Just Life

Aug 17, 2007 17:29

Wow, its been a month. And a busy month at that.
Life is filled with lots of things... I have been volunteering at the camp in Dimona for the past two weeks and I have another week ahead of me. Its a little crazy, not much sleep and lots of work, and this week it got to be too much to the extent that I wasn't even enjoying the kiddies any more. But then we had a good meeting on Wednesday night that reminded me what I am there for and how great the people there are and that mostly I am there to love the kiddies and have a good time with them, and then Thursday was really good. We went to the zoo. :) I think the last week is going to be good...
And then I start midrasha which is really exciting.
Its amazing how the summer passed and there is so much I didn't do, but I also did so much, and I guess throughout the year I will do the other thigs, and I will get time to spend with people, and I just have to enjoy what I am doing, which I am.
Its Elul! Which means I get to say Ledavid Hashem every day. And that it will be Rosh Hashana soon... And I think its been a good year.
I spoke to Talya from school today to wish her luck going into the army on Sunday and she was so happy I called and it was so good to talk to her. Its amazing how much we influence each other. Something has come to a close and something else is just beginning and its exciting. And I know that the people that I care about will always be in my life, and that I have been touched deeply by a lot of people in my grade that maybe I won't see or talk to all that often now, but they will still be there.
I find myself filled with gratitude to Hashem for giving me amazing oppurtunities and beautiful people and for shabbat and Rosh chodesh and Rosh Hashana and life...
I hope you all have a good shabbat and that I'm not neglecting anyone because I am busy. If you feel neglected, leave me an annoying message on my answering machine, lol. (By the way, Ariela, good job on your message! And since I'm mentioning you, thankyou for your lj entry that left me crying and laughing and apreciating life.)
Love Abi
: )
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