EDGE Academy: The Story Within Chapter Two

Jan 07, 2009 00:57

Title:  The EDGE Academy: The Story Within

Author: hanny2luv

Chapter: Chapter Two

Pairing:  Ryoda

Genre: High school fic, AU,

Summary: EDGE Academy is one of the prestigious high schools. It's a story of its students. Particularly about Ueda Tatsuya, one of the smartest student in EA.

Disclaimer: Only in my dream that they are mine.

Beta by : allboutp , thanks ne.

“Eh, ni-chan, you’re my roommate.” Kazuya exclaims in delight when he sees Tatsuya turns his back to face him. Tatsuya immediately stands beside Kazuya and cover Kazuya’s mouth with his hand. As he close the door, he slowly release his hold, “Kazu, what did I tell you before? Don’t call me that while we’re at school, I didn’t want anyone to know about me.” Tatsuya said, hushing his little brother.

“Sorry Ni-chan, I forgot. I was just too excited to see you again.” Kazuya says as he follows Tatsuya. “That’s ok.  Just remember, here in public I’m your Ueda-sempai, not your Tatsu-nichan, ok. And we just saw each other last week. There’s no need for you to get so excited.” Tatsuya scolds Kazuya. Kazuya just pouts. “But a week is a very long time.” Tatsuya just chuckles at Kazuya pouting face.

“Well, your bed is on the right. And that’s your study desk and your cupboard.” Tatsuya says as he points to the desk and cupboard on the right side of the room. Kazuya puts all his things on the desk. At Tatsuya’s inquiring looks, he just shrugs. “I’ll do it later.”

“Yuu-nichan is in The Sapphire too, isn’t he?” Tatsuya just nods at Kazuya’s question.  “Yay! Let’s go and meet him, ni-chan.” Kazuya says as he is skipping out of the room. Tatsuya just shakes his head at Kazuya’s centric.


Tegoshi Yuya sighs in frustration. Not only because he is tires by walking but also because he is lost his way on his first day at the academy. This is certainly not the way he imagines his first day would be. He has been walking on the same ground for over an hour already, and still he hadn’t manages to find his dorm.

Since he is too tired to walk, he decides to take a rest under a very old Oaks tree. He admits, he is a bit spoilt at home, ok maybe not a bit but a lot, but that is to be expected. After all, he is the heir of Tegoshi Family. Tegoshi Family is one of the successful families in electronic industry, making them in the top ten list of the wealthiest family in the country, because of that, usually everything that he needs have been prepared for him. He even has his own personal butler and maid. But by entering the EDGE Academy, he needs to prepare his things on his own. That proves to be a difficult task for him as he never did it before. As prove, he is already lost in trying to find his dorm on his own.

“Hey there, what are doing here all alone? Why didn’t you go to your dorm like others? You must be tired too.” Yuya looks up only to find the most handsome man he ever seen. Ok, maybe that’s a little exaggerate, but after walking endlessly for an hour and feeling very tired because of it, looking at the angelic face of Yamashita Tomohisa sometimes does that to people.

“Hey, are you ok? Are you lost? That’s ok, don’t be embarrass. I was once like that too. I lost my way when I first come here.” Yamapi tries to coax Tegoshi into talking to him when Tegoshi is unresponsive towards him, only staring at him. Finally Tegoshi slowly nods. Yamapi gives him one of his brilliant smiles.

“Come; let me help you to your dorm.” Yamapi says as he helps Tegoshi on his feet. “Well, which dorms did they put you in?” Yamapi asks. Tegoshi just shows Yamapi the piece of paper that he held in his hand. It seems like Tegoshi is quite speechless in front of Yamapi.

“Ah, so you’re in The Emerald. Well, it’s not that far from here. Come; let me show you the way.” With that, Yamapi leads the dazed Tegoshi to the Emerald.

The first time Tegoshi sees Yamapi that is at the opening ceremony he thought that Yamapi is a very strict and very scary person. But right now, the same scary person that he thought is walking in front of him and he didn’t seem scary at all. In fact, he is very friendly.

“Well, here we are. Welcome to The Emerald. Come on; let me lead you to the Emerald’s dorm head.” Yamapi said as he leads Tegoshi to the Emerald’s common room. Once they arrive, Tegoshi saw his dorm head already there.

“Yoko-sempai, I found one of your pet near my dorm. He looks so lost so I bring him to you.” Yamapi told Yokoyama Yuu, the Emerald’s dorm head. You must be wondering why Yamapi called Tegoshi as Yoko’s pet. Well, the thing is every dorm head will have a special name for their underlings and since Yokoyama is a bit of a joker and a bit perverted, he decided to call his dorm mates, pet. That completely annoyed the hell out of his dorm mates but they can’t do anything about it since it’s the privilege as a dorm head.

“Thank you Pi, I’ll take it from here. Oh, could you tell Takizawa that we’re having a meeting tonight.” Yokoyama says.

“Yes, sure, I’ll tell him.” And with that Yamapi takes his leave.

“He is very nice, isn’t he?” Yoko says to Tegoshi, not really asking. Tegoshi just nods.

“The first time you meet him, you might think that he’s a very serious person and strict. It just he really takes his job very serious. If not he’s actually really is friendly. And we’re kind of spoilt him a little bit, especially his best friends and classmates. Did you know that he’s actually is the same as you?” Tegoshi shook his head, clearly surprise with that information.

“Yeah, we were surprised too when we find out about that. But he really is brilliant. He always get either the first or second place in examination. He always competes with Ueda Tatsuya for that spot. Now, that boy, that Ueda, he is a mystery. No one knows about him except that he is very smart. But don’t worry; he is very friendly although a bit nerd.” Tegoshi could only nods at Yokoyama long explanation.

“Now, let see which one is your room.” Yokoyama says as he opens his book of registration.


Nishikido Ryo or Ryo as his friends calls him enter his room. Once he enters, he sees that there’s already someone at the left side of the room, meaning that his new roommates is already settle down.

Since Ryo didn’t recognize him, he assumes that he must be a new student. Suddenly, the new student looks up and smiles at Ryo. Ryo smiles back.

“Hello, you must be my room mate. I’m Uchi Hiroki.” He says.

“Hi, I’m Nishikido Ryo. I’m a second year student. Welcome to EDGE Academy.” Ryo says, shaking hand with Uchi. He has a feeling that he and his new room mate will become a good friend.


“Yuu, you’re in there?” Tatsuya knocks Yuuichi’s door. Yuuichi opens the door with a big smile on his face. “Tatsuya, I knew you would come. You just can’t live without your best friend, ne?” Yuuichi says teasingly. Fortunately, Koki is busy at the moment and didn't hear what he says.  Tatsuya smacks his shoulder. “Shut up, Yuu. Actually, my roommate wants to see you.” Tatsuya says, while Kazuya hiding behind him.

“Really?!! Where is he? Who is he anyway?” Yuuichi asks. “Hi Yuu-nichan.” Kazuya suddenly appears and greet him.

“Hi, Kazu!” Yuuichi greets absentmindly until he realizes who he greeted. “EHH!! Kazu, you’re Tatsuya’s roommate?” Kazuya nods excitedly at Yuuichi’s shocks tone.

“I am. It’s great, isn’t it? And we’re also in the same dorm, Yuu-ni.” Kazuya says with an excitement like a child.

“Hey, that’s great. Oh, let me introduce you guys with my new roommate. Maybe you will be in the same class as he is, Kazu.” Yuuichi says excitedly as he ushers both Tatsuya and Kazuya in his room.

“Tatsuya, Kazuya meet Tanaka Koki. Koki, this is Tatsuya, my classmate and this is Kazuya, my best friend’s little brother.” Yuuichi introduces them with his new roommate. They shake hand and Tatsuya go to Yuuichi desk to open up one of the can drinks he has.

“Hey, you’re Kamenashi Kazuya, the heir of Kamenashi’s Hotel and Restaurant chain. Well, I heard that your older brother was voted the most beautiful by the magazine. My sister put the poster of him on her wall.” Koki tells Kazuya. Kazuya just simply smile, trying to hide his laughter since his brother is actually in the same room as them. Meanwhile Tatsuya is choked in his drink when he hears that.

“Really?! I’m sure my brother would love to hear that.” Kazuya says in amusement. Tatsuya just glares at his little brother and his best friend who are also trying to hide his laughter.

“It’s too bad that he didn’t go to this academy. I would really like to meet him. I heard he is really brilliant.” Koki says again. Kazuya glances at Tatsuya before saying, “I’m sure you will meet him someday.” And all four of them spend the day talking and chatting with each other.

To be continued…

fanfic : ryoda, ea: the story within

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