Anon_Love Filler: Goodbye, Goodbye and Hi

Aug 18, 2010 23:18

Title: Goodbye, Goodbye and Hi

Number: 3/10

Pairing: Gabe/William, William/Christine

P.O.V: 3rd Person

Prompt: 5 Times Gabe and William said goodbye and one time they didn't have to.

Kinks: Some angst, William’s hair.

Rated: PG - 13

Disclaimer: I do not own Cobra Starship or The Academy Is…. Any events here are purely fictional and may allude to events that have happened


1st Goodbye

They were hiding behind a corner store, night long gone and so was the crowd that came for Midtown’s final show. He sat on the floor, sitting on a garbage can as he smoked.

“I’m going to write this as a song,” William said to him. He laughs, coughing a bit since he breathed in the smoke of the cigarette he had. “I’m going to write this as a song.”

“You’ll write a song about me smoking while you watch for the others? Doesn’t sound like a good song, Bilvy.”

“It’ll be a great song Gabe,” William argued. “Even more if yooooou....”

“Fine,” he promised, smiling at him with affection. “But can it be another time? I think I can hear the others calling.”

It was true; he could hear Tyler, Heath and Rob calling out his name, looking for him and sounding might pissed.

William smiled at him, looking amazing even in the shitty alley. “Sure. Goodnight.”

“Bye Bilvy.”

2nd Goodbye

Wraped Tour was officially over and Gabe demanded that everyone, even the security personnel and the janitor nearby, get into a group hug after the last show was finished.

He at first tried to avoid it since he didn’t feel like getting squashed and jolted by the hyper crowd at the moment. His back was killing him from all that movement he did on stage earlier.

He tried to slip away but Gabe spotted him, even in being in smack dabbed middle of a busy crowd, and shouted to the others to encourage him to come.

“Bilvy, Bilvy, Bilvy!”


“Alright, sheesh,” he said, giving into the rowdy crowd’s demands. He plunged into it, the chaos of it all, and somehow being dragged to where Gabe was.

“I’m going to miss you,” Gabe whispered in his ear as he was hugged by the taller man. In an instance, he forgot all the others. “Bye baby.”

“Goodbye Gabe. Take care.”

3rd Goodbye

“Noooo,” he moaned, latching onto William’s arm. “Not the hair! Anything but the hair! Anything but Lushy!”

He felt William tug on his arm, no doubt feeling deep irony that someone was trying to keep him out of a barbershop and not trying to keep him in.

“Come on Gabe, let go. I need to do this. I want to be taken seriously. That means the hair has got to go. Short at least.”

“One goodbye then?”

“Fine, but please hurry. People are staring.”

Gabe made a big show about it, hugging and sniffling over the soon departure of Lushy.

“Goodbye,” he snuffled into William’s head, snuggling a bit to get one last good sniff.

“Goodbye Gabe,” William said in a high pitch tone to him, pretending to be Lushy. “I’ll be back one day, don’t worry.”

He kissed the top of William’s head and he heard him laugh. He could be a dork but he could be lovable one.

4th Goodbye

Gabe had a tendency to be needy. It was even worse when he stayed over after a night of sex, since he would cajoled and begged to stay for a few more minutes because who’ll notice him missing after going away for one night?

Right now was no different as he put on his clothing, trying to hurry up. Gabe sat next to him, trying to convince him to stay.

“She won’t mind you not being there,” Gabe said to him, holding onto his wrist like a little boy. “Stay here! She won’t know the difference.”

“Christine will notice, seeing that she wants me to come. She isn’t feeling well.” He got up after dressing, got back his wrist and walked towards the door. “I’ll call you, alright? I got to go Gabe. Bye.”


“Bye Gabe.”

Gabe grudgingly said his goodbye and he left. He’ll call Gabe back, promise.

He just needed to take Christine to the doctor first.

5th Goodbye

“She’s pregnant.”


“Gabe, I need to take care of her. Of the baby so you know where I’m going with this, right?”

Is that why you haven’t called me back? Or hanged out with me? The baby?”

William nods and Gabe sighs loudly.

“It’s not you, I swear-“

“Don’t start that Bilvy, please? I’m fine…I just wish you told me sooner. I would have understand.”

“I’m sorry Gabe. It’s just I was worried you’ll get mad at her.”

“At Christine? Why should I? She’s like a little sister to me. If she needs me to back off from you, I’ll do that.”

“Really?” William looks at him with awe, as if he didn’t expect him to be this accepting. He was kind of offended by that, actually. “Oh wow…you’re the best Gabe.”

“Of course I am. Now get back to her, I’ll pay for the stuff.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am.”

“I love you.”

“…a bye would do, Bilvy.”

1 Hello

It was a girl!

No…SHE was a girl.

He was a dad! Oh fuck, he was a dad!

He felt tears run down his face when he heard the news, hugging the doctor and thanking him for all he had done for him and for Christine, who was now being apparently taken away to be cleaned up.

The doctor offered to let him hold the baby and he jumped at the chance. He held the little babe swaddled in cloth in his arms, tenderly cooing to it. He still couldn’t believe it. He’s a father!

He then heard the doors slide opening, hearing someone enter the waiting room.

“Bilvy! Hey! Sorry I took long. Traffic here is intense.”

And the day was getting even better.

“Gabe!” He smiled at the sight of the singer, glad to see the other one person he wanted to see today. “Hey, come over! I need help picking a name for this beautiful little girl!


Weeeeee…another prompt done!

I swear to God, Speak (Snake) To Me Baby will be put up soon. Just procrastinating some more than I should.

Notes on these:

1st Goodbye talks about the (my version) creation of the song ‘After The Last Midtown Show’ of The Academy Is…. I know that Mike Carden and Bilvy wrote this but lets pretend in this story (fine, I’m using the ‘AU’ excuse) that Gabe co-wrote this instead. Sorry to those who like their history neat.

Once again, Google was my best friend in this. I looked through a lot of things and images to get inspiration and references for this filler work.

William’s back pain in 2nd Goodbye is a shout out to me. ;____: My back is in agony right now. Ahhh…

Does this jump timelines once more? I have no idea but I have a feeling this travels through time (yet again) for some bizarre reason. This was also supposed to be like this: G(abe) W(illiam) G W G W

Chose this one because it was like a drabble but a full fanfic, one of my admitted specialties. The fact Gabe Saporta and William Beckett were thrown in here sure sweetened the deal.

This was, admittedly, rushed. Did this yesterday and finished speed editing a few hours ago, just put this up now because…err….I was having my Nile turned red?

If anyone knew what the hell I said in my last note, I’ll love you forever for sharing my understanding in bizarre word choices.

Hope you enjoyed reading this.

series: anon_lovefest, drabble, cobra starship, the academy is, angst, morning after, music

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