Moonlight Destiny : Chapter six

Sep 11, 2008 13:20

Title: Moonlight Destiny

Chapter: Chapter Six

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Supernatural, Crack, AU

Summary: One is a vampire prince; the other is just a normal human. When their path cross, will there be any hostility between them, or will love blossom?

Disclaimer: Only in my dream that they are mine.

Beta by:the lovely allboutp , get well soon dear.

I place a curse on you
Dear prince of the undead
When the time comes
You shall fall for the one
Not from your kin
Beneath the moonlight
The two of you shall meet
For your other soul
Will free you from being sacrifice
But beware, oh prince of darkness
As your enemy lurking around
Perhaps closer than you think
Waiting for a chance to strike
And your other soul might be caught
In the middle of that tangle web
And there will be no happy end
If the elements are force to disperse

Tatsuya wakes up with a sweat. Damn, I haven’t dream about that for almost a hundred years. Why now? Tatsuya asks himself, thinking about the time he was cursed by the gypsy. Of course he never tells anyone about the curse, he didn’t want to worry them. He then goes to take a shower and left a note for his protectors aka his best friends that he’s going out for a walk.


Tomohisa and Kazuya are lying on the bed in their bedroom in Tatsuya’s private mansion. While all of the other representative of the clan will stay at the headquarter during their visit for the meeting, Tomohisa, Kazuya and Tomoyo will stay in Tatsuya private mansion. And now only the three of them left since the other representatives have already going back to their clan.

Tomohisa is brushing Kazuya’s fringe that appears to cover his eyes. Kazuya’s head is on Tomohisa’s chest, snuggling for warmth from his lover.

“You know Kazu, Tat-chan and Tomo are acting weird lately. I mean I know they always went out together but this time it just something is a bit off. What do you think?” Tomohisa asks Kazuya, a bit worried about his sister and their prince.

“I don’t know. Maybe they’d found a new adventure to venture. You know how it is with your sister. She’s always craving for something adventurous, it just because of your protectiveness that she can’t do it in her own ways.” Kazuya answers.

“I just can’t help it but to be a bit protective over her. I don’t want anything to happen to her again. We almost lost her that day, didn’t we?” Tomohisa shudders, thinking about the time he almost lost his twin sister when the Hunters managed to capture and torture her.

“Shh, don’t worry Love; I’m sure she can take care of herself. You need to have more faith in her and her power. And Tat-chan is with her. They’ll take care of each other. Besides I think there is one good thing happen when she was kidnapped.” Kazuya says. Tomohisa just raises his eyebrow, asking what good thing could happen if his sister was captured and tortured.

“Well, our bonds, all four of us, become stronger and all of us manage to advance our power, especially you and Tatsuya since you are her twin brother and Tatsuya is always more closer with Tomo then us. And because of the drive that all of us have to save her, it makes our combine power are more deadly than any weapon. Beside, because of that incident both of us become a lot closer to each other and then we become lovers, remember? ” Kazuya says. Tomohisa smiles a bit, remembering the time he discovers his feeling towards the younger vampire beside him.

“Besides maybe they’re just bored. You know how Tomoyo is? She always has something interesting to discover and usually she will drag Tat-chan into it too. Remember when they were caught by the women tribe? How they tried to punish Tomoyo because they taught that she tried to kidnap their gift from the above? And how they’re thinking that Tatsuya was the gift? If it’s not because of us, maybe they are still there.” Kazuya exclaims, giggling a bit. Tomohisa also cracks a smile.

“Yes, I could still remember the lectures they received from father and the King about that. And the punishment, heh, poor Tomo were banned from her books and fencing for months. If it is not because she’s driving me crazy with her boredom, I might think that the whole things were actually hilarious.” Tomohisa says with a laugh.

“Yeah, but poor Tat-chan though. His punishment was to train everyday for 8 hour straight instead of 3 because he managed to get himself caught.” Kazuya says, smiling. Tomohisa just nods.

“So, Pi, don’t worry ne. I’m sure they will be fine. Now, why don’t we go to sleep?” Kazuya suggests. Tomohisa looks at his lover before exclaims, “Sleep? Who said anything about sleeping? I have a better idea about what to do than sleeping.” Tomohisa just smirks at Kazuya.

“What? Oh” Kazuya shakes his head. “Oh, yes..yes..yes..” And with that said Tomohisa captures Kazuya’s lips with his and kiss him passionately. And that night, both of them lost in each others’ arms.


Tatsuya walks under the Sakura tree in the park. He always come here when he wants to clear his mind. That dream seems has shaken him because it’s been so long since he last had that dream. What does it means? Why did I dream of that? It’s been almost a hundred years, and nothing happen. Why now? Tatsuya’s head fills with the unanswered questions. Shaking his head, he continues his walk until he reaches the café that situated in the park and facing the lake. Taking his usual place, the waiter takes his order and Tatsuya starts pondering about his dream again.

“Eh Hime, fancy meeting you here.” Tatsuya looks up and sees Ryo is standing in front of him, wearing sport attire. Tatsuya glares at Ryo when he remembered what Ryo’s calls him.

“Didn’t I told you before not to call me that. What are you doing here?” Tatsuya asks.

“Well, I jog here every Sunday. You know, to keep myself fit. What about you? What are you doing here?” Ryo asks Tatsuya.

“I always come here if I want to clear up my mind. Besides I love having breakfast at this cafe, the food is delicious and they have a nice view.” Tatsuya explains, eating his breakfast.

“To clear up your mind? Why? Did something happen?” Ryo asks again.

“That’s none of your business. Besides, why do you care?” Tatsuya exclaims.

“I don’t know. Because it’s human to care. Besides there’s something about you that make me want to know more about you, that make me care. That’s why I can’t let you be the sacrificed of those punks, you know.” Ryo explains. Tatsuya almost choke in his drink when he heard the word sacrifices. Immediately, the curses words floods back to his mind.

Beneath the moonlight
The two of you shall meet
For your other soul
Will free you from being sacrifice

Wait, that night when he saved me it was a full moon. Does that mean he’s the one, he’s my other soul? No, that can’t be. It must be a mistake, Tatsuya thinks. Finishing his coffee, Tatsuya stands up and pays the bill.

“I need to go. I just remember I have something to do.” Tatsuya says, a bit shakily but fortunately Ryo didn’t notice it.

“EH?? Wait, Hime, can we meet again?” Ryo asks as he jog towards Tatsuya as Tatsuya already walks with a fast pace to his car. Usually, that kind of invitation will be shot down in a heartbeat by Tatsuya but since his mind is still distracted by his recent discoveries, he could only nods. Then he rushes to go home, to do some research. Ryo smiles brightly while watching Tatsuya retreating back. That is until he remembers he doesn’t have Tatsuya’s phone number. He slaps his forehead, cursing his forgetfulness.

To be continued…

fanfic : ryoda, moonlight destiny the series

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