Message of Love [Oneshot]

Sep 03, 2008 18:52

Title: Message of Love

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: A little angst at the beginning.

Summary: Ryo found out about his Mysterious Admirer.

Disclaimer: Only in my dream that they are mine.

A/N: Ok, I’m not quite satisfied with the ending of Messages of Heart so I decided to write a sequel for it. And I don’t want Tat-chan to suffer any longer.

Beta by:allboutp , thank you so much dear.

Ryo walked down the hall in the Jimusho, grumbling and mumbling to himself. It’s been two month after the last message he received from his mysterious admired. He glared at the juniors who walked past him.  The juniors cowered when they saw Ryo’s face.

He sighed to himself. He tried to contact his mysterious admirer. He tried texting and calling but all his effort had been fruitless because his friend refused to respond to any of his attempts. When he text, the guy didn’t reply and when he tried calling, it’s either unanswered or it’s turn off. Ryo didn’t know what to do anymore. And worse was nobody knew the identity of this mysterious admirer.

Just as he past the KAT TUN’s dressing room, he heard somebody singing. Peaking in, he saw Ueda Tatsuya singing to himself. What is fishlip doing in here, alone? I thought KAT TUN already left the Jimusho, Ryo thinks to himself. Curious, he decided to stay and listen to what Tatsuya was singing. After all, Tatsuya was alone and he singing with a heartbroken tones.

Maybe it's wrong to say please love me too
coz i know u never do
somebody else is waitin' there inside for you....
maybe its wrong to love you more each day
coz i know he's here to stay....
but i know to whom you should belong...

After that last note, Tatsuya completely broke down in tears. Ryo was in shocked, watching Tatsuya weeping. Not that he never saw Tatsuya cried, after all he was the reason Tatsuya cried before. But he never heard a heartbroken sob from Tatsuya.

“It’s been two month already, why won’t it stop? Why does it still hurt? Why can’t I forget him? Why I’m still in love with him? Why? Why?” Tatsuya said, sobbing.

Ryo was surprised when he heard the words and the heartbroken tones of Tatsuya voice. He never knew Tatsuya was in a relationship with someone. Of course, that might be because he was not very close with Tatsuya, but that didn’t mean he was ignorance about people around him. Suddenly he heard phone ringing.

“Moshi moshi.” Tatsuya greeted with a shaky voice. “I don’t think I can join you guys. Gomen ne. I don’t feel well.” Ryo heard Tatsuya said. “Don’t worry about me, Kame. I’ll be ok. Just need a little rest. And tell Maru not to worry too. I don’t want him banging at my door later on because he’s worried.” Tatsuya said with a laugh but it sounded so hollow in Ryo’s ears.

When he saw Tatsuya began packing his things, Ryo immediately hide behind the door. Then he watched Tatsuya walked out of his dressing room, looking so fragile. He started to feel worried. Although he might not be kind to Tatsuya, that doesn’t mean he was heartless. Just as Tatsuya walked into the elevator, Ryo saw something fall out from Tatsuya’s bag but Tatsuya seemed not to notice it. Ryo went and pick up the thing, thinking that he’s going to give it back to Tatsuya tomorrow.


Ryo looked at the phone in his hand. This was the thing that apparently falls out of Tatsuya’s bag. Wasn’t fishlip cell phone color was yellow? But this one is blue, Ryo said to himself. At first he didn’t want to do anything with it, but curiosity got the best of Ryo. So, he turned it on.

“It’s nothing in this phone. Obviously that donkey face never uses this phone.” Ryo said to himself when he found nothing in the contact number and in the inbox or sent item. Then he tried calling his phone using Tatsuya’s phone. He was so shocked that he was loss for words. There, on his phone showed the caller id that he wanted to meet all this time, the Mysterious Admirer.

“No, no this can’t be. Maybe it just a coincidence.” Ryo tried to reassure himself. Then he cancels the call, and his phone stop ringing. When he pushed the call button again, the same id appears again on his phone.

He sighed with resignation. After trying for the tenth time, he finally convinced that Ueda Tatsuya was the Mysterious Admirer, his Mysterious Admirer. Then he began to explore the phone. It seemed that Tatsuya had moved all the messages he sent and received into another folder. When he reread the messages, he knew now in his heart that Tatsuya really was the secret friend he had been longing to meet. But now that he knew the identity of the Mysterious Admirer, he didn’t know what to think of. At first he was shocked, angry and disappointed. Shocked because that person was actually very close to him. Angry when he thought that he had been lied to, and disappointed because Tatsuya didn’t want to meet him face to face and tell him the truth. Then he read one message in the draft which never been sent to him.

TO: Nishikido Ryo

Without notice I start to fall for you
From hate to love, my heart begin to change
As times passed by, my heart never waver
And now the longing to be with you become more stronger
I need to stop before it become too much to bear
For this feeling of love
Hurt me more than I could shoulder
Call me insensitive, call me a coward
But this unrequited love is killing me inside
Perhaps there will be a time
Where we can meet without this feeling looming around
When that time comes
I promise you this
Never will I
Disappear from you again

Your Mysterious Admirer,
Ueda Tatsuya

Ryo was astounded as he read that particular message. Then he remembered earlier that evening, when he saw how Tatsuya broke down and questioning himself, he knew that what Tatsuya felt for him. He then thought about what he should do with the information that he had. Maybe I just confront him tomorrow. After all I have always wanted to meet him, and now it’s been way to long for that supposed to happen. We should meet years ago, Ryo thought.


Ryo walked into KAT TUN’s dressing room. But what he saw was not what he expected. Well, he expected KAT TUN to practice their songs or dance or just on the break but no, they were not. When he entered the room, he saw Tatsuya was lying on the couch with Kame and Maru fussing after him. There was a piece of cloth on Tatsuya’s head and his face a bit red and it seemed like he had hard time breathing.

Ryo walks toward them. “What’s wrong with Ueda?” He asked Kame. “He is running up a fever. We were practicing when he suddenly collapsed. And not to mention he doesn’t seems like himself this past two month. He lost weight, skipping meals and pushing himself to the limit. We tried to talk to him but he won’t listen.” Kame answered with a sigh.

“Where’s the other three?” Ryo asked about the A, T and T of KAT TUN who weren’t in the room. This time it’s Nakamaru who answered him, “Jin and Koki went to find our manager while Junno went to buy something to cool off Tatsuya’s fever.

A few minutes later, Jin and Koki came back to the room. “Manager-san said that Uebo can go home, since he is not well but we can’t send him because we have a performance in 30 minutes.” Koki told them. Maru looked passive while Kame cursed.

“I can take him home.” Suddenly Ryo offer. The four of them looked at Ryo in disbelief. “Are you sure, Ryo-chan?” Jin asked. “Yeah, of course I’m sure Bakanishi. Beside I’m free now until tomorrow.” Ryo answered. Seeing that they never had any other choices, they agreed to let Ryo took Tatsuya home. Just as soon Junno came back with the medicines; they helped Ryo bringing Tatsuya to his car.

Once in Tatsuya’s apartment, Ryo laid Tatsuya on his bed, changing his cloth to a more comfortable clothes. Then he proceeds to cover Tatsuya with layers of blankets. Putting his hand on Tatsuya’s forehead, he could feel the heat emitting from it. Ryo quickly took a piece of cloth before wetting and putting it on Tatsuya’s forehead.

Brushing Tatsuya’s fringe, he noticed how frail Tatsuya looked. He sighed. But when he looked closely at Tatsuya’s features, where there’s a red tint on both his cheek, he realized that Tatsuya actually is beautiful like a princess.  “Baka hime, you shouldn’t have to go through this if you tell me that you’re actually my mysterious admirer. I’m not going to be mad at you, you know. I had come to love that person that becomes my friend and my message buddy. I won’t turn my back on you.” Ryo whispered as he continued brushing Tatsuya’s hair.

“Ryo…Ryo…” Tatsuya murmured softly. His eyes still closed and his breathing still hard. “Shh…I’m here. I won’t leave you.” Ryo said softly, grasping Tatsuya hand in his. “I won’t leave you, hime. Not when I finally found you.” Ryo continued.


He could feel the sunlight bathing on his form. When he tried to lift his right arm to cover his eyes, he felt there’s a hand clutching tightly in his. Then, the event that happened the day before came to him. All he remembered was practicing and he also remembered his head felt very light. Then, he remembered his world turned black. He groaned lightly. Please tell me I did not faint. If I am, I’m sure will gets lectures from both Kame and Maru, Tatsuya thought. It seemed that his movement had awoken the person who holding his hand since the hold was released.

“So, you’re finally awake, hime. You should have wake me up too, you know.” Tatsuya froze when he heard that voice. Finally, he opened his eyes only to see Ryo concerned face. He could only stared in shocked at Ryo as Ryo took his temperature. “It seems that your fever has broken. You just need to rest for few days and then you will better in no time. And not to forget eat at the right time. Don’t you know that skipping a meal is bad for your health?” Ryo said, scolding him. Tatsuya just looked down on his blankets. Afraid to find out that he was just imagining, that Ryo was not there, it was only his daydream. Then he felt a hand under his chin, slowly pulling his face up.

“You give me quite a scare you know. Collapsing like that, just when I found you.” Ryo said to him softly. At Tatsuya questioning gaze, Ryo answered. “I already knew that you’re the Mysterious Admirer. And I’m not mad. Well, I am angry at first but I’m not anymore. I knew now the reason why you don’t want to keep on responding with me. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all the pain and hurtful feeling that I had put you through.”

“How did you know it was me?” Tatsuya asked with a shaky voice. Ryo pull out Tatsuya’s phone from his pocket. “This fell out from your bag two days ago. I was there at the time. I’m sorry if you think I invaded your privacy but I got curious because I knew that your phone is different from this one.” Ryo explained.

“You’re not mad at me?” Tatsuya asked. “No, I’m not mad. Actually I kinda glad I’ve finally meet you. To tell you the truth, I think I’m in love with you too.” Ryo still spoke softly to Tatsuya but this time it was accompanied with a sweet smile on his face. Tatsuya blushed at Ryo sudden confession.

“You do?” Tatsuya questioned. Ryo just nodded. “Yes, I do and forever I will.” Suddenly Tatsuya was pull into Ryo’s embraced and his lip was captured by a passionate kiss from Ryo.

The End.

A/N: the song that Tat-chan sang was called Maybe by King. I love that song and i was listening to it when i got the idea.

#oneshot, fanfic : ryoda

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