(no subject)

Sep 07, 2007 17:38

Hello world!
Its been a while... I should go and have a shower now, but at least I have a little time before shabbat.... Midrasha is good. :) Today I went to the kotel with my roomates and realized that I'm living in Jerusalem... And its shabbos soon which is very happy.
The learning is good and the everybody is really really nice... I'm still getting used to the whole learning all the time thing. Some of the time I feel like I need to get out and do something as well as learning, and that its not right to only be learning all the time, but we are going to be doing some volunteering in the neigboorhood soon, so thats good, and I think I will figuere it out...
Last night we had mishmar, which means we learnt from nine till twelve, which was really fun, I like leanring at night, and then we sang piyutim and other songs and stuff...
On the way to the kotel I bumped into a girl who I met in Italy at Pessach, who I knew was going to be here this year.
And now its nearly shabbos. Yay for shabbos!
Ok, I feel like I haven't really said anything but I have to go, maybe I will have something more interesting to say next time.
I hope you all have a good shabbos!
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