal!”

“A green journal Paulie,” he corrected while Paul came over to give him a sloppy kiss on the lips. He smiled. “Does that mean you forgive me for the attempted surprise shag?”

85. Blue (Friendship Paul/Ringo, John/Paul)

Whenever he felt annoyed with John, which was often these days, he would go to Ringo. There, he would complain and talk of things to him.

He talked of how he felt inadequate compared to John, how John often didn’t seem to care for him until he (John) messed up somehow. He needed advice, a willing ear, someone that wouldn’t judge him for this or that.

Ringo was perfect, for he would stay there listening to him and showing nothing but understanding in those blue eyes of his as he listened and gave his advice.

Many times, the advice worked.

86. Indigo (John/Paul)

Indigo was a tricky color in John’s opinion.

Seeing that it’s between about 420 and 450 nm in wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum (and they said he was the baked one!) it slid between ‘dark blueish’ to ‘purpley’.

That makes deciding what type of indigo to choose from when making a half-mask, for the costumed party he was going with Paul, hard. The mask had to match darn it.

It was unnecessarily stressful but he doesn’t mind. The smile of surprise on Paul’s face when he emerged from the room, looking no doubt good in his ensemble, was worth it.

87. Violet (John/Paul)

“What the hell were you thinking Lennon?!” Paul said to his lover, as he dabbed the wet cloth over the violet bruises blooming on John’s face. “You should have just let them go!”

The stubborn ass shook his head. “They were harassing you Paul,” he explained, wincing as the cloth rubbed on a bruise again. “I wasn’t going to just let them call you shit and get away with it. You’re too good to be treated like that.”

“You’re going to be the death of me John,” he said, looking at his poor, beaten up lover.

“I love you too.”

88. Black (Hinted John/Paul, John/Yoko)

It was getting dark when he was walking back home with Yoko and Sean, chatting and enjoying their time privately.

He mentioned to Yoko that he wanted to invite Paul over sometime and she agreed, seeing no harm in that since everything with them had cooled down considerably.

“We’ll talk more when we get inside,” she told him as they continued to walk. “I rather not talk this outside now.”

He kissed her cheek, smiling at her. “If you say, I-“

“Mr. Lennon!”

He turned around to see the man, Mark Chapman, and-

Gunshots, something breaking, Yoko screaming...

“I’m shot.”

89. Grey (Comfort Paul/Yoko, John/Paul, John/Yoko)

When he got there, his face pale and body shaking, he saw Yoko sobbing into her hands in a corner in Roosevelt Hospital.

He gathered her up into his arms, holding her as he rocked her back and forth, trying to calm her.

She held onto him, tears running down her face while crying for the lost of the greatest man to have entered her life. Paul did not cry, only looking ahead.

The anger he had against her for stealing his John no longer mattered now.

For all they had now was the bleak, bleak grey of these events.

90. White (John/Paul, John/Yoko)

White, blinding light was that entire thing he could see now. He didn’t know why but the light comforted him. The warmth is given to him, comforting him the way only Yoko or Paul could.

He looked back when he remembered them, trying to get one last glimpse of them now. He could not see them but he could feel them. Feel their sadness and their confusion.

All he can do now was pray for them as he taken further away, going somewhere peaceful and tranquil. He knows he’ll see them one day. He knows it.

And that was it.




I bet your guys are happy to see this will be finally over. I was too, until I realized that I won’t have anymore things to post up here quickly. FUUUUU-

Oh well.

The theme was colors because I saw a rainbow through my pen the other day and I got dazzled. XD

I don’t know why I keep dragging in John’s death into my work, I just don’t know why. I’m sorry if it’s getting redundant or if I’m not doing justice to his death. I really am. Hopefully, this will be the last time I’ll write about it.

Hope you enjoy reading this.

fuck, love, color, drabble, announcements, series: the beatles drabbles, deadlines, annoyance, sadness, the beatles, angst

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