My Cupid Daughter! : Chapter 6

Nov 04, 2009 21:40

Title: My Cupid Daughter!

Chapter: Chapter Six

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Crack, Fluff, Drama, Romance.

Summary: After years of disappearing, finally Ueda Tatsuya returns to Japan. But he is not alone; he is back with his daughter. And when he meets up with his old flame, Nishikido Ryo does the flame already died out, or does it still exist. And what will happen when Tatsuya's daughter decides to play cupid to make her papa happy again.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by: my amazing beta, allboutp . Thanks, dearie.

A/N: It’s been quite awhile since I last update this story, ne. Sorry about it, minna. Because of my new job and well, writer block and such, I can concentrate on writing this story. But finally… a new chapter. So, I’ll try to update the next chapter soon, ne. ^^

Tatsuya dropped his daughter off at his sister house early in the morning since his meeting was on 9 am. “Thanks for agreeing to baby-sit Eri, nee-chan.” Tatsuya said to his sister.

“I don’t mind, Tat-chan. Besides, Eri is a lovely little girl.” Tatsuya’s sister, Tatsuko said. Tatsuya smiled and then he looked at his daughter. “You must be good to your aunt, ok.” He said. Eri just smiled and nodded. Giving his daughter a kiss on the head, he walked to the taxi that had been waiting for him.

“Come Eri, let’s go inside. And once the boys are home, we can go to the park. In the meantime, what do you want to do? Coloring? Drawing? Or would you like to help me to bake some cookies?” Tatsuko asked, Eri just nodded excitedly at the suggestions.


“Tadaima!” A chorus of voice can be heard after the door click opened. “Okaeri!” Tatsuko said as she walked to the front to greet her boys.

“How was school today?” Tatsuko asked. Ken, the eldest just shrugged and muttered fine while her youngest, Hikaru talked excitedly about what he did in school. Hearing her cousins’ voice, Eri ran to the source of the voice.

“Aniki, Karu-ni, you’re home!” Eri exclaimed smiling from ear to ear, looking at her cousins.

“Eri!” Both Ken and Hikaru exclaimed in shocked. “When did you get here?” Ken asked. “Mama, why didn’t you tell us that Eri is here? Is Uncle Tatsuya here too?” Hikaru asked his mother.

“I didn’t tell you because it was supposed to be a surprised. Well, your Uncle Tatsuya has a meeting. Perhaps you will see him later tonight. Now, have you two eaten?” Tatsuko explained. Both of them shook their head but Hikaru was more interested to talk to his younger cousin than eating at the moment.

After they ate a light snack, Ken and Hikaru were practically begging their mother to take them and Eri to the park since they knew Eri never been to the park they used to play. After all, it’s Eri first time to visit Japan. Tatsuko just smiled at her sons antic, because she already planning to take them to the park after all.


Eri was practically glowing with happiness as she played with her cousin. She’s quite close with her cousins even though they seldom meet with each other. Ken and Hikaru are quite fond with Eri; as she is their only cousin they have after all.

“Mama, can we go and buy some ice cream please?” Hikaru asked with a puppy dog eyes. At first Tatsuko was going to refuse because she did not want the children to stray too far apart from her, but seeing her children and also Eri, looking at her with so much hope for an ice cream, she just sighed and agreed.

“Fine, but I want you all to stay close to me when we at the ice cream vendor, alright?” The three children’s faces were instantly light up at the prospect of getting an ice cream.

“Yay! Let’s go for an ice cream.” Hikaru said with excitement. Then taking Eri’s hand, they ran towards the ice cream vendor, followed by Ken, and lastly their mother.

“Hikaru, be careful. Don’t run too fast, Eri might fall.” Tatsuko called after her son.

“Ok, mama.” Hikaru said as he slowed down.

When Tatsuko reached at the vendor, her sons and Eri had already arrived and looking at the menu. Smiling, she asked them the flavors that they wanted. Ken had already decided that he wanted a strawberry flavor since from the beginning. While Hikaru and Eri still hasn’t decided what they wanted. So Tatsuko ordered for her eldest son while her youngest son and niece decided what they want.

“Auntie, can I have the same like aniki too?” Eri asked when she saw Ken already licking his ice cream happily, sitting on the bench about 10 meters from them. “Sure sweetheart, let me order that for you.” Tatsuko said. Then finally Hikaru decided to have a mango flavor ice cream. But when she turned around to give Hikaru the ice cream he wanted, she saw that a man run towards Eri who was walking toward where Ken was sitting, grabbed her and run to the main road.

“AUNTIE!!!!!!!” Eri yelled at the top of her lung. Tatsuko ran after Eri and her kidnaper while shouting for help. Both her sons were running behind her.

Once the kidnapper arrived at the road, there was a van waiting for him. Then he quickly jumped into the van, gripping Eri tightly. As soon as the man entered the van, it drove away.

“NOOOO!!!ERRRRIIIII…….!!!!!” Tatsuko slid down, crying and screaming for Eri.

To be continued…

fanfic : ryoda, my cupid daughter the series

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