[Oneshot] The Secret World of Ryoda!

Oct 12, 2009 23:59

Title: The Secret World of Ryoda!

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Crack

Summary: Jin found out about something, and he drags his best friend to play detective with him.

Disclaimer: Well, if they’re mine, I wouldn’t be here and writes all these stories now, would I.

Beta by: the amazing  allboutp . Thanks dear.

Author’s Note: This one is for Min-chan ( raixas ). Happy Birthday Min-chan.

Akanishi Jin or Jin or Bakanishi, as he was called sometimes is typing furiously on his phone. And believe me; this only happens when he has news to tell his best friend, Yamashita Tomohisa, also known as Yamapi, or if he suddenly has heard a new gossip.

“What are you doing?” Suddenly Kamenashi or Kame asks from behind him. Since he is unaware of his surrounding, this comes as a surprise to him.

“Kame, you surprise me. Don’t sneak up on me like that,” he scolds Kame, slightly pouting. Kame just raises one of his eyebrows up. Jin quickly slips his phone in his pocket, and stands up.

“So, is everyone here yet?” He asks. “Nope, Nakamaru still hasn’t arrived yet.” Kame tells him. Jin just nods, as he looks around him, watching his band mates.

Taguchi is already immersing in his game, punching the button of his PSP. Koki is sitting next to him, with his head on Taguchi’s shoulder, trying to catch few more minutes of sleep. Usually Nakamaru will be his pillow, but since he’s not yet arrives, he settles for Taguchi. And then, Jin eyes settle on the subject of his curiosity, a puzzle which he wants to solve, Ueda Tatsuya.

Kame then sits beside Ueda Tatsuya, engaging him with a talk about boxing. Jin looks at them with a thoughtful looks before shaking his head. Nah, that’s impossible. Maybe I’m just thinking too much, he says to himself. But, what if it’s real? What if it’s not just my imagination? He asks himself.

Suddenly an idea enters his head. He smirks at the plan that begins to form in his mind. Kame looks up just in time see the smirk and the gleams that enter Jin’s eyes. He just rolls his eyes and reminding himself not to get involves with anything stupid that Jin might have in his mind. Whatever it is, he knows better than to get involves with whatever plan Jin might cook up this time. He definitely doesn’t want any trouble to come in his way.

“Ne, ne Tat-chan, are you free tonight?” Jin asks as he walks towards the said band mate. Tatsuya looks up and just smile apologetically.

“Sorry Jin, I have boxing practice tonight. I haven’t been to the gym in almost two weeks.” Jin just pouts at the answer. “But Tat-chan, we haven’t hanged out together for ages. You promise when we’re free we’re going to hang out.” Jin whines.

“I know, I know but maybe next time, ok. “ Tatsuya says to Jin. And as he about to say something, Nakamaru runs into the room, panting and the manager immediately give them their schedule for the day. Jin just sulks, knowing that his first plan has been ruins.

That’s ok, I still have plan B, Jin says to himself.


“Jin, do we really have to do this. What if we get caught?” Yamapi whispers to his friend, as Jin climbs up the tree to get a clearer view to Tatsuya’s apartment.

“Of course we do. I want to know who is the man that he was kissing at the balcony when I happened to pass by his apartment yesterday.” Jin tells his best friend. Yamapi just sighs.

“Why couldn’t we just ask him? It’s easier.” Yamapi says, a bit huffing.

“Yeah, like he’s gonna tell us about it.” Jin says from above, since he’s already on a branch of the tree.

“Well, you won’t know about it until you try, right. Beside, I’m sure sooner or later he will tell you about it. You guys are band mates after all. All you have to do is to wait until he’s ready.” Yamapi advises.

“Buuttt Piiiii…I’m curious. I really want to know who that guy is. And since Tat-chan is my precious band mate, that’s why I need to know about it. So that I can kick that guy’s ass if he ever hurt our Tat-chan.” Jin says.

Yamapi just sighs and proceed to sit under the tree while Jin takes out his binocular and tries to look inside of Tatsuya’s apartment.

“Pi, Pi, I saw someone at the balcony.” Jin says excitedly at Yamapi. Yamapi stands and tries to take a look too.

“Damn it, why is he looking at the other side? Why can’t he turn around? Come on, just turn around.” Jin mutters to himself.

Jin pushes himself forward to take a better look but his weight cannot be supported by the branches. And suddenly he falls down the tree. Luckily for him, he’s fall on top of Yamapi. But poor Yamapi, because Jin is not exactly have a light weight.

“Jin, geroff. You’re heavy!” Yamapi says as he pushes Jin away.  Jin tries to free himself from Yamapi. But unfortunately for them, while they were trying to collect themselves back again, a security guard caught them.

“What are you two doing here?” The guard says, flashing the light on them. Both Jin and Yamapi look at each other with horror attach on their face.


“I’m sorry sir. I’ll make sure they won’t do anything foolish like this ever again.” Kame says as he bows in front of the security guard and the police officer that have been called because of the incident. Both Yamapi and Jin also bow their head in apologetic manner.

Once they are out of the Guard House, Kame look at both Yamapi and Jin before glaring at them. Both of them cower at the heated glared that they receive.

“What were you two thinking? Sneaking like a burglar? Do you have a death wish or something? What if the press find out? What if Johnny-san find out?” Kame says, scolding them.

“It’s all Jin’s idea, not me.” Yamapi defends himself. Jin just glares at Yamapi, muttering ‘traitors’ under his breath.

“Aww, come on Kame, I didn’t mean to get caught. I was just trying to find out who’s that person Tat-chan getting lovey-dovey with, yesterday.” Jin whines. Kame just rolls his eyes.

“You could just ask, you know.” Kame tells him. “But what if Tat-chan doesn’t want to tell?” Jin asks, slightly pouting.

“You could ask me. I know who it is.” Kame answers. Jin’s widen at that, while Yamapi just slaps his forehead.

“And please tell us Kame, who is it that person that Tat-chan is in love with?” Yamapi asks as he realizes Jin is still in shock after finding out that Kame knew all along who the other guy is.

Kame just smirks at them in triumph and says, “It’s Nishikido Ryo, of course.” Before skipping toward the train station, leaving his two gob smack friends behind.


Meanwhile, at Tatsuya’s apartment, the two lovers are snuggling on the couch, watching the television, completely oblivious to the world surrounding them.

“I swear Hime, I felt like someone was watching us when I was at the balcony just now.” Ryo says, kissing the top of Tatsuya’s head lovingly.

“It’s probably just your imagination, love. I’ve check after you came in and I saw no one.” Tatsuya says, try to assure his lover. “Ah, I know what can take your mind off of that.” Tatsuya says as he smiles wickedly.

“Really? What is it?” Ryo asks with an eyebrow raise. “This…” Tatsuya says to him before kissing him passionately.

The End.

#oneshot, fanfic : ryoda

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