I am born again

Sep 09, 2006 09:58

Yup. You read right. Born again in His love. And by "His", I mean Steve Jobs, of course.

alym0use and I spent yesterday evening with taeha and hawkstone to celebrate his birthday. We went for sushi at the Sumo Lounge (first time I've gotten to experience the sushi boats!) and then over to their place to watch some DVDs (SNL's best of Mike Meyers... I love Dieter).

During the course of the evening, I had the chance to see hawkstone's Mac Book in action. That was when I saw The Light. I used a Mac years ago when I worked in ad composition for a newspaper and felt it was infinitely inferior to the PC. Well.. it appears they've fixed everything I didn't like about them. I didn't like the single-button mouse... now you can use any mouse. I didn't like that Mac OS (I can't remember the incarnation I used) felt like it was designed for a clumsy simpleton... now it's extremely smooth and slick... I didn't like that I needed some software for the PC that wasn't available on the Mac... now you can run XP on it. Alongside the Mac OS.

We're sitting there, and hawkstone is having trouble with Safari and some site. I immediately think "Ha! How's your Mac working for you now, Apple Fan?!" Then he opens up a little window and all of a sudden this "cube" appears on the screen. The Windows XP logo flashes, and the "cube" rotates, changing the desktop to a Windows XP one. hawkstone then loads IE and brings up the site he was trying to get to with no problems at all. My jaw was on the floor, and I think that amused him to no end :P At least he didn't gloat, like a typical PC user (IE: Me) would have.

So anyway... Long story short: Now I really want a Mac Book :P You may gloat away, hawkstone :)

amazed, mac book

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