
Oct 14, 2007 10:37

Its been far too long, but I don't have much time or much to say.
Juggling is good. Drawing is good.
I discovered that the reason my mp3 player was acting weird was in fact because it hasn't learnt to count up to 100, only to 99, so when I put more than 99 songs on it, it either doesn't put them on, or deletes others. This is annoying of course, but now that I know, its not that big a deal, because I can just take off the songs that I like less, to make room for the things it wasn't playing that I wanted it to play, which is happy. I also put a Rabbi Akiva Tatz shiur on it to listen to on the way to Jerusalem and I am very excited! : )
In other news, I had a peaceful and joyful shabbat. Rosh chodesh and shabbat in one is always good and I got to see friends and hear about whats going on in their lives, and talk to my family...
Last week it was a little hard being back at midrasha, partly because I had gotten out of the routine of it, and partly becaue I'm trying to think about what I really want from this year, which is a good thing, so part of that was frustarating but I think these two weeks will be good, and its really important that I go through a process and think and be myself and don't just go to classes and learn and learn and learn without it really getting through to me (Which it is possible to do the whole year, so I have to make sure that doesn't happen.) So there you go.
I have to go write an e-mail to someone and then I have to pack and go.
I also have all sorts of people I should call to try and meet up with.
I need to make time to work on kata and stuff in my crazy routine.
Maybe when I get a bit more settled into this zman I will share insights with you, that would be good.
For now I will say, yay for colours and light and creativity and joy and learning and growth and torah! Yay for this beautiful land filled with these beautiful people!
I had a really good simchat torah, by the way.
I hope you all have a shavoa tov and chodesh tov!
P.S. Turns out I did have things to say... You should never beleive me when I say I don't. :)
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