Anon_Love Filler: Ups and Downs (Mostly Downs)

Aug 15, 2010 22:22

Title: Ups and Downs (Mostly Downs)

Number: 2/10

Pairing: Broken!Friendship Gabe/Elisa, Gabe/Patrick, Gabe/Mikey, Gabe/Katy Perry, Gabe/William. Mentions of Mikey/Alicia, Katy Perry/Travis McCoy, Patrick/Pete and William/Christine

P.O.V: Gabe, 3rd person

Prompt: five people that didn't call Gabe back.

Kinks: Mentions of sex and bondage.

Rated: PG-15

Disclaimer: I do not own Cobra Starship, My Chemical Romance, Gym Class Heroes, Katy Perry, Fall Out Boy or The Academy Is…. Any events here are purely fictional and may allude to real life events.



When Elisa entered the Crush Managements office, Gabe could hear the others take a deep breath all at once.

“I’m here for my keytar,” she said. No hello, no questions of how they were doing. “Can I have it back?”

Ryland, Nate and Alex all look at him and he knows that he’ll have to do cruise control on this one. He tells the others that they’ll take a break and they all leave the room without looking back. He can’t blame them.

“It’s right here,” he said to her, walking over to one of the tables and plucking the neat little instrument up. He holds it out to her. “Here.”

She walks over without a word, having the body language of a very pissed off and unhappy woman.

“Look, I’m sorry that it had to end this way Elisa.” Elisa ignored him, just yanking the keytar out of his hands and looking at anything but him. “We…I made the choice to help Cobra Starship but I feel bad for it even though it’s for the best.”

“I’m sure you’re oozing with remorse,” she snapped, looking at him

“You started it,” he muttered under his breath and then feels bad for saying that. Christ, he’s 28. He should act like it.

He takes a deep breath, trying to reach out to touch her wrist but she pulls away and takes a step back to keep the space between them wide. She must have heard him.

“Take care, alright?” he says, trying to sound like what they should (and he hopes they’ll continue) be - friends. “I hope you’ll do great in whatever you want to do.”

Elisa nods, her face softening for a second before she hides again, and turns to leave.

“Will you call me at least?”

Elisa stops walking and simply stands still, as if weighing the pros and cons about it. He cared for her, he did. He hoped that they’ll still be cool with each other even after this crazy little shit storm.

“I’ll think about it,” she said and then left.

Since she hasn’t returned any of his calls, he has a feeling she choose ‘no’.


He really didn’t mean to have sex with Patrick. Honestly. Really. Truly. And more words that end with ‘ly’. It was just a pure act of drunken sex with two friends that had a history of sharing mouth fluids.

It didn’t mean they’ll suddenly get together, have more sex, suddenly have kids and live happily ever after, contrary to what the writers write. It was nothing and that was that.

Okay, maybe this little encounter needs to be explained a little bit better…

He just had one too many drinks after the Bl4ck C4rds show and he bumped into an equally drunk Patrick. Patrick was there to send moral support to his best friend/ex-boyfriend/complicated buddy Pete Wentz.

Patrick invited him for some (more) drinks and he accepts because, hey!, free drinks. After a dozen or so, they started to flirt like crazy before one of them suggests having a ‘good time’ and the other accepts because they were drunk (duh).

So they went back to his place and, as he said (or sang) before, they got ‘down on the floor’ all night long with their tongues, bodies, hand and…other things.

When he wakes up; his head throbbing in pain but feeling satisfied, he casually looks at the still sleeping man before heading off to take a shower. It was just sex, he thought as he cleaned himself up.

This won’t complicate their relationship. All they did was having sex because they couldn’t control their drinking. It happens all the time in the good old U.S.A. He was pretty sure this happened to William a dozen of times.

“I’ll call you baby,” he jokes to Patrick at the strawberry blonde heads for the hotel room. “Call me back?”

Patrick looks at him, shakes his head with a little smile (smirk?) and leaves without another word.

For the hell of it all, and because he was bored and had nothing else to do, he did call Patrick and Patrick, true to his word, doesn’t bother to answer his calls. The ones concerning the little quickie they had, at least.

They, and he means Patrick, don’t talk about it ever again.

Oh well.


Gabe wakes up in his bed, one of his hands still handcuffed to one of the bedposts and his ass feeling sore. He did not expect Mikey to be that rough.

As those people said: “Appearances can be deceiving” and “Don’t judge a book by its’ cover” and “Quite guys are more likely to be wild sluts in bed”.

Fine, he made up the last saying but it held the same basic principle of the last two. Kind of.

He unlocks the cuff and carefully sits up, looking around for any evidence that the MCR bassist. None at all.

The clothing of Mikey Way was gone and his were placed in a neat pile on a chair. The bottles were on the table in order. That was nice of him to do. It would have been nice of him to stick around though. Maybe he should call him? That would be a good idea.

So he tries to get him to call him back, leaving a message for the bassist player that he had a great time last night with him and to call him back soon about it. That should have ended well, right?

Haha, if you think so, you obviously just joined us in this recollection of Gabe’s relationships.

It shouldn’t be bothering him but it is. He didn’t think someone like Mikey would just run off like that.

When they meet up again, at another random party like the last time they met, he was curious and can’t help but asks why he never called him back when he left all those messages.

“It was just sex,” Mikey explained, looking at him with those flat brown eyes. “I have a wife Gabe and what we did was just a spur of the moment thing. I was drunk and horny and you were drunk and good old Gabe as usual. You weren’t…really thinking we had something, did you?”

He laughs and says no, telling the younger man he was messing with him. He leaves quickly, pretending that he didn’t feel a little sting of his pride and his feelings.

Mikey could be really blunt at times, you know?


Gabe wishes he didn’t have sex with Katy Perry.

Don’t get him wrong - Katy is fucking gorgeous. She was everything he would want in a girl is the girl was her.

Funny, zany and quirky but not the annoying hipster quirky that he despises. They had a lot in common and made the worst jokes in the world because they could (her farting and his dancing) and got along well.

So why did he feel like utter shit right now?

Well, it could do with the fact he was Travis’ best friend and that they (Travis and Katy) just had a break up. Two days ago

“Brilliant Saporta, brilliant,” he mutters to himself, smacking his forehead with his palm. “Of all the things you had to screw, it had to be the damn pooch.”

He sneaks out of the bed to gather his clothing, dressing up in record time before leaving the bedroom without bothering to check if she was alright. God, he really needed to stop drinking at events where his amazingly gorgeous friends were.

Getting out of the house, he just stands there for a few minutes, wondering how to go to this next. He certainly wasn’t going to call Travis and say ‘I screwed your ex and forgot that you two broke up! Sorry’. He liked living, thanks.

Instead, his first hails a taxi to get far, far away as possible (yes, it was a cowardly thing to do and he knows it so shut up) and calls Katy on his phone.

“Hey,” he says when he gets voicemail. “I’m…I think it’s best that we don’t tell anyone about this…what we did. I mean, it won’t do well for either of us. It’ll only get us and trouble and Travis will be pissed. I mean the sex we had was great, really, but the circumstances…let’s just not talk about it.” He adds, as a force of habit, “call me back.”

After that, he hangs up and hopes it’ll go well.

In the end of this little situation, Katy never calls him back and, for once in his long list of not being called back, he is relieved.


Gabe Saporta and William Beckett were good friends. They were complicated friends with benefits but good friends nonetheless.

They had each others’ backs, more so then himself with Travis, and never let the casual sex they had done anything to mess up their friendship. Gabe knows for a fact if he called William after a fling, Will would call back.

That’s why he couldn’t help but feel betrayed when one day he called William the morning after and didn’t get a call back. For nearly three months. He was busy with the workings of his album and William was…doing whatever the fuck he was doing.

“Why didn’t you call me back?” Gabe asks William out of the blue one day. They finally managed to catch up and were hanging out at a coffee shop, talking, when he blurted that out.

William looked away for a few long minutes before looking back at him with those wide eyes, obviously wanting the conversation anywhere but where it was.

“Why now?” William asks him, brushing his long, girly hair from his face. “When was that…a month ago?”

“A month and two weeks,” he corrected. “I just wanted to know. A lot of times from others, I can understand why they won’t answer me. But you Bilvy? You would always call and when you didn’t…I couldn’t help but feel a little bit hurt. I just want to know why.”

William looks guilty now, taking a nervous sip from his coffee before composing himself. William sets the cup down, trying to find the right words to explain.

“You remember the date, right?” He nods and William continues. “Well; after I left your place, I got this call on my phone. It was Christine and she wasn’t feeling too well. I took her to the doctor and they checked on her.”

“Is she alright?” he asks, feeling a pit form in his stomach now. Wherever this was going, it wasn’t going to end well for him. “Oh crap, is she…?”

“No,” William says. “She’s pregnant.”

“Thanks for telling me,” he finally says to William.

“You’re welcome.”

He should have just kept his damn mouth shut.


AU! Because AU is love! Like the Basement!

Another prompt!

Hope the OP likes this because if they don’t, uh - oh…I think I didn’t do the prompt correctly so sorry. >___>

This is a drabble/fic. 360 words each for the 5 calls. So that means it’s 1800. Ohh, dividable. Choose this prompt because A) Had Gabe, B) Had numbers and C) Seemed easy.

I hate this a bit since the tenses kept jumping back and forth. Oh Christ…>///<

How wrong I was.

I’ll get Speak (Snake) To Me Baby up soon. Maybe also tonight? Tomorrow once more?Who knows?

Notes on these:

I went through the internet a lot of times to get things straight. Mikey’s placement in the band. Where Elisa’s keytar was. Blah blah blah…

You may have noticed that this jumps back in forth regarding timelines. 1st Call is 2007, 2nd Call is 2010, 3rd one is 2006, 4th one is 2009 and 2006 in the 5th Call. I…I don’t know why this happened.

The age of Gabe in ‘1st Call’ might not be correct, I just went ‘His birthday - The Keytar Drama = His age’ in my computer calculator. If this isn’t the correct age, let me know in the comment section.

It was supposed to be Gabe/Gerard for ‘3rd Call’ but then after reading a fill called ‘ Ride the Snake’, I made it Gabe/Mikey. Pile of elephant shit. XD

I got confused as hell when looking for Katy Perry’s real eye color and there were so many different answers from people. Grey, blue, green, brown…I went ‘fuck it’ after an hour of looking through answers and decided on blue.

Once again, Gabe/Ke$ha (not Gabe/Katy Perry) was supposed to be here but I decided against it after reading this and the images in my head were more hilarious than sad. I kept imagining an owl (Sleeep) nesting in her head while she slept.

Reference to Katy making farting jokes and farting is a real thing she does to those who don’t know.

Hope you enjoy this.

freaking the fuck out, bands, deadlines, tired as sin, series: anon_lovefest, cobra starship, gabe saporta, sadness, angst

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