(no subject)

Sep 19, 2008 00:04

Actually i'm feeling a bit melancholy lately.*sighing* Yeah, I just realize that my Moonlight Destiny(MD) is going to end soon and i'm feeling a bit sad.Huhu. Well, i guess everything will reach an end but to think it's going to be so soon, i'm sad.

Well, other than that, i'm missing my friends too. To dephi ,  we haven't chat for a long time, ne. I miss u.*sob sob* And i'm going to be busy for two weeks starting next week. And Lissa, allboutp , yeah after two weeks, then we can chat again like usual.*sighing* Oh well, that's life, ne.

Oh yeah, the other day i've finally got the question from the meme that resolute_reader  did. Hurrah!Hurrah! So here the meme.

3.I don't know. I kinda like being me.
4.Hmm, well..i dont know..
5.Ah, i can name a few. newssuki , ayaryo and dephi 
6.definately newssuki 
7.newssuki , i know i went there with her.
8.newssuki , allboutp , dephi ,ayaryo 
11.erm, i don't know
12. ah, i can't pick
15.me, hehehe
16.newssuki , allboutp 
18.can i say my cousin.
20.resolute_reader , allboutp 
21.i'm not sure
22.i don't know.
23.i never have the thought.
25.Hmm..erm...i'm not exactly sure.huhu
26.allboutp , can i dearie.hehehe
27.newssuki , dephi 
28.newssuki , ayaryo 
29.erm, can i say Tatchan.hehehe, kidding.i don't have anyone in mind actually.
30.I'm glad to be friend with all of you, even though we never met.

me: rambling

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