My Cupid Daughter! : Chapter Seven

Jan 20, 2010 00:31

Title: My Cupid Daughter!

Chapter: Chapter Seven

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Crack, Fluff, Drama, Romance.

Summary:  After years of disappearing, finally Ueda Tatsuya returns to Japan. But he is not alone; he is back with his daughter. And when he meets up with his old flame, Nishikido Ryo does the flame already died out, or does it still exist. And what will happen when Tatsuya's daughter decides to play cupid to make her papa happy again.

Beta by: dear allboutp , thanks hun.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they're mine.

Author’s Note: Sorry for the delay guys. Things were quite hectic at work the last two month. Now that I’m a bit free, I’m going to try and finish this story.

When Tatsuya walked out of the meeting room, he switched on his phone back since he kept his phone off because of the meeting. As he walked to the entrance of the building the meeting was held, he saw Kazuya was waiting for him. Kazuya immediately waves at him. Smiling slightly to his friend, he turned to check his phone for any messages.  His eyebrows cease in worried as he saw that he had lots of missed calls from his sister. After dialing the number he knew so well, he waited for his sister picked up the phone. While waiting, he had already arrived by Kazuya side.

“Who are you calling?” Kazuya asked. “My sister.” Tatsuya answered. Kazuya just nodded in understanding.

“Come on, sis, pick it up.” Tatsuya said, as he called again for the third time after two failure attempt. His heart was filled with dread, like something bad had happened. Even Kazuya was waiting anxiously beside him.

Tatsuya sighed in relief when the phone was picked but it was short lived when he heard his sister sobbing hysterically.

“Nee-chan, calm down. Please relax.” Tatsuya said, as he kept on calming his sister. “Are you calm now?” He asked when the sobbing subsides. “Yeaah…” Tatsuko said, her breath hitched.

“Now, can you tell me what’s wrong?” Tatsuya asked his voice ever so calm.

“Tat-chan. It’s Eri. She was kidnapped.” Tatsuko said as she began sobbing again. Hearing that, Tatsuya seemed to be paralyzed with shock. The phone that he was holding slid down from his grip. Luckily Kazuya managed to save the phone before it shattered on the ground. Seeing his friend reaction to whatever news his sister said, he quickly put the phone to his ear, demanding to know what had happened.

“Nee-chan, it’s Kazuya. What happened? What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Kazu-chan, Eri had been kidnapped.” Tatsuko answered. Kazuya eyes widen.

“WHAT?!! How??” Kazuya was practically yelled in surprised. Tatsuko just continued sobbing at the other end. “Nee-chan, please calm down. I’m going there with Tat-chan now. Have you called the police?” Kazuya asked. Tatsuko just answered with a soft yes. After receiving the confirmation, Kazuya ended the call and hurriedly to Tatsuya side and help him to his car.

Tatsuya was still in shocked hearing about what had happened to his beloved child, even when he and Kazuya were on their way to his sister’s house. When everything crashed down on him, he could only sob and prayed that nothing’s going to happen to his only child.

Meanwhile, Kazuya was driving as fast as he could to Tatsuko’s house. His heart was filled with worries for the little girl who was like his own niece. Reaching for his phone, he quickly dialed his lover’s number. The phone was picked up after the second ringing.

“Hello Love.” He heard as Yamapi answered the phone.

“Tomo, where are you?” Kazuya asked with a frantic tone.  “I’m still at my shooting location. But we’re wrapping things up. Why? What’s wrong?” Yamapi asked after hearing Kazuya’s tone.

“Eri had been kidnapped and I’m on my way to Tat-chan’s sister’s house. Can you meet me there?” Kazuya said.

“What? Ok, ok, I’ll meet you there. Just give me the address.” After giving Yamapi the direction towards Tatsuko’s house, Kazuya concentrated on his driving and prayed that Eri will be safe.


Ryo just finished with his photo shoot and took a stroll to the park he used to visit when he missed Tatsuya dearly. He really regretted his action in the past, especially the break up. He thought he made the right decision when he broke up with Tatsuya. After all he has fallen out of love of Tatsuya. Or so he thought.

Then he met her. And how excited he was when she showed an interest in him. And soon they began dating. At first it was a complete bliss. He was happy. But in the midst of his happiness, Tatsuya was suffering.

It was just an innocent question, asking Yamapi, his best friend, about how he would like to propose to someone he loved, but he never knew someone was listening to their conversation and misunderstood it. Soon, rumors began to fly around, saying that he’s going to propose to his girlfriend.

And then, a few days later, he found out that Tatsuya was hospitalized. The worry that fill his heart when he heard the news, he brushed it off. After all they were once lover. Even if they weren’t together any longer, doesn’t mean he didn’t care about Tatsuya well being. Besides, he’s happy with his new girlfriend.

But when Jin and Kazuya came to see him and begged him to go and visit Tatsuya, he knew something was off. Then, Koki threatened him if he doesn’t go and visit Tatsuya. Of course when even Yamapi asked him to see Tatsuya, he really curious about what’s going on.

Finally, he went to the hospital to visit Tatsuya. Once he arrived, Nakamaru was already there. A spark of anger flashed in Nakamaru’s eye but it gone as fast as its come, making Ryo confused. Nakamaru walked towards him, making his way to the exit. When he passed Ryo, Nakamaru told him about Tatsuya refusing to eat, to sleep and working himself to exhaustion and that making himself sick. And it’s obviously because of Ryo. Right then, Ryo finally understands why Nakamaru was angry toward him, why Koki threatened him and why Kazuya and Jin begged him to see Tatsuya.

When he opened the door of Tatsuya’s room, he found himself wondering who was on the bed and where was Tatsuya. That is until he realized it’s really Tatsuya who was on the bed. He was surprised when he looked at Tatsuya. This is not the man I fall in love with, he said in his heart. This is not the man I know, this is not the Tatsuya that I know. How did he become like this. Where was my vibrant Tatsuya? Where was my beautiful Tatsuya? Am I the person that makes him like this? He asked himself.

Then words began to flow out from his mouth without him realizing it. And he left the hospital after he feel like he has said what he had to say. Two week later, he heard that Tatsuya had disappeared. After that, Johnny-san makes an announcement to the media that Tatsuya had resign and leave the Jimusho. That’s when he started feeling lost. Like a part of him has gone. And his relationship with his girlfriend also began to waver. He’s no longer happy with her, not like when they were first started dating. In fact, he keeps on thinking about Tatsuya, remembering their happy time, and he also keeps on missing Tatsuya.

Ryo just sighed as he sat on the bench where he and Tatsuya used to sit when they went strolling together. It’s all in the past now. While he was regretting his mistake, it seemed like Tatsuya had finally moved on. Just like he, Ryo, had asked him too. And Tatsuya seemed happy and content with his life now. Tatsuya even had a beautiful daughter too. Oh how he wished he had never make that mistake. If he didn’t, maybe now he’s happy with Tatsuya.

While he was still reminiscing the past, suddenly he heard a girl’s voice screaming for help. Looking for the source, he saw a man in a mask carrying a little girl while running toward the main road. He instantly recognized the little girl as Tatsuya’s daughter. He also saw a woman running after the said man and the little girl. But it seemed a little too late since that man jumped into the van that had been waiting for him.

Jumping on his feet, he ran to where he parks his motorcycle. Then, he immediately tried to follow the van that had taken away Tatsuya’s child. The thought of letting anything bad happened to Eri when he can do something about it makes him ill. Especially when he had hurt Tatsuya so bad in the past.

To be continued…

fanfic : ryoda, my cupid daughter the series

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