[Oneshot] STAR

Oct 07, 2009 23:10

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Fluff

Summary: Ryo promise to spend the whole day with his hime, since he forgotten his lover’s birthday.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by: The amazing  allboutp

Author’s Note: This fic was written for Tat-chan’s birthday and I’m way too late. But I still want to post it anyway. So, here goes….

He was awoken by the nuzzling near the sensitive spot at his collar bone. But he is too lazy to open his eyes so he just let the wandering hand flutters across his perfect abs. When there is no reaction from him, his lover slowly bites his ear lobe, teasing him gently. Tatsuya just sighs in contentment.

“Hime…” His lover whines, sending the waves of shivers to his body hearing the seductive voice. “Tatsuya…wake up.” He says, but Tatsuya still refuses to even open his eyes. Then, the hand trails along his chest, making Tatsuya feels like butterfly fluttering in his stomach.

Turning Tatsuya to face him, Ryo slowly kisses those kissable lips of Tatsuya. Tatsuya moans as Ryo starts to nibble his lower lips, coaxing him to open his mouth. Seeing the opportunity present in front of him when Tatsuya starts moaning, Ryo quickly enters his tongue and starts to play with Tatsuya’s tongue. After few minutes of playing their tongue together, Ryo pull himself.

“Are you still mad at me?” Ryo asks. Tatsuya opens his eyes at the question. Then he sighs. “I’m sorry, Tatsuya. I didn’t mean to forget about your birthday. This week had been a hectic week for me. Please forgive me, my love.”  Ryo says as he snuggles closer to his lover.

“That’s ok Ryo. I know you’re busy.” Tatsuya says as he turns away from Ryo. Even though he is reassuring Ryo that it’s all fine, but he really is a bit sad that Ryo wasn’t with him yesterday. Especially since it’s his birthday. And it shows in his tone of voice. Ryo just tightens his hug around Tatsuya’s waist to comfort him.

“I promise I’ll spend all my time today with you, hime.” Ryo says, kissing the back of Tatsuya bare neck.

“But you have a photo shooting today.” Tatsuya says in a small voice.

“Nope, I’m free today. So, I’m all yours for today, Tatsuya.” Ryo says affectionately. Tatsuya immediately sits up when he hears what Ryo had said. His eyes shine with hope.

“Honto! You really are going to be with me all day for today?” Tatsuya asks. Ryo smiles at the childish excitement in Tatsuya’s eyes. Hugging his lover close, he whispers. “Yes I am. And all your wishes are my command, my dearest Hime.”


Tatsuya runs in excitement. Ryo just smiles at the childish antics of his lover. Since Ryo had agree to anything that Tatsuya wish to do on that day, Tatsuya had immediately told him that he wants to go hiking. At first Ryo is a bit reluctant to go hiking with Tatsuya, but when he sees Tatsuya looking pleadingly at him with those beautiful eyes of his, Ryo relents. After all, he did promise to fulfill Tatsuya’s wishes.

After walking for awhile, finally they reaches to the place that Tatsuya always wanted to show Ryo, but never manage to do so.

“We’re here!” Tatsuya exclaims in delight, happy to see the awestruck face of Ryo upon seeing the beautiful waterfall.

“Come Ryo; let us have our picnic here.” Tatsuya says as he gestures to a big rock that can definitely be a spot for a picnic. Ryo walks slowly towards Tatsuya, since some of the rock around them are slippery.

“How did you find this place, hime?” Ryo asks as he is looking surround him in awe. Tatsuya smiles to Ryo.

“You know how I like to go hiking and mount climbing in my free time,” Tatsuya says. Ryo nods, knowing very well of Tatsuya’s favourite past time, aside boxing. “Well, when I went hiking two years ago, I found this place. And I love it instantly. At that time, I have promise myself, when I found someone I truly care, I will bring that special person to this very place.” Tatsuya explains, smiling shyly at Ryo. Ryo feels his heart soars with happiness at the loving looks that directed to him.

“It’s really magnificent, hime. I love it. Thank you for bringing me here.” Ryo says as he takes Tatsuya hand in his and then brings it to his lips to kiss it. Tatsuya blushes at Ryo’s romantic gestures. Although they have been together for almost two years, but Ryo rarely displays his affection in public.

Then both of them sit on the rocks and pull out the bentos and tea that Ryo has prepared at Tatsuya insistence. Originally Ryo thought that it’s better for them to eat at the restaurant, after all they are going to spend the whole day outside anyway. But Tatsuya was adamant and wanted to eat the bento that especially made by Ryo. Now Ryo knows why.

After finishing their bento, enjoying the view for a while, and capturing the beautiful scenery inside their mind, they starts to pack and ready to go. At first Ryo thought they are going home, but after they finish packing, Tatsuya begins to walk towards the opposite direction of their way home. Puzzle, Ryo just follows his lover.

After almost 3 hours of walking, Tatsuya finally stop. As Ryo arrives by Tatsuya side, he is completely blown away by the view in front of him. There is a field of wild flowers in front of them with various types and a mixture of colors. The view is completely breathtaking.

“WOW! This is just wow, hime.” Ryo exclaims to Tatsuya. “I know.” Tatsuya smiles as he laid the picnic cloth onto the field. “And this is where we’re going to spend our night, tonight.”

Later that night, both of them lay side by side, with Tatsuya’s head on Ryo’s shoulder. They are watching the star that apparently shines brightly that night.

“The stars are so beautiful tonight, ne Ryo.” Tatsuya says to Ryo. Ryo keeps on brushing Tatsuya’s hair lightly. “Yes, they are beautiful tonight.” He agrees. The he turns and put his lips near Tatsuya’s ear. “But you are more beautiful than the star above.” He whispers.

This action earns him a light smack from Tatsuya. “Mou, Ryo! Stop teasing me.” Tatsuya pouts. Ryo just chuckles and kiss Tatsuya lightly on the lips. “I’m not teasing you. I’m simply telling you the truth.” He says before he turns his head facing the sky.

After a short while of silence, suddenly Tatsuya calls softly to Ryo. “Ryo…..” “Hmm…” just the answer that he get from Ryo since Ryo actually almost doze off to the dreamland.

“Will you marry me?” Tatsuya asks. “Hmm, ok.” Ryo answers. That is until he realize what did Tatsuya asks from him. “EHH!!! What!!” Ryo sit up suddenly, making Tatsuya’s head hit the ground.

“Ouch, Ryo, what did you do that for?” Tatsuya asks, sitting up also, rubbing the back of his head.

“Did…did you just ask me to marry you?” Ryo asks for confirmation. Tatsuya just nods. “Why?” Ryo asks again. Feeling rejected, Tatsuya crosses his hand.

“You could just say no if you don’t want it so bad!” Tatsuya turns away from Ryo to hide the tears that is beginning to form in his eyes.

“What? No, Tatsuya, it’s not that. Believe me; it’s not that I don’t want to.” Ryo says as he encircles his hands around Tatsuya petite form, hugging him closer.

“Then, why do you look so shock. You look as if you don’t want to marry me.” Tatsuya questions, a sob escape his lips. Putting his finger under Tatsuya’s chin, Ryo lift his lover’s face to level his.

“No, I’m not. I want to marry you too, Tatsuya.” Ryo says, kissing his lover’s sweet lip. “But I want to be the one to ask you to marry me, not the other way around. That’s why I’m surprise.” Ryo says.

“Really?!” Tatsuya asks.

“Yes, really. And I have bought the ring too.” Ryo reply and taking out a ring box from his pocket. “Here, hime. This is the ring that I plan to propose to you, I actually want to do it tonight and surprise you.  Only that you beat me to it.” Ryo puts the box into Tatsuya’s palm, swiftly feeling shy and nervous.

Tatsuya looks at Ryo before opening the box. “Oh, Ryo! This is gorgeous.” Tatsuya says, looking at the white gold band. “Here, let me put it on you.” Ryo takes the ring and easily slip it at Tatsuya’s finger.

“Thank you, Ryo. It’s gorgeous.” Tatsuya says as he kisses Ryo. Then, shyly, he looks at Ryo. “Actually, I bought you a ring too.” He says. Ryo’s eyes widen when Tatsuya takes out another similar ring box and put it in Ryo’s hand.

Opening the box, Ryo’s eye meet with a very beautiful ring. While the one that he gives to Tatsuya is a simple white gold ring with little diamonds surrounding it, the one that Tatsuya gives is a mixture of gold and white gold. The design is very unique and the way the two colors intertwined with each other make it look perfect.

Putting it on his finger, Ryo smirks at Tatsuya. “You know, since we both have the ring ready, now all we need is the priest and the wedding vows. Then, we will be legally married. But since we don’t have any of that right now, why don’t we just skip to the wedding night.” Ryo says before he kisses Tatsuya soundly on his lips.

The End

#oneshot, fanfic : ryoda

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